Is MGTOW gay or misogynistic?
I mean you're either Mgtow because you hate women or it's a convenient excuse to cover up homosexuality.
Is MGTOW gay or misogynistic?
I mean you're either Mgtow because you hate women or it's a convenient excuse to cover up homosexuality.
I started avoiding women and tried to associate with men only. After a while I realised that most of the guys I was becoming friends with were just gay guys trying to have sex with me so I basically only socialise with family now.
Gay guys are not sexually attracted to women
MGTOW are, but they deny themselves a sexual relationship out of principle
dude just pump n dump whores lmao
Isn't this like liberals choosing not to have kids?
Both ideologies meet one end.... removing yourself from the gene pool.
>not becoming a chad to fuck fresh pussies
Dont get me wrong, avoiding women today is a healthy choice and many women are very fucked up from having a spoiled life where guys throw themselves and free stuff at them for showing up
MGTOW on the other hand arent ignoring women, they use hyperbole and project while thinking all girls are massive sluts who enjoy gangbangs every weekend. Just look at MGTOW videos, many times its "Slut gets what she deserves, slut gets owned" etc
>not impregnating as many women as possible and leaving them ASAP.
If you only look at it by that one metric, yes
Misogyny means "to hate women".
If you are Mgtow, you can either hate women or not hate women. Either way you just refuse to date them.
If you are gay, then you're not Mgtow, you are just simply gay. You have no say in the matter because you don't have a stake in the argument.
That being said, people who fall under the banner of Mgtow are all faggots numale soyboys who got cucked by Chad in their teens
Or maybe its full of men who have had lots of experience and relationships with women and are fed up with their shit and the bias courts that favour them
The American liberal argument now is: don't have kids, adopt a young black orphan to prove how diverse you are.I live
MGTOW is fucking retarded.
Gay, unfortunately. Made a lot of sense in the beginning but quickly became a support group for wizards.
I live in California and 3 couples on my block have done it already
Better to go MGTOW than to race mix with non-whites
>don't have kids
Well how would you fix the problem and have kids then?
I went for two years single after my last breakup and i was in uni so i couldnt hunt fulltime for a girl but i met two girls during this time i could date.
Now afterwards the dating pool has gotten even smaller
Id love kids but women are scarce, how would you solve that simple problem?
MGTOW are just average men in a society where 80% of males are deemed under average. As someone right above the desirability threshold, I know I'm a lucky bastard and would never hate on fellow men who had less of a chance, with a system rigged against them. It's unfortunate this manifests into hate for women sometimes, but also understandable. Unless we want a society of substitute pleasure like porn, video games and sports, the strong state must be dismantled in order for ordinary men to find happiness.
seems pretty gay
>I mean you're either Mgtow because you hate women or it's a convenient excuse to cover up homosexuality.
I hate the fact that I'm expected to give up half of my wealth to a person who will try to rule me through access to her holes. I hate someone who can steal my children away from me simply because it is their desire, but I am still financially responsible for their lifestyle. I hate that she expects me to compromise and sacrifice my own interests, desires and goals just to make her happy.
Well, I must hate women then.... or I'm a faggot.
MGTOW identifies the problem and offers a non-solution. PUA is also the wrong solution. The correct solution is time tested, and well known for thousands of years.
Check out this stupid MGTOW meme I've re-uploaded. It spells out the solution. You don't fix women. You make each of the 2 top men on the right keep their pecker in their pants unless its with his one lawful wife.
Its from bad experiences with women. Most MGTOWs are older men who got divorce raped and are warning younger ones. OR, they are young men who grew up with a crazy psycho sister in the house who acted in a manner that had no restrictions because they had no need to impress men in their own family, so these men learned how women act when left to act how they want.
implying this is a bad thing
western philosophy discussed how inferior women are for thousands of years, straight up until we hit feminism
>Is MGTOW gay or misogynistic?
It's jewish.
Kill all the soy boys or let evolution run its course either way MGTOW soy boys are cucked.
>Well how would you fix the problem and have kids then?
You put the penis in the vagina. Literal 65IQ subhumans in Africa figure this out, and the fact that so many whites seem to struggle with the concept makes me wonder if it isn't for the best that our race dies out.
Both. Also youre being cucked by stronger alpha males
most of all it's delusional
MGTOW is not hating women. Only incels believe that, because they blame women for their shortcomings.
MGTOW is men who have decided women are irrelevant to their lives, and don't look to women for anything - not for comfort, companionship, or validation. The see women for what they really are, and have decided to opt of divorce culture.
I was MGTOW before it was called that. I simply don't need a woman to "complete" me. I'll put up with a woman for sex, I'll even be friends with one, if they behave, and I work with women who I get along fine with. I just have chosen not to go down the marriage/divorce rabbit hole, as I like my life without a woman causing drama and chaos in it.
I don't hate women, I just don't need one.
Granted, MGTOW forums tend to be guys venting about the women who drove them to choose the path of their own way, which is fine.
MGTOW is choosing to focus your life on yourself, to improve, challenge and better yourself, because you deserve it. You don't need a woman to accomplish your goals, and you don't need validation from one. You simply don't care.
