Viral syrian turns out to be nazi


>Media uses viral picture of old grandpa in Syrian ruins
>old gramps turns out to be full on Nazi and his salute goes global.

Legendary, and im not even a nazi. Imagine the kike butthurt

I always knew Arabs were /ourguys/



1 post by this ID, seems legit.

Sometimes a real cool motherfucker just simply exists and brightens your day

Source you dumb fucking poldernigger



I like to imagine he came to Sup Forums because he knew we're pro Assad, and left a full on National Socialist.

This is why they're getting destroyed by israel now.
To the winner go the spoils, they sided with the losers and paid the price

Why is that written in Spanish?

Israel is about to get BTFO.

> Syrian
> Writes in Spanish
seems legit.


We did it reddit!

most syrians are nazis who support the ba'athist party

sauce where you nigger

In the picture in the OP?

Wow you're dumb

>tfw /SG/ memed sandniggers into becoming nazis


The second biggest party in Syria is the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, it's pretty blatant.


and yet nazi LARPers are against him


>legimate reason for Israel to act in syria after isis failed
>kikes will be butthurt
Yeah, they will tell you so.

We dont read spanish, neither do syrians.

>Si te dicen que he muerto, desconfia
>If they tell you that I have died, distrust

Are Syrian grandpas, dare I say, /ourguys/?

Thanks for the translation.

>neither do syrians.
Did you miss the arab writing to the right?