Hey guys how's it going I'm the new Mass Produced Eva, just here for The Thir-

Hey guys how's it going I'm the new Mass Produced Eva, just here for The Thir-

what do you want

this is the 13th eva thread today



this was the best scene in the entire show and shinji still ruined it by watching asuka do 9v1 and then get fucking murdered

asuka may be worst girl but she's a less hateable character than shinji

But she's my kind of worst. Wouldn't mind being hated by her.

I always loved how creepy and weird-looking these things were

I guess it depends on your taste

asuka is untameable but shinji should have killed himself immediately after episode 24

Pretty sure they were supposed to represent vultures or owls.
They got it down to a fucking tee, especially when they start eating Unit 02.

Have you ever seen a bird like an owl or vulture eat? It's downright terrifying. I remember seeing this one gif of an owl swallowing a giant rat whole, the way it bobbed it's head is oddly scary.

Oh shit I found it guuuuuh

>retards, one in every family

I wonder if they'll bring in the MP Evas in 3.0+1.0, its the one thing Asuka truly fears. Asuka was completely butchered by them.

They were in the preview but they looked way less menacing.
Though at this point the previews for Rebuilds shouldn't be taken as an accurate representation of what's to come.

Considering why its taking so long, everything is subject to change.

>you will never watch an anime about nasty barn owl street gangs
why even live

I just finished Eva last night. Haven't started the rebirth of Eva stuff. Any advice?

is there any reason to actually watch it instead of just going right into EoE?

>rebirth of Eva
If you are referring to Death and Rebirth, then I recommend toy skip it. Its 30 minutes of disorganized recap of NGE, then the first 30 minutes of End of Eva.

If you haven't seen End of Eva, then do watch it.

>If you haven't seen End of Eva, then do watch it.
Im refering to EOE.

No, I've seen that. It was amazing. At least to me, I don't watch anime often at all. I meant there is some kind of Evangelion reboot? With like 3 episodes so far or something. I'm not clear on it.

I don't think its canon considering that the canon resolution to literally everything can be boiled down to "everyone died the end"

What isn't canon? The End of Evangelion or the final episode in the animated TV series? Both were good in their own way in my opinion. I definitely prefer EOE, but the final episode of Eva was nicely done.

I still keep thinking about Eva and want to watch those 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 or whatever the fuck they're called things.

Watch End of Eva, Death/Rebirth really don't matter because it's just a recap/first half of Eva, respectively.

Finish EoE, then digest it for a day or so, however long, then go read up the lore from the video game, specifically anything involving the "FAR."

Then feel free to check out the spin-off stuff if you want some more lighthearted eva stuff, or go right to the Eva movies if you want to see where it goes from there, when you finish the movies look up the fan theory surrounding it.

There's only two spinoff things that even come close to being canon, the Eva fighting game that gives the FAR info and the "Girlfriend of Steel" game that had Anno's involvement. The only stuff worthwhile, spinoff wise, is Girlfriend of Steel, the lore from the fighting game, the official manga (Basically Evangelion, but Manga Shinji is a bit less of a pussy) and the Raising Project manga (Basically "What if Eva was a harem comedy and Gendo was a cool dad?")

Fanfiction is almost universally bad, I'd recommend "Shinji and 40K," but I get that even that's a little bullshit and only really worth it if you have run out of other things Evawise.

It's going to be fucking strange. That's a good thing. Mana Kirishima is best girl.

3 movies with a 4th to come on whenever, people are pretty mixed on it and the first one pretty much follows the frist 6 or so episodes of the series with some changes like the water being all red, after that they take a new route

eva rebuild probably isn't canon

OH. Thank you for clarification!

I appreciate your very detailed response! Thank you!

So some new Evangelion stuff to watch. I'm okay with that! Thank you for explaining it in simple terms.

You're welcome, I feel like I need to for you to really get what's going on.

Some people are idiots and throw someone into Eva with no warning about anything except to watch EoE after, that just doesn't give enough stuff for people to really understand how good Eva really is, or what else it has to offer.

Anno probably has no idea how to end it. At least in grandious manner that could surpass EoE or at least make it good.
Oh well, I guess the rebuilds might end up being the Half life 3 of anime

Wait, So hold on a second.
How did the Mass Eva's get back up after Asuka fucking destroyed all of them?

