Should I watch this subbed or dubbed?
Should I watch this subbed or dubbed?
Why is this even a question?
dubs are always shit
subs for eternity, english VAs just don't sound right
good we talked about this. Now carry on, everybody
If you ever watch anime dubbed you're hindering your own experience because you're lazy and don't care. Either watch the sub or don't bother. This goes for practically all anime.
I didnt see the thread if you talked about it before.
Sub I guess.
The reason I asked was because I actually liked the Spirited Away dub. I thought it was pretty good. But I've never watched the Mononoke english dub.
No problem. Glad you've found out about it. Watching a Ghibli movie in theaters sounds like an awesome experience.
If anyone here lives in Fort Wayne, IN. and wants to watch it with me, I'm all for it. I'm going alone, like always.
The Spirited Away dub is a fucking masterpiece compared to the travesty that is Princess Mononoke dubbed
Watch both and form your own opinion.
I would but Im located on the other side of the country.
Enjoy it though bro.
How do you get past the ticket ripper? Do you pay a homeless girl to get you in?
Ive gone into movies on my own escpecially matinees. You just go through. No need to be self conscious.
The dub is a fucking trainwreck.
They had a cast of A-List actors with little to no experience in voice acting with the worst ADR Director to boot.
Didnt know the english dub for Mononoke sucked that bad. I think I'm just gonna watch the sub tomorrow.
I would if I didn't have to pay ~$13 for each showing kek. I'll probably pirate the english dub after I watch the sub in theater.
Thanks user, you too!
I usually just bribe the ticket person $5 into letting me in by myself. They just look the other way if you bribe them.
>they've never heard of the No Singles Policy for movie theaters
Often wondered if it shouldn't be against the constitution, even in Burgerland. You could probably sue them for discrimination and get some money if you played your cards right (especially if you got a ticket guy that would be so obliging as to rough you up a bit).
This actually sounds better dubbed than subbed. Don't see what's the difference since both are good.
Dubs aren't Sup Forums-related, fuck off.
Gonna try to go see it tomorrow.
I'm only in it for On Your Mark, really. Any Ohiobros?
>dubs are always shit
Not Yu Yu Hakusho
Ever since that Dark Knight shooting, theaters have been afraid of single men just going there by themselves and potentially shoot up the place, so the policy is understandable.
That should be a nice goodie to see too.
I think the Spirited Away theater showing last month had a bonus too, but I can't remember what it was.
>Ever since that Dark Knight shooting, theaters have been afraid of single men just going there by themselves and potentially shoot up the place, so the policy is understandable.
As understandable as banning Muslims from airports and it probably wouldn't fly in the court either (though it's easier when you can use something like racism as a bargaining chip in court)).
Try googling "movie theatre no singles policy".
Tip: If Sup Forums is on the front page of results, it's not a real thing.
>You will get to see San in IMAX chewing up and sharing Beef Jerky
What a great time to be alive
Sadly my theater is only playing it in the Dub but whatever, I'll be able to focus more on the art and animation.
Dubbed. High budget anime movies are dubbed with care.
Muted. This is where Miyazaki started going full retard and using live-action actors instead VAs.
Ghibli movies have pretty good dubs.
Still debating getting Yu Yu Hakusho dubbed.
>movie theatre no singles policy
What if it's reddit?
Especially that first Yu Yu Hakusho OP in english.
They are dubbed with an even more normalfaggish audience in mind. Perfect for neo-Sup Forums in other words.
The dub is far superior, and it gives it this really unique nice feel to the movie, the sub version just sounds awkward by comparison.
For example the wolf god who is supposed to be female has the voice of an old man on the short bus, dub>sub by far.
Going with dual audio then.
One of those singles-only underground theatres huh?
Last one I went to had a big hole in the screen, and the shower didn't even have any hot water...
Not everyone has a little sister they can pass off as their girlfriend, user.
>bribe the ticket guy
I tried that, mine was a real hardass, threw me in the Cinema brig for 3 days.
Clapistan never ceases to amaze me
>he doesn't already tip the ticket ripper 5$ before entering
Holy shit
it's worth it for safety, theatres have been a lot safer ever since they introduced the designated shooter law.
1) Try googling, no real sources, seems like a Sup Forums meme.
2) see
Where did all of these tipping memes come from? It's hilarious because other countries seriously believe we tip every person that has the easiest fucking job in the world.
>San will never chew up your beef jerky for you
fuck you
>ywn see the Love Live movie in a theater
Going to see it dubbed on the 9th at a theater that's close-ish to me, so pumped. It just seems like the kind of movie that would be even more amazing on the big screen.
Now I'm just wondering if I should preorder my ticket or nor.
Kimochi Warui
>I tried that, mine was a real hardass, threw me in the Cinema brig for 3 days.
That sucks man.. I've been there. Tried bribing the ticket tender like I always do but a roastie worker saw me, called Security and they locked me up in the brig for 2 days. Now I'm banned from that theater as a potential shooter.
>>he doesn't already tip the ticket ripper 5$ before entering
>Holy shit
After tipping the Uber guy getting to the theater, the McDonald's worker I ate at and then tipping the ticket tender, I was almost out of money so a $5 bribe and a $3 tip is all I could muster.
Goddammit. I didn't need that feel.
French Dub is a best.
>Now I'm just wondering if I should preorder my ticket or nor.
Depends on where you live. If you live in a big city, yeah I'd pre-order, seeing as it's a one-showing, one-day thing.
I live in a mid-sized city with not alot of weebs, so I'm not gonna pre-order. Pretty sure I'll get a ticket there.
Plus I bet the dub will be even more full than the sub.
Same here.
God bless Boise Idaho.
Does her saliva makes the dry meat better or worse?
That's probably the lewdest thing to happen in a Ghibli film.
Great time to be alive, indeed.
>You will get to see San in IMAX chewing up and sharing Beef Jerky
>in fucking IMAX
Sorry, seeing it in Indianapolis tomorrow. One day user.
Nice. There's lots of weebs in Indy. I went to Indy PopCon last summer and had a great time.
Not so much in Fort Wayne though..
But yes, one day someone will want to weeb out with me. ;-; Enjoy the movie user.
Man, I'm moving back up north in the state in the Fall, so the lack of anime friendos will be a bit harsh. I will need to see what Fort Wayne offers in terms of anime though, I am curious.
Luckily moving north means going to Ohayocon will be a bit easier, as that is the only anime convention I go to anymore, if only for the fact that I like the area, and it coincides with a huge biker festival, so if I need a break from weebs, I can go to that, or even go island hopping around Lake Erie for half a day.
Oh shit, didn't even know this was happening, if work doesn't make me stay late I will be there.
but tickets are already sold out anyway, so it's not like you can see it in theaters now
This is a Sup Forums meme for the uninformed.
No sane theater would ban singles, as it cuts into profits. Theaters are companies trying to make money.
Now public parks, on the other hand...
I don't know man, I live in fucking North Dakota and both showings are almost full already. Only side seats are left
Disney should just release world wide. I really want to see it.
This. Mononoke is shit and Miyazaki is a hack.
Fort Wayne does offer an anime con during the summer, Ikasucon, but it's small-ish. Still fun though.
Never been to Ohayocon but it sounds awesome for sure.
F-Fort Waynefag? Or are you simply saying you didnt know this movie would be in theaters? Cause it is. I hope you can go user!
I like how Mononoke isnt under the usual Disney brand, but Miramax, their "grown" brand. But I think Miramax has been discontinued, not sure. But Gkids is distributing this along with Fathom Events.
I looked it up. Miramax isn't owned by Disney anymore. I just hope they do a good job and people have fun seeing it again.
English dubbed with japanese subs.
Princess Mononoke was probably the worst dub disney did for a ghibli movie, imo. Maybe it was because it was one of the first they did, but it felt like they were trying too hard to play the acting as straight and serious as possible and it ended up making the characters feel emotionless and disconnected from the vivid, expressive world around them. Billy Crudup sounded flat, like he was underacting a bit the way you would for a camera, and I don't think Billy Bob Thorton understood what type of character he was playing at all. Claire Danes as Sen and Minnie Driver as Lady Eboshi were fine.
Watch it in Japanese. Big name actors don't always make good VAs, and this proves it.
Dub Botan is fucking perfection.
>Cast: Billy Bob Thornton
The dub is published by Disney, it's not as shit at you think or you are just too autistic to appreciate non retarded A-list quality voice acting.
Seen it three times in a row in IMAX when it first came out back in '99. The dub wasn't bad at all
>Should I watch this subbed or dubbed?
I've seen the dub and the sub.This is one of the best dubs out there.I am not joking.It is worth seeing this dub.
Dubs if you want to appreciate the animation more. Subs if you want to appreciate the story and voice-acting more.
Any time "Hollywood" does shit like this they always phone it the fuck in
The bigger the name the worse it is
If there is a dub in your native language, you'll like it no matter how bad it is because of familiarity bias. If there isn't, you'd be a retard to not pick subs.
There's no point in asking since you know you already made your choice and are looking for others to validate it.
You've clearly never seen the dub.
>If there is a dub in your native language, you'll like it no matter how bad it is because of familiarity bias.
That's a load of nonsense and evidently so when you realise so many native english speakers prefer subs over english dubs.
>because of familiarity bias
If I wanted familiarity I wouldn't be watching a foreign medium
Not them, but Billy Bob Thonton is a fucking blight on an otherwise acceptable dub. Dude is just flat out bad.
that's wrong though, there are VERY FEW anime films or series I recommend people watch dubbed
GiTS, Berserk, FMA, Cowboy Bebop, ghibli films
meanwhile dubs like the jojo's bizarre adventure anime are a fucking travesty, which is even worse because I should have 2 levels of bias for this according to you because I'm British
>six cinemas
>22 hours away
While the English OP isn't BAD, the jap OP is better.
There's a real charm I've found in those 90s openings they did in English. The covers at least, it's a mixed bag for the original openings.
How do you stay informed about the kind of anime movies that will be shown at IMAX theaters?
You dont. There is no concise place to get updates for everything.
Speaking of which. IS there a site when i get just get the audio file for an anime not oncluding the video?
Why not just rape San, Clan of the Cave Bear style?
It's 430 theaters, not 6 theaters.
It's funny you posted that. I was thinking about watching it
Dubbed for Minnie Driver as Eboshi. Good shit.
This is how you get stabbed, user.
Ten minutes away and they still have tickets. What the hell.
One of the few shows where translation and dub is made by professionals and not just 3rd rate eternally-stuck-with-anime-dubs-because-can't-get-any-other-job 'actors'.
Don't listen to hivemind kneejerk 'it's dub therefore it's bad', replies.
I will try to swing by Ikasucon if I have time.
Ohayocon is a lot of fun, especially if you have the cash to shill out for the water park. Or if you have the money for booze. Or both.
But on the topic of Princess Mononoke, I am a bit disappointed that the closest showing is in Indy, since I work at a movie theaterthat shows Fathom Events stuff, but my theater isn't getting it.
I want a 2D qt to spit out half-chewed food in my mouth