Is this correct? Help me debunk this. Does the new tax plan fuck over small businesses?
Is this correct? Help me debunk this. Does the new tax plan fuck over small businesses?
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People who post on this board are retards, you're asking at the wrong place.
doubt it. house reps would never get re-elected if it did what the fake screenshot says...
I have the same feeling. If you make 30k as a contractor, you're failing miserably. 5k in expenses? Looks way too fucking high. But aside for my instinct telling me this is complete horseshit, I have nothing substantial.
call the IRS dumbfuck
How much do you get paid for every post, you autistic shit-stain?
this would be extremely damaging to the economy. I don't think Trump would ever sign shit like this into law. He knows how to run a business.
Uhh no Trump is the best!!
>Does the new tax plan fuck over small businesses?
No, it's actually the lowest tax on small businesses since the 1930's
Alright. I guess I had to take my hand off my dick for a second and look into it.
Previous plan 30k - 5k( expenses )) = 25k with 35% tax = 16.25k
Current plan 30k with 20% tax = 24k
It seems to check out....
How much would one get back from 5k write off?
i call bullshit - Trump axed personal deductions NOT business deductions - some biz run at single digit profit margins - this guy is a fuckwad
lol that's bullshit
Just read for yourself
omg, not 1 thing of what he says is true. liar BTFO
also, this calculator supposedly does it for you,
check it out
Fuck the poor and middle class.
That $1000 difference is what the business owner spends on administrative costs to figure out what he can deduct, and on paying that guy to prepare his taxes for him. Businesses win, the government wins, the only losers are the tax prep middle men whose job is predicated on the system being so complicated only a specialist can do it.
Tbh fuck the poor and middle classes. They should have got rich or been born to wealthy parents.
The working classes were put on this earth by God to WORK ffs.
So, what you're saying it's a bit of a middle ground? I tried to read the bill but it's too legalese for me. Pay more or hire someone to get it lower or pay a bit less and don't fuck with the middle-man?
Thanks for the link, bruh. The doc is a bit over my head and the taxplancalculator thing is for personal tax returns. Nonetheless, thank still.
Here's the truth. Tax law has grown to be so complicated because there are so many powerful motherfuckers fucking with it, and have been for such a long time, that it's bent and warped to suit different special interests. But changing it in any way upsets that balance so it pisses off all those special interests. Everyone is basically going to be paying what they were always paying, probably, and in any event you can't really know what the true effect of a complicated change is until it's been implemented for a while. So all these jews whining about it are #1 afraid of change, #2 staking out their own territory, #3 greedy for more of everyone else's money, or #4 all of the above.
I think that's a given, user. Corps like TurboTax et cetera only benefit from a convoluted tax system. I think that the original plan was a complete reduction and a simple flat tax rate across brackets. But, of course, it had to get convoluted because corporate loyalty is fiscally beneficial to reps. Fuck the people they represent, right? It's exhausting to give a fuck. Maybe I just have to swallow the black pill.
Hey dummies don't you know voting for Drumf is voting against your own interests????
so according to this since i dont own a buisness and never will and don't bother with itemized deductions and my income is 13 thousand a month (yes i know but i live comfortably enough with it) either way it gors i stand to get a larger refund at the end of each year starting with the 2018 rax returns but the 2017 ones eill be the same
am i correct? or wil this effect 2017 returns too?
durr 13 thousand a year
If it's true, it's a good thing. People used this shit to write off large amounts of income by just registering a business. This wasn't helping someone who actually has a business (a contractor making only 30k per year? sure.), it was helping people who sit in traffic for three hours every day to go to their office jobs to avoid paying taxes.
it waa just a simplified example for dumbfucks like you fucking idiot
neck yourself.
are you retarded?
Tax burden goes up
Tax rate goes down
If you were cheating all these years and "writing off" shit you shouldn't have been then well I guess you may end up paying more in tax as you can't use that tax loophole anymore.
If you weren't cheating you should be getting a massive return.
This is a beautiful thing.
No, I read over some of it, it looks like it just lowered the taxable income rate for ALL businesses.
This right here
No more buying miscellaneous shit and writing it off as “business expenses”. Tax rate (which is now lower) applies to the total amount the business brings in. Not as easy to cheat the system and lower demand for retards in original kikebook post. Now you know why he’s against this lol
Drain the fucking swamp
so the average person like me only stands to benefit from this? my taxes are basically insert w2 info get refund will it stay like that for me?
I don't get it. The guy says that the carpenter will now pay his taxes on his $30 000 income. Let's assume it is true. If we suppose that the IRS didn't change, you will indeed pay more. But as the "Corporate tax" is going from 35% to 20%, the carpenter will pay less for the profit of his entreprise. So he won't have to pay more taxes as he is less taxed on the income of his business.
why cant anyone just answer a yes or no question with yes or no?
you should not take your hand off your dick anymore
Because it depends on how much you make you dense knob. We gave you the tool you need to figure it!
Buying shit so you don't have to pay tax.....yeah I'm real upset that he's removing this....
>Youre a fucking white male
>Current plan 30k with 20% tax = 24k
wizard math
Not sure what kind of people are posting here at this point but, if you're interested in this topic and you haven't read this site, you should.
wrong thread, my bad
20% of 30 is 6. 30-6=24, the amount you'd allegedly keep.