Best boy edition
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Kill yourself, cancer.
Relax bud, I'm not the real Naranciafag.
I just appreciate a good boy when I see one.
>Distorted bass
Jobin's a good boy.
Speed King's a shit.
Cannot unsee
But it's a better song than Highway Star
Why is King Crimson always mad, Sup Forums?
I actually like Highway Star a lot more, Speed King sounds like shit imo
Because he has a tumor on his forehead
Because Diavolo is always mad.
>It was his hat, Josuke! He was Number One!
Oh I wasn't being serious user.
I liked Highway Star from Elite Beat Agents and was kinda saddened when Speed King sounded kinda eh.
>People seriously think flashbackman isn't Joubin without his hairclip
Is this a meme or are there really people this stupid out there
Blame Araki's sameface syndrome.
Did flashback man come before or after Jobin's redesign?
Who looks the same in part 8?
Totally plausible theory, but where the fuck did Joubin get his weird-ass face lines from?
Flashback man was during Fun Fun Fun
What was your reaction to this?
Most satisfyingly-drawn death imo
Literal perfection.
doppio gets me uppoio
Tbqh Gappy looks a bit like Kira
I assume they're scars from something cutting him along the face. Probably a Stando's claws or something like that.
He's actually gotten over it in the past few years. All the new characters introduced since Aishou have unique faces and background characters are all wildly different looking again.
For the guy who made this face at one point, Gappy is super brutal when he wants to be.
Unfortunately I got it spoiled for me and didn't get to witness the panel for the first time while reading, it is still an awesome death though. I think I enjoyed the panel with Hato's heel going through his throat a bit more though.
That original background Jobin was in the final Fun Fun Fun chapter, just one chapter after flashback man.
Is Paper Moon King's ability Araki parodying himself?
They look like the origami folds that you get from the Rock Disease.
Diavolo makes me gush!
Diavolo makes my heart stop!
I'll be honest Paper Moon King had me laughing my ass off, that face was just too funny
Why didn't we get Kamikaze Douga openings this time?
Why don't you own one yet, /jojo/?
>post YFW this panel gets colored
I do own one though
Hmm. That's interesting
Considering in only took 10 pages (if a flash back car journey) to write Jobin on a bus and redesign him it could be possible.
Considering Araki took far on in re-revealing Jobin (considering older Tsurugi had already appeared on the tree page while Jobin is just HJ ). I'm still a little hesitant. But nothing stopping from retroactively turning Jobin into flashback man and sitting smugly back like the fucking fried chicken song
Quads confirm.
pictures would be nice too
Fuck you user I'm laying in bed I'm not gonna get up just to take a picture of my Joseph mousepad and post it online fuck you god what the fuck do you think I am your maid fuck jesus
Because they're working on their own project and need all hands on deck for it so they aren't accepting job offers from other companies for the time being.
Nothing for Josuke.
C'mon he is obviously the best
>That cheap-ass halloween costume
God I hope he doesn't wear that shit in the actual movie, it looks like a terrible half-assed cosplay
this picture fucking disgusts me
>Bloody stone
>Bloody stream
what is this duwang tier outfit
Hit me with your biggest spoiler
Giorno Giovanna dies.
jolyne is a girl
Darth Vader is Luke's father
Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time
DIO possesses Giorno and uses him to take over a gang in Italy to rebuild his empire
delet this
>that scene
I'll never forgive Bruno for betraying Giorno. His role was over after defeating Diavolo?! My ass. Bruno just wanted Passione for himself.
Giorno is a homosexual
Joseph Joestar dies
not until DIO brings him back.
Pucci is cute
More than likely he will since this is the official teaser poster.
Remember Leto Joker?
Am I the only one who thinks Josuke and Yasuo's relationship seems forced? It feels like it happened way to quickly.
Sort of.
Besides, we all know who truly deserves Yashuo.
What is forced about it?
Normally I would 100% agree with you, but Yasuho has a shitty home life and she's a very naturally curious person. She ended up finding Josuke and her curiosity just kept enticing her to continue following him and trying to help him find out his identity. By that point she was just along for the rest of the ride since she'd already devoted so much time to him, and their friendship sort of just grew from that.
Don't worry, Araki will reverse the wall eyes situation with Gappy reverting him back to Josefumi and Kira. Then and only then will we have some sweet killer soft and wet queen action.
Yeah but Yasuho has issues of her own with intimacy based on how her mother treats her and her projecting onto him to help find her own identity, and Josuke literally has no other life experience. It's not exactly a healthy relationship but it seems like Araki is setting it up to be a major development point for the both of them, their relationship isn't going to just stay like this.
Joshuu is best boy.