WGTOW is accepting women for who and what they are, and realizing that going into a legal business contract with them (marriage), when the odds and laws and courts are stacked against you makes no sense, and being on alert for AWALT signs to dump a woman before she wrecks your life in yet another tantrum.
You calling it gay or misogynistic means you're either an incel, or a woman. I don't have any fucks to give over the opinions from either. I've chosen to go my own way, you stopped having any meaning once I did.
Have a day.
Ahhh I see so mgtow is feminism for beta males
If you wanted to destroy a race without killing it yourself, you would…
- Promote race mixing
- Promote homosexuality
- Promote the irrelevance of the family
- Promote feminism and divorce
- Promote abortion rights
- Teach them that race does not exist
- Teach them to feel guilty and ashamed of their heritage
- Push for mass immigration into their lands
- Call them racists when they defend themselves
>Is MGTOW gay or misogynistic?
mgtows can fuck women. they just can't marry them
>Literal 65IQ subhumans in Africa figure this out
yes but women dont have any rights there and get raped, no fucking wonder
Finding a girl is very very hard and finding one who is single and decent looking is harder still
Ive had alot of luck with girls and im not bad looking so they hunt me but this doesnt result in kids because birth control, i dont think ive ever known a couple who have had more than one kid in my life and those are rare.
What youre saying is equal to "Just earn several millions dude" when asked how to get rich
maybe years of soy in all the food has caused their sex drive to be less powerful, resulting in them liking women, but liking money more.
Top Kek
All heterosexuals must abstain from the pusspuss and indulge and bask in what is the best form of contraception. Homosexual anal sex
MGTOW still want to get laid. They just don't want any of the Feminist bullshit that follows.
MGTOW is primarily a way to embrace your hatred of women.
but honestly, as an MGTOW, when you decide to view all women as the enemy then problems start to stop existing, you stop wanting to be with women for starters, you stop wanting to impress women.
cutting women out of your life is emotionally beneficial and financially beneficial, you have zero risk of std's, zero risk of having kids and having to raise those kids (you'll be trapped for life) zero chance your bitch wife will pull a 180 and fuck you up for eternity.
women are everywhere, naked women, happy women, angry women, if you pretend they all don't exist, then actually, your life just straight up improves. I'm sure homo's do it so they can ensure that they only interact with dick and don't get confused by their mental illness.
MGTOW completely makes sense for any man in 2017. it's one of the reasons MGTOW is being talked about so much and has grown so much this year.
as women want more and more, the bar raising higher and higher, men just pretend that the bar doesn't exist, and if a woman tries to remind them of the bar, they ignore that woman, lmao.
I will personally for the remainder of my life always treat women as if they don't exist, and they are ghosts.
all of these problems just...stop.
then you can think about how much of a fucking mess your life is, and how you can improve yourself.
MGTOW is unironically a gay movement. Think about it. It's in the name- Men who go their own way. I mean, it sounds like a gay porno. Men dropping out of society is stupid and beta as fuck. You wouldn't need to go your own way unless you are a) a homosexual, or b) a fat neckbeard. Yes, of course women are avoiding you because you smell, you're unfit and unkempt and probably unattractive. Who cares what women's politics are? If you are a non-beta, you can eventually make her conform her beliefs to yours. Here's a protip- don't go after radfem women, they won't make good mothers anyway and actually take care of yourself and you might catch someones attention. Too many manchild bugmen in society these days.
Gender is a social construct so naturally men also make the best women. It's silly to bother with biocunt drama when hot tradcon traps are far more feminine.
The bar isn't being raised higher and higher, you're just getting uglier, fatter and older. It's why you don't get laid anymore. If you actually want these problems to stop, you need to improve yourself. Thank me later.
Pic related, if you don't take my advice you'll turn into a fat gook.
No, feminism seeks to dominate men, not avoid them.
In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:
1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.
2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.
The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.
(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.
MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.
I think the idea is women are sheep and fundamentally children that want a new father figure to come into their life and treat them like the princess they were always told they should be.
Men aren't really dropping out of society, they're disassociating with women. these things are different. it's kinda like what muslims did, but instead of putting them in burkas and taking away all of their rights and classifying them as objects, most MGTOW just pretend women don't exist.
when you ARE all of those things you've said (unfit, unkempt, unattractive) women remain a hindrance in your life.
Even if you ARE all of those things MGTOW means you don't need to CARE about how ANYONE see's you and can improve on things without being constantly beaten down by society.
Its beta males who worship the ground women walk on and enable their psycho babble. Its men who have experienced women who are more likely to go MGTOW, ie."Chads" - just older ones
It's both since faggots hates women.
Women are idiots who need to be saved from themselves. I love them so much UwU~.
It's realizing that just by interacting with a woman in private, you are putting yourself at risk.
>It's why you don't get laid anymore
Strange, ive gotten fitter, smarted, more educated and better looking over the years but i am getting laid alot less now than i used to when i was young
The bar is being set higher because men at 30 are still competing for women who are 20, girls who are 24+ are either raging hatemongers who wont accept any man or they are on permalock with some dude.