SEELE has successfully developed artificial S2 engines after the incident with EVA-04. Since Asuka didn't destroy their cores they were able to regenerate or at least keep moving.

>Half-Life 3 of anime

Kek, that's what I was thinking too. If I'm honest, 4.0 has a greater chance to come out than HL3. The anticipation of HL3 being nothing but elder god tier of PC FPS. The way it looks now is that Valve either has no idea or they just lost interest in it since they make make money on steam.

Gainax and Anno doesn't have that excuse, so its their baby. They could always reboot the series again after how poorly 2.22 and 3.33 were.

They had S2 engines that both gave them infinite energy and the ability to regenerate.

I will never know why they continue to put Kaworu in the promo pics.

>literally on in one episode
>gets killed off like canon fodder every time


Me too.

the promo pics make zero sense anyway

rei is literally a robot clone and kaworu was the last angel, and asuka hates shinji with every last fiber of her being for being such a bitch

Because Kaworu is a fucking god-tier character to fanwank with. Not actually a god-tier character, but perfect to make fanfic and fanwank about.

>Looks human
>Is kind of gay
>As powerful as Rei
>Soul of a God inside him
>makes moral speeches

Dumbasses love making him into something grand.

>Shinji looking worried
>Rei being emotional
>Asuka with cross popping veins
>Fucking Kaworu

Fucking this.
I'm actually interested in how they're going to do the parts in 3.0 + 1.0, and how Mari is going to factor into this. Do we get a better ending? Do we somehow fucking stop Instrumentality? Does Rei fuck off and die already? God knows! Because somewhere in the world someone is about to fuck up!

Threadly reminder that 4.0 is gonna save anime, show you that 3.0 made total sense and was a masterpiece in its own right, and that all you unbelievers will be BTFO.

3.0 is shit and will always be shit

The only redeeming value is that it definitely does feel like the Kom, Susser Tod runtime of End of Eva, in that I only understood about half of what was going on at any time and didn't get why so much fucking symbolism was going on.

3.0 always made total sense, it's just that it was crap despite making total sense.

3.0 butchered Asuka and Misato's character, big league. It will take a miracle to pull off.

Because he's one of the most important characters of the series even if he only appears in one episode.

>Feels like the second best scene of NGE
Choose one.

Your autocorrect turned "developed" into "butchered" for some reason, mobileposter.

But how can it be crap if it's great?

It was so shit - I can't tell it apart from Eureka half of the time.
Wait. that's X-amd, right?
Oh, that's just shitty Eva.

>Your autocorrect turned "developed" into "butchered" for some reason, mobileposter.

Developed in as make them shit? Asuka and Misato should never ever be anti heroes or villains. That's just lazy writing.

>anti heroes or villains

You should probably watch the movie. How are they ever portrayed this way?

Teary-eyed Misato unable to kill Shinji even to prevent the Third/Fourth Impact is a villain?

Asuka that is literally just trying to protect humanity from NERV is a villain?

Look how Misato and Asuka treat Shinji, the hero and main character of EVA.

They are no longer the deueragonists.

How do go from Asuka cooking a romantic dinner for Shinji, to wanting to kill him 14 years later?

bravo anno

>but shinji should have killed himself immediately after episode 24
He tried to by drowning himself. As you see at the beginning of EoE.

Because he's the third most popular character after Rei and Asuka.

Shinji did cause the end of the world desu.

The world was already ended before that, though.

At this point Asuka and Misato are anti heroes.

Looks like Audrey II.

>Valve lost interest
They counted hours people spent playing and re-playing HL2 Episode 1,2 and decided to make hats for TF2 instead.


>it's another "faggots who have seen less than 10 mecha anime laud the MP design when it's just a Giger rip-off" thread

No, not at all. The world is way farther down in the shitter in 3.0 than at the beginning of 2.0, Japan is at the very least.

I don't see how they are anti-heroes, at all. What do they do that's immoral, or cruel or reprehensible? They're just doing their best to prevent Shinji from causing another Impact.



>coolest mech design in the entire series
>only give it like fifteen minutes of screen time
What the fuck anno

When do you go back to school?

>It's another "faggot who has been alive for less than 500 years laud mecha designs when it's just a humanoid rip-off" thread.

>How do go from Asuka cooking a romantic dinner for Shinji

These things were one of the best parts of the film


That's a real uninspired shitpost. Enjoy the ban, anyway.


