Chinese guys were attacked by the Japanese
They are in the hospital now.
This incident is spreading in China.
Japan will be blamed in the world soon!!
Chinese guys were attacked by the Japanese
They are in the hospital now.
This incident is spreading in China.
Japan will be blamed in the world soon!!
Why should we need a fuck about that?
look more like mongolians
based nips
LOL watch the RT Yakuza program
>this use a good neighbourhood
>its not safe anymore since the chinese and others moved in
fucking based japan
Japanese evils were ignored in the West.
Who cares, they're in their country.
If you do not like how the Japanese are treating you in Japan, fuck off back to your shithole.
fuck yeah, nips doing great work once again, ALL HAIL THE RISING SUN
Imperial japan 2.0 when?
Japs btfo commies? Good! Thanks based Japan.
We have to protect our nips.
Do chinks and Korean immigrants really make neighbourhoods unsafe?
I just can't imagine that
Shouldn't have been in Japan.
>Do chinks and Korean immigrants really make neighbourhoods unsafe?
I lived there enough to assure you of that.
Chinks that live in western Europe (I lived there too) are not the same as those living in Asia and having Chinese/Korean values.
In Europe they fled a shitty country and are humble. In Asia they're disgusting animals and do not care about their host countries.
ive been to asia and its pretty fucking safe. caught trains at like 11:30pm and they were packed. he didnt like them because they weren't japanese
Consider the levels that Japs operate at and then the levels that chinks operate at.
It's similar to how nowadays few could imagine Irish immigrants making neighbourhoods unsafe (unless they're pikeys) but back when America didn't have issues with niggers and spics, this was the perception of Irish immigrants.
God bless you faggots.
How about you fuck off out of Japan you ching chong gong rong long tong king kong wing wong ding dong sub humans
Back to drawing my cartoon porn
good job Japan
Good, mainlanders are an eyesore. I never tell anyone in japan that I'm chinese nor do I ever speak a word of ching chong to anybody.
Trump and Xi are the best friends.
His grandchildren speak Chinese well.
He hate Jap. Remember Pearl Harbor.
I have been to Japan several times and from observing chinese people in Japan Iam 100% sure the following applies to this incident:
1.) the chinese behaved like absolut subhumans
2.) the chinese deserved this beating
Chinese are the asian niggers. They are absolut subhuman trash.
Thread theme;
Fuck China!
>implying anyone gives a fuck about the lives of chineese
lol no, and especially not their government.
>chinese don't give two shits about fellow countrymen and walk past them when they're hurt
>yet the very moment some chink is fucked up on a foreign country they go apeshit
>Nippon banzai!
lel is he drunk or something?
The Chinaman was probably shitting and spitting on the train. Based Japs put a deserved beating on him
wow, it's almost as if the chinese are niggers
>the virgin chink
>the chad nippon
Unfff thocker
Ni Hao! It's anotha Nanking!
the fact that even the most crazy bad japs such as the yakuza still obey the basic manors used on the train goes to show those chinks must of done something very bad to make a based nip beat them on the train
This is what happens when a country doesn't have SJWs, the online mob just focuses on other stupid bullshit to get mad about.
Reminder that Chinese are the blacks of Japan.
Nah, niggers are the niggers of Japan. Chinese are there just to work and overstay their visas, which is a crime.
>Crimes includes murder, rape, arson, kidnapping, robbery, thefts (car, purse, wallets...), etc.
>Offences are visa overstaying, drug use, illegal weapon possession, speeding, prostitution, etc.
Wow. I didn't know it was this bad.
Why do you hate eachother?
Similar languages
Same skin color.
Same hair color.
Same eye shape
I'm amazed by the fact that they could tell the guy was Chinese and not Japanese.
based Nips
>similar language
It's like saying English and Russian and Greek is similar languages.
>same skin/hair/eyes
Kind of like asking why do whites hate Jews or Muslims
I always thought that Japs hated white people but the impression I'm forming is that 99% of their xenophobia is that they fucking hate Koreans
I don't think whites really register on their national consciousness when it comes to racism. There's no room for much else when you hate Koreans as much as the Japanese do
They're not, though. Japan has significant Ainu DNA as seen by the frequency of the D2 haplogroup.
English russian greek arent similar. Even from someone from ooga booga country can hear different accents.
Meanwhile chink or nips languages sounds like when a retarded cat is meowing.
Hey look, it's the Keihin Tohoku line. I use that line every day when I commute to work.
Why are those Chinese sitting in the priority seats for elderly and handicapped people? (Notice the yellow)
did he die?
Probably because there's so few.
I wonder what he did
why czechs hate polish, germans and russians?
quite easy to tell when you know what to look for
language is totally different
Before I came to Japan, I thought pretty much the same way. I had absolutely no bad feelings towards Chinese people. In fact, most I had met back in America were fine.
Sadly, when China sends its people to Japan, it's not sending its best people. The Chinese I met in America were the top 1% of their society - the rich and highly educated.
The vast majority of Chinese - close to 90% - are basically savages. They stick out like a sore thumb when they come to Japan because they are loud, rude, and stupid.
You must be a nigger yourself. Always excusing their behaviour. This means out of the very few nogs that are in Japan most of them are violent criminals, wow really made me think.
I remember when I visited Tokyo there was a bunch of people surroudning someone with a megaphone and placards outside of a train station and my friend told me it was some kind of little nationalist rally. I gave one of the guys in the crowd a thumbs up and he shot it back with a smile. This same friend would complain whenever one of the cashiers at a convenience store was Chinese which was near 99% of the time and when we were going through some shopping centre there was a whole herd of chinks literally screaming at each other across the building and even the road outside.
>Chinese declare themselves rulers of the world
>everyone starts attacking them
>beating soulless chinese
I don't see anything wrong here.
the smart chinese would get out of china early, and they are fine
but the tourist waves over the past decade have been the average rural chinese, and they're everywhere now
>28,000 Africans commit more crime than 1.1 Million burgers and kangaroos
loving each laugh
Welcome to Japanese porn.
t. the eternal butt-hurt chink
wew holy christ
>Meanwhile chink or nips languages sounds like when a retarded cat is meowing.
No, they sound very different because Chinese is tonal so the pitch bends on every single syllable and breaks any flow, whereas Japanese is atonal, so pitch only changes in the same way as in English*, and vowel sounds can merge and reduce.
* eg: hot cakes rises in pitch on the second syllable
>killing chinks
pick one
He is clearly being sarcastic, dumb nip.
I was extremely painful.
He's a big guy (by surface area)
but the Yakuza are disproportionately ethnic Korean, so a Korean may well have provoked an international incident between Japan and China
Sorry but I don't speak jungle ape. Could you try again in a human language please?
The Jews fear the samurai!
Far better thread theme.
Jungle ape? Retard, portuguese is an european language.
You can say shit about my country and etc, but don't talk about our language, dumb island chink.
>one nip vs two chinaman
Those Chinese guys were so weak.
>posting an Argentinean
200.01% you fucked up
I hadn't heard about this yet. It's shocking. Usually, Japanese people are pretty well-behaved, especially in other countries. I suppose there are always going to be some bad eggs, though.
Chinese and Japanese are in fact MORE different than Russian and Greek, because the latter two are obviously and indisputably related as Indo-European languages. while it is clear, in other words, that Bengali and Welsh are from the same language stock, there is no retrievable evidence of common origin between Japanese and Sinitic, no more than between English and Nilo-Saharan
Chinks are insects. Japs have genetic level understanding of this.
About time they stopped being herbivores and got their chink-wreckin' dicks hard again.
Chinese water is literally sewage and their food is literally plastic.
>portuguese is an european language.
you can teach a parrot to squawk like a modem but it won't connect to the internet
japanese people are well behaved. the chinks mustve done something to provoke.
watashi no kyoukai
xiao lu min hao sing
naseoong unjae anjae
you are just a retard
I'm not even sure if this is solid banter or pure retardation at this point. Walking the line here
well maybe it could complete the handshake and establish a PPP connection but try sticking an Ethernet cable in its ass and you're joug to end up with an RJ-45 covered in blood and bird shit and possibly lose a finger
jp/cn are closer. genes and language don't correlate very closely
asians have had a very narro genetic profile for 6k years or so. the jp/kr family is the result of tiny amounts of interbreeding ith jomon people that got diluted by chinese migrants they remain very very close to chinese
greeks have NEVER been close and got further from russians after hte turk rapes
WTF?Americans has lower crime rate than Brit?
this stats must be false or fake.
entirely possible. britain is 14% muslim, america is 13% black
Most murricans in Japan are probably those in military. Meaning they have strict rules, and they can only be in certain areas; can't do many crimes. Yet they have drunk drived some people to death recently, but still rare overall.
I mean, I'm really trying to understand you but it is really tough with the smell of bananas and shit on your breath. Why don't you go brush your teeth with a log or something and then come back?
He's talking about language families; almost everything from Western Europe to India is a descendant of the Indo-European language, but the Japonic language family appears to be related to absolutely nothing outside of Japan.