What's the most boring anime you've ever seen?

What's the most boring anime you've ever seen?

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OP's favourite anime

Giant Robo.

The most dull steaming pile of shit I have ever seen. I am amazed that people say that this idiotic thing is popular.



Sorry for not conforming to herd mentality Sempai.

>borderline nonstop action and drama
I find your opinion hard to understand.

I found Full Metal Panic to be extremely boring. I thought it was fun at first when the guy had to hide his identity but it really went to shit when the girl found out he was an undercover military guy. Apparently the KyoAni stuff is much better? Still I wouldn't want to watch those since the first season was so off-putting. I don't get why that series is so revered here.

serial experiment lain


Flying Witch, and i loved it.

K-On or Erased.



You are easily impressed.

Fumoffu still holds up for me, but the anime as a whole suffers from not having a real ending.

>Hey, I'm immortal!

What were they even thinking with this shit?
That belltower episode was pretty feelsy though

Code Geass. 100% serious. I slogged through the entire first season just to say I'd finished it. Was rarely entertained, thought constantly about other stuff I should be doing, what else I could be watching, how much time was left in each episode. Makes me sad that I didn't enjoy it because the season 3 threads are probably going to be amazing.

Izayo Izayuukan

Nigga please, CG is the most entertaining trainwreck ever, especially R2.

yeah it helps if you actually watch it

Oh god, I'd forgotten it even existed!
Oh it was so bad...

Strike witches.

That looks pretty cool actually.



I get the feeling it might have been more impressive when the idea of the modern internet was closer to science fiction than reality, but as of now it's boring.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes.



Dragon Ball Z.

There were some episodes, where from beginning to end, nothing happened except that characters stood around in the middle of the fight and talked about what they were going to next episode.

And Toonami had that shit on all the fucking time when I was growing up, it was horrible.

Endless Eight.

Dragon Ball
In a medium in which facial expressions are limitless and serve to solidify a character in the viewer's mind, Dragon Ball has been boring since the 80's. Anime mostly evolved past that point, but not Dragon Ball.

Off the top of my head, Aria.
Loved the manga though.

Also this. Imagawa is already hard to swallow in standard 20 minute episodes, but a full straight hour? Fuck that.

Haruhi in general is fucking boring shit.

I like the original series but yeah Z is overrated as fuck and the very definition of nostalgia goggles.

These, dropped those real fast.

Lucky star.
I've legit watched paint dry and would still prefer that.

Hyouka is the obvious choice, but I'll go with Haibane Renmei. Although I enjoyed it, it drags hard after episode 6 or so.

I remember a time when this was considered the funniest show ever. And yes I hated it even back then, and I love SoL shows like Azumanga.


Neon Genesis Evangelion.
>muh 2deep4u

Another was 11/10 if you watched it with Sup Forums when it was airing.

The original series is damn slow, these elevator scenes.

Geass can be called a lot of things, but boring is not one of them.

Came here to post this.

Probably Dominion Tank Police

Kickass OP but found it an absolute slog to watch

Fumoffu is great and it's just a comedy.

FMP is still decent, there's something really wrong with you if that was the most boring anime you've seen

watch Texhnolyze OP

Sky Girls. That shit should have been 1 cour, it was slow and padded as fuck.


Actually pretty much anything made by Kyoani would put me to sleep. When will people realize Highschool SoL's are boring and cliched as fuck?

Shinsekai Yori
I watched 3 episodes and it just didn't click you know

Some show about highschool girls becoming space pirates. Literally fell asleep.

>3 episodes

I have never watched this but that lightning strike is bullshit considering the topography of the surrounding rocks.

how much should I watch senpai

episode 7 or 8 to get the memes at least

Till the gay shit.

it picks up after you're halfway through. by a lot


This. Manages to put me to sleep even when every character is interesting (sans MC of course)

moribito of course, it literally would have been better if it were 7 episodes

At least until the twist. I don't remember exactly what episode it happens maybe 5 or 6 or some shit but the world practically turns upside down. You'll probably know it when you see it and if you're still uninterested then go ahead and stop. The show never really maintains a tremendous amount of momentum. I think the show has more of a slow creepy feeling rather than a thriller so keep that in mind as well.

Shin Sekai Yori

Kyo-ani SOL

Meant for

Lucky Star
Non non Biyori
All of it is boring couldn't get past the third episode on any of them

Oh well. Great opening though.

It can get sloggish at times

same desu senpai

Favorite anime OPs. The anime can be good or terrible, so long as the OP is good.

wow, I'm fucking autistic, I was trying to make a thread, fucking kill me

That's pretty gay desu, not to mention completely contrasts with the grimdark brooding nature of the series (unless maybe that was the point)

Pic extremely fucking unrelated.

Haibane dragging after episode 6 or so? Stop doing crack, it's for your own good.


Why do you feel the need to mention Lain if it's unrelated? Just admit that it's boring, pretentious shit.

but did you finished it?

FLCL, biggest dissapointment holy fucking shit.


I can accept chaotic or pretentious but not that

Yes I have. While I appreciated the big twist regarding "the Sun named Moon" it wasn't worth sitting through 20 episodes of absolutely nothing. This show really should have been just one cour, and even then it would probably still feel twice as long.

(Dotted line)

tenjou tenge

Before I could determine what was a good or bad anime from the seasonal charts, I picked up Zetman because it seemed cool.

Worst decision of my life.

Durarara I felt was pretty shitty.

I only watched the first season and a few of season two, but I really couldn't stand it.

It's a 17 year old show at this point so it's probably not nearly as stylistically interesting as it was back then, but holy shit it was fucking mind blowing when it first came out.

Kara no Kyoukai


This. It's just painful to watch.

First 12 episode of SAO. I don't know if it get better or not but i dropped it

I second this. I remember getting the box set many many years ago on super sale, and didn't make it far into it. So fucking boring.

Divergence Eve

Well shit, I'm just about to start watching this.

Don't worry it didn't.

watch it, that guy's full of shit

Fate/stay night: UBW
Absolute trash.

It's been a long day, I don't want to get into an Internet fight.

Please just stop

My god, I finally found someone who agrees with me!

This. Watched it last week and it was pretty good.

>disliking post KyoAni's magnum opus

Lucky Star, I barely finished the first episode.

Good thing KyoAni is saved thanks to Violet Ever Garden!