>Yer a wizard, HarrSKRRREEEEEEEE

>coolest mech design in the entire rebuild
>only give it like fifteen seconds of screen time
What the fuck anno

Well they are trying to kill the main character, Shinji is the messiah figure in Evangelion.

When Asuka caught Shinji spending time with Ayanami, Asuka got mad, went home and ecided to cook dinner for Shinji. Misato got home and teased Asuka about it "getting romantic already?"


Not unless he's secretly SEELE-01. 2.22 ended with Eva-1 and Lilith both speared and inert.

>Ritsuko lost to the fucking Lance of Longinus

Beautiful. No wonder Gendo dropped her for a younger model.

The point is go away, you don't look more intelligent because you know older anime nor because you hate everything.

You're literally excusing newfaggotry. Fuck off and enjoy your ban, you cumsnorting millenial shit.

So scientists and engineers working for SEELE build those fucking things? I imagine their faces while creating those monstrosities but they were probably executed by a SEELE secret police when they finished so there wan't a risk of anybody whistle-blowing why isn't Eva lore that detailed?

awww I've only spent a week here and I can already tell the regulars apart

>I'm being new and NO ONE can stop me
Sounds like rebbit's more your speed there, sprout.

You know by acting like a child you're not giving your argument any fortification, yeah?

When the hell did they try to kill Shinji? They had no choice but to fight when he and Kaworu were spearing each other, but killing Shinji was never their objective. They just want to prevent the extinction of humanity.

We don't know what happened during the timeskip, but at the end of 2.0, for an external observer, Shinji ran into the angel, defeated it, and started the Near-Third Impact for no good reason.

Also, the reason Misato is so bitter and hardened in 3.0, while still wanting to protect Shinji is that she feels some responsability for the Near-Impact, since she urged Shinji on while he was running to save Ayanami.

Just what you'd expect from the master.

Stop announcing you retarded reports you fucking newfag, it's against the rules as well.

No he didn't, Kaworu stopped third impact in 2.0. I have no idea why all of the characters are pretending as if Shinji caused the current state of the world.

You know by cellphone samefagging you're not giving your whining any validation, yeah? Fuck ioff and die, newshit. Go do your homework.

>4th to come on whenever
sooner than you think

>annoucning reports
Except I merely said for him to enjoy a ban, you flagrant fuckboy. Same as saying a post is bannable, doesn't mean you reported them.
>I'm posting Gunbuster for oldfag cred because it's Anno related
Lurk for 5years and fuck off with your reddit, spacing, shitfiend.

>when the hell
Pretty sure you don't belong here at all, newfriend. Your mannerisms stick out like a sore anus. Don't you have some reddit forum to be browsing?

Also it doesn't make much sense why they just made Asuka mad at Shinji because he didn't stop his UNIT-01 from crushing her. So she's pissed that Shinji purposely tried to kill her

jesus, I hope 4.0 never comes out. they've destroyed these characters big time.

You sure are hostile because I won't praise you for recognizing that things in anime are not always original.

>muh praise
I'm saying the MPs a shit, your joke is unfunny, the image you posted is bannable, and that you really should head to bed early for school tomorrow.

I can't blame him for being upset at some frolicking newfuck who actively disdains watching older works and is derailing the thread. Not that Eva threads are usually good anyhow.

We don't know how much of an impact (heh) the Near Third Impact had, seemed like it managed to do some damage. And it's likely that the actual Third Impact happened during the timeskip, and we don't know the circumstances of this either. Shinji might have gone berserk again and caused it as well.

I didn't choose that for """"""""""oldfag cred"""""""""" you sperglord, I chose it cuz I typed the filename in my folder.

Also look I can post pictures of mediocre old-ass anime too, look at my oldfag cred.

She's not mad at him, she's just being her usual tsundere. Look at her face when Unit-01 saves her at the beginning, and how Mari teases her about still feeling for the Shinji. Also she holds his hand at the end of the movie.

They're so good. They look like eyeless clown monsters.

Alright I'll duck out, I don't wanna piss you off anymore. I was trying to be witty at first but your reaction was toxic as hell. See you!

She doesn't hold his hand, she drags his wrist

why did Eva 01 let the mass produced evas grab it and fly it up? It just stood still and let everything happen

because shinji was being a bitch and didn''t do anything until it was too late