Yasuho's mom is the main villain
joshuu is the worst character in jojo
The wasabi in Kira's pantry is the main villain
>>Gappy reverting him back to Josefumi and Kira.
What if the final battle, after the main villain battle, is Josefumi and Kira against King Crimson? That'd be nice.
A lot of the non-familial relationships in JoJolion seem forced
>Daiya obsessively goes after Josuke's cock, stops being a character after that
>Joshu utterly loathes Josuke and fucks up his friendship with Yasuho (why were they even friends) because of his stupidity over it
>Dad Higashikata was shady as fuck at first but almost the next chapter had him opening up to Josuke and being pretty solidly great from there on
Get the fuck out.
Yeah, thank god DIO saves him with his healing powers.
I'll never take him seriously with a haircut like that. He should've been the one who gets mad about it, not Josuke.
Narancia guzzles Fugo's cum
Get this slanderous horseshit out of here, Bruno didn't betray dick. Giorno was the one who let his ambition turn him into a prick, Bruno was the voice of reason acting in the best interests of his men that Giorno was prepared to sacrifice for 'muh dream'.
Wow thanks, faggot. I was just getting to that part. Why are manga readers so rude?
>Gappy will revert back to Josefumi and Kira
>Josefumi will retain his memories from when he was Gappy
>The main villain will have King Crimson
>They'll fight King Crimson together
>KC has some power that'll destroy Morioh
>Kira uses Bites the Dust on Josefumi to prevent this
>AU Bites the Dust is different than regular and transfers dimensions or something
>Josefumi and Kira end up fighting KC in another dimension
>Kira dies
>Josefumi barely wins
>He sits down, unable to get back to his own world, bleeding out
>He notices a car
>It's Josuke and Tomoko
>He helps them drive in the snowstorm
>After they get away he goes to sit back with Kira's corpse
>Josefumi also dies
a relationship I never had.
since my dad went to buy a bleach manga at the corner-store and never came back.
>tfw it could all have been prevented if passione trusted Abbacchio
Speed King is my absolute favorite stand but there's literally no artwork of him besides the 2 panels he appeared in. If you can find me some new speed King art I haven't seen Ill give you a dollar.
Mfw hes the main antagonist stand and there will be a lot of him later but for now I suffer
>Yashuo will discover Gappy's mysterious disappearance
>Yashuo reports him missing after realizing nobody knows where he is
>Was last seen with Jobin
>But Jobin is also missing since he's fucking dead in another world
>Despite all her hard work from her and the Higashikata family, they never found either of them
>Josefumi helped Tomoko because of his friend's own dying mother
>Holly is last seen with a gift box that contains a Roakaka fruit inside
>from Kira and Josefumi
>Part 8 ends on that panel of both names signed by Gappy
Fugo fucking Giorno up later tho to avenge Narancia and Bruno
I wish my dad was DIO.
I am actually shocked to see this
Thank you, user
>Part 8's goal is to get a Rokakaka for Holly
>It's been shown multiple times throughout the series that a Rokakaka will always fuck you over more than you were to begin with
Why do people think the Rokakaka is going to fix Holly again? It'll probably save her life at the cost of killing somebody or making her a vegetable or something terrible
He wanted to control Josuke at first which is why he was fine with Daisy using her Stand on him but after Josuke saved them from Yagiyama and proved he was trustworthy Norisuke started seeing him as a family member and not a tool like he did before that point.
I really can't see Gappy becoming Josefumi and Kira again, at least not in a constructive way. If there's one thing that JoJo's done it's steer clear of reviving characters that have died. The closest thing to that there was was probably the Green Baby, and it took years of work and dozens of different stand-abilities to make, and even then it didn't have DIO's appearance, personality or most of his memories.
>Joseph with Star Platinum
It was like two minutes since he died and involved the speedy use of magic vampire blood, you can sort of give it a pass.
Explain Avdol
>he helped Tomoko because he saw the kid
>he sees that he's deathly sick
>Josefumi remembers what Kira did to save him when he was a kid when he was in the same situation
>he wants to be like Kira and save the kid
Stop making me sad, user.
I don't think he'd be a very kind or nurturing father, user.
And you'd probably get a shitty abusive mom too, he thought that they made the best kids since they'd encourage their children to grow up strong and resentful, hence Giorno, Rykiel, Ungalo and Vercace all having miserable childhoods.
Good thing my dad isn't kind or nurturing either :,)
He never actually died and was never intended to, Araki talked in interviews about how he wanted one of the heroes to apparently 'die' to shake things up but make an appearance later on.
Hol Horse also copped the same injury and survived it too.
I think Norisuke was just Araki changing his mind and turning him into a good guy. It definitely feels like he was setting the Higashikatas to be more villainous than they ended up being, aside from Kato and Joubin.
He wasn't revived