No one, no one, ever say marriage and/or relationships are easy.
Have kids you fucks.
Bait. Took it.
It's men using female tactics. And it infuriates the women, so they go to their usual "Feminist Toolbox" attacks:
1. You must be gay.
2. You must have a little d*ck.
3. You must be short.
4. You must be poor (this one only when they are alone).
Here's the facts; MGTOW want to improve but many have been beaten down so much by society they need to find a way to "turn off" some of the difficulty hurdles, like approaching and communicating with women, and completely cut out women.
their vehicle for self control, and control over their own emotions and their own head-space comes from the hatred of women which they've projected from whatever rejections they've had, which serves as an emotional outlet at the same time.
It's a very damaged and I guess bad form of emotional support, but it works. you'll go work out and not care about some chick laughing at your flopping man titties, because you don't care what they think - you hate them.
If you're a male and your thirty, you should be less concerned about how many lays you should be getting and more about "permalocking" with some chick. Don't be a fucking faggot. Most girls (who are legal) don't want older guys.
holy fucking broken logic batman.
You're the idiot fuck playing music outside my bedroom door at 4AM. Yes. I can hear it and it's keeping me up. I've told you it's keeping me up and asked you to stop.Yet toy ask if I want a beer and/or to smoke with you. I said no. I want to go to sleep. After I just came home after eight hours of getting my ass kicked at work. If those words aren't enough to get you to stop being a cunt then what hope do we have for you to figure out simple logic?
It depends on which MGTOW forum you're reading. This one is all shills and trolls and the usual bullshit from kiddies who just learned the "Muh jooz" meme and apply it to everything because "herr durrr" Reddit's MGTOW forum is full of incels who nuked their own forum posting violence against women, and the MGTOW website is mostly divorced men licking their wounds. They're the purest MGTOW. They've made a choice, after trying to do what society pressured them into. They rolled the dice, and lost - and see that the odds will always be stacked against them.
I don't think young guys should MGTOW, although they are. I get why they are. But half of marriages don't divorce, so the odds are slightly better for them, to find a decent woman. (Yes, they do exist)
I see MGTOW as more men who accept and understand women for who they really are. The hatred for women is classic PUA/Incel bullshit. Hating women only proves you're weak to them. MGTOW means they have no power over you anymore. MGTOW allows men to fuck women, even be friends with them, even like them, but not to marry them. Marriage, and walking away from it, is what MGTOW is, not hating women. If the divorce rate wasn't so high, the family courts stacked against men, and single mothers such a plague, MGTOW wouldn't exist.
This just sounds like a bad excuse not to better yourself. It's literally the equivalent of "I don't care what anyone thinks". See how far that gets you in an interview and in life.
>If you are a non-beta, you can eventually make her conform her beliefs to yours.
You're funny
>Most girls (who are legal) don't want older guys.
Ive noticed the opposite, most girls i meet who are flirty are ~20
And fuck you, id love to have a girl my own age who wanted kids and was somewhat sensible but you know how many of those there are around? none
Ive never met a decent looking girl who was 25+ and still single, and i do mean never
why is reproducing so shilled?
Your kids will end up in a libshit school brainwashed.
If you want that badly to reproduce change the world first not try to enforce your kids to live in the current shit one. They'll rebel against you , because they can't reserve their social status. Especially if you have a daughter, she WILL do everything to piss you off.
These people always call out outcasts who don't give a fuck anymore to fight, yet they are the ones who enforce nigger-tier logic (dude sex lmao), instead of actually trying to change the world to ensure these kids will have a better future.
I am non-ironically an MGTOW.
I don't even sexually think about women anymore, the first thing that comes to mind is the voices of 1000's of men and their hatred and stories of women.
> (You)
>Ive never met a decent looking girl who was 25+ and still single, and i do mean never
They exist but you've mostly fucked it by the fact that you've left it too late. The only sensible thing left to do is kys.
It's basically just a bunch of fat, ugly, poor twits, living in mommy's basement who are sad they can't get laid, and don't have enough $ to just get a call girl. Sad, really. Fortunately, they are of zero consequence. Literally nothing they do matters, and they're self-selecting themselves out of the gene pool.
You are ignoring the fact that he's saying once you remove said difficulty hurdle, you improve yourself since you no longer need to focus on it.
>implying hating women is something bad
For a lot of men MGTOW is an escape from literal suicide. most of them already have the "I don't care about myself, or anyone" thing going on.
it's an excuse for the 70% of fat neckbeards that are MGTOW only because they have no other option
but realistically, actually, for the remaining 30% these are the men that have been utterly raped in court by their wives.
I think the bottom line of MGTOW is women really shouldn't be trusted as "partners" but anything else is fine....i guess.
They seem to support porn and sex robots so the majority of them are weak minded anyway, very few are "monk mode, never going to have sex with a woman" mode
Have you tried association with non-austalian men?
90% of mgtow are autistic virgins.
10% are divorced bitter old cunts that couldn't keep their marriage together.
You're not fooling anyone you ugly manlet.
That was elaborate. Seems like you might be projecting a bit there user.
Literally this.
> