Why are only Anglos brave enough to leave the EU?

Continental Europeans are such pussies, just like in WW2. They cower in their Eurotrash villages waiting for Anglos to fight their battles. Fuck the EU and fuck Eurotrash.

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Because of the EU's reliance on the UK's economy. The UK is the only nation that the EU can't ignore...Lots of nations want to leave but they can hide it and bribe enough people to keep it together.


Shut up, Boris.
We dumped the britbongs to achieve the 4th reich asap.

Also note that during WW2 England could have sided with the Nazi's... Churchill deliberately bombed London then blamed it on Hitler to rally the UK behind him... He had media blackout from Hitler's demnads for peace

You guys left the EU and you capstoned your 'victory' by electing discount Hillary Clinton as your PM.
Way to go. You really showed the world how to resist globalism.

>Continental Europeans are such pussies, just like in WW2. They cower in their Eurotrash villages waiting for Anglos to fight their battles. Fuck the EU and fuck Eurotrash.

You're not exactly setting a good example for others to follow are you?
I mean do you think any prime minister or president in the EU is thinking: "Man, i really wish i could be in the same situation as Theresa May right now."

Not even Orban or Tsipras would do that to themselves.

It doesn’t matter how fucked up May is. We’ll still be free whereas Europoors will be slaves in Merkel’s Caliphate.

Anyway that’s not my point. My point is why is it always just us with any sense in Europe? No other country even considered leaving before we did.

If you understood our political system (you don’t) then you’d know we don’t elect leaders we elect parties.

>We’ll still be free whereas Europoors will be slaves...

Free from what?
Is the EU some kind of vicious dictatorship where the EUSTAPO sends people to concentration camps?

Continential Europe such as Belgum, Holand and etc is weal in many aspects.
Their stronghold is economy, not manpower, determination or else.
But the economic agreements have been beneficial for all. Not the social ones tho.

Because only the British government was stupid and arrogant enough to give its people an actual choice. Granted their working overtime to try to cuck you out of Brexit.

It's also laughable hearing a brit talking about freedoms.
The UK is easily the most Orwellian western nation on earth. People get arrested for simply visiting Sup Forums.
Brexit really was just a distraction to lull these morons into a false sense of security. They only won their 'freedom' by like a 1% majority and now they act like they're those righteous freedom fighters in Star Wars or some shit when their country is literally the DPRK of the west.

The Conservative party has been openly and brazenly communist for the past 10 years now, you dolt.
If you had any sense or balls, you would have given them the boot earlier before you got yourselves into this mess with May. Just because you don't directly elect your PMs, doesn't mean that you couldn't take additional measures to prevent evil and anti-nationalist parties from fucking things up.

If people didn’t vote Tory then Labour would have got in who are even worse you mutt

For the record I didn’t vote because you’re right about the Tories

You get taxed by the federal government even if you don’t live in the US and you can get arrested for crossing the road before the light tells you to. The ‘land of the free’ also killed 620,000 of its own population to stop farmers voluntarily leaving the union.

Wait and see what the EU becomes. I feel sorry for you being surrounded by it. That EU army isn’t for what you think it’s for.

Because we care about nothing but economy now.


Arent we only the 4th biggest economy in Europe? surely Nations like Italy and Spain with their GDP make up for the loss of ours

>I feel sorry for you being surrounded by it. That EU army isn’t for what you think it’s for.

PESCO is about facilitating cooperation in defense procurement and joint military operations between member states.
How the fuck is setting up a franco-german brigade, which already existed before pesco, an "EU army"?

Lmfao. You are the only ones RETARDED enough to leave the EU. You will get raped now. Look forward to paying billions of your precious pounds to us! Your """commonwealth""" is a fucking joke. India already told you if you want to have a trade deal you have to take in more immigrants from them! Hahaha. And you will lose several island territories because they are closer to the EU and don't want the troubles of being isolated! You are really retarded and you decided to kill your own empire because of all your delusions. Oh Britannia... Britannia dig your grave!


Also it's ironic that Britain spent centuries trying to prevent a single power in europe and now they've given up their seat at the table

>I feel sorry for you being surrounded by it.

We're not "surrounded" by it, we're basically a part of it.
We participate in so many treaties that we're almost like a member.

OP Just got rekt by a based Switzy. lmao

2nd after germany

Are you sure you didn't laugh your brain off? You're getting raped right now and it's only going to get worse. At any point we can vote in a nationalist government and stop taking in foreigners once any deal is done. You don't even have a common wealth. No we won't lose any islands, that's burger tier logic. We don't have an empire, you literally just mentioned the common wealth remember?

In what way does that make any sense? We ensured the balance of power through force and diplomacy, both of which are still available

Austria isn’t even a country. You don’t have a border or your own currency. You have an open border with Germany which means you have an open border with the Middle East and Africa lmao

P.s. we kicked the shit out of you twice. Please do try again :^)

The only seats that matter are those permanent ones at the UN security council. UK is not going anywhere

>Churchill deliberately bombed London then blamed it on Hitler to rally the UK behind him

Imagine being such a pathetic Wehraboo that you would think that this actually happened.