Is dating an asian the most beta thing you can do as a white man?
Is dating an asian the most beta thing you can do as a white man?
Isn't the new France president an Islam apologiest?
Nothing wrong with cucking short feminine tiny dicked gook men. You asian guys are pathetic
yes, right before posting threads like this on Sup Forums
75% of the time yes
It would be better to hang out with a pillow. At least there will be no rodgers and other mutt then.
Look, the guy in OPs pic isnt that attractive. His options of white women are either super fucking fat, or being alone. He chose option 3; a somewhat cute Asian woman. Good for him.
>Nothing wrong with beating up a paralyzed cripple. You wheelchair guys are pathetic
Never go SEA. Those are literally the niggers of Asia, and fucking gross.
Uhh love knows no race u racist
Idk. Never tried. Got a qt3.14 white rn. Doing well. Sounds like you can’t say the same. Sage.
White women are disappointment, Mating with Asians are the only solution
Japanese or Chinese is fine. Usually babies turn out White looking with slight asian features. Plus IQ is most likely going to be high for the offspring. Anything other than those 2 races is debateable.
>inb4 im told im wrong... on fucking Sup Forums
Taking other countries' women for yourself isn't exactly beta. If you somehow managed to find an excellent woman from a different country who is superior to your local options, good for you.
Resorting to desperate foreign women because you're too incompetent to nail a decent woman, now that's beta.
are you ok with making love to animals yet, or are you guys still latent bigots?
>White man's vacation is Asia
Metokur does, so probably.
If you can nail some k-pop or j-pop stunner who does the V fingers pout, and lets you dominate her, sure. But that never happens, its always some dumpy mid-tier jap who beats the shit out of their gaijin for that free trip to the land of the free.
Note that 90% of the guys in the relationship are pure soy/nu-males. The dink in the op isn't even a 5/10.
These women are ugly.
I saw more attractive women here in the last week and all of them gave me attention. Like straight up fuck me eyes and everything.
Look at that guy. He is a 6 or 7 at best.
I have a networth of 0.03 bitcoin
How do I move to asia on that?
Asian women have 0 personality. They're mostly boring drones. Good luck finding one that doesn't follow the stereotypical mold.
Basically, yes.
Credit to him that he managed to land one of the rare naturally attractive asians.
old as fuck pasta damn OP
getting to date Asians was always looked at as a high status symbol in my social circles
You mean your human trafficking circles? Get necked you fucking subhuman.
Half asian kids always look like they have downs. And weird fishy lips usually.
Unironically yes. Any racemixer in general is a pathetic excuse for a human being but racemixers whose relationships are predicated on fetishism or worship or desperation are human scum. You KNOW they're together just because they were the first available person to each other. Sad.
Hapa kids are generally considered very cute and desirable by Asian women
Holy fuck, no way! Asian girl at my workplace is HOT AS!
The world laughs at white sexpat English teachers
Sure thing Chang
OP is obviously projecting their beta ness by making this thread.
sage you pathetic virgin
That fuck my shit up stare from the beta in the bottom center image is priceless.
Otherwise, shit divide 'n' conquer thread.
yes, it is
Is dating a latina gf as a white man CHAD? They are more hot tempered than whites.
24, never had a gf.
I lift, work out and work full time.
Should I seriously use online dating to get an Asian gf? I want kids and a family.
Before you decide on kids and a family. Smash as much gish as humanly possible. I did, now married with 2 kids i feel completely fulfilled. I have never and would never cheat on my Wife. But my friends, who did not fuck at least 100 girls feel like they missed out and are married cheaters, a couple going through divorces. Go on sex vacations, honestly, whatever it takes. Do not settle unless you fuck a ton of sloots.
its only beta if you dont stretch her chink cunt so that little asian pepes cant enjoy them anymore
Latinas are even more out of the league of betas, but not because they have higher standard. They have practically not standards for wealth and social status, but they expect masculinity, and guess what Asian dating betas lack? I mean I'd understand if it was a hump and dump, but actually marrying and raising kids? Yeah, you're laughing it up about how tiny dicked, and ugly Asian manlets are. But, what are you going to tell your son when he's getting laughed at in high school before who shoots up the place?
Male happas just don't succeed in the west, this is a fact. If you want to raise a happa son, he'll only find success in an Asian majority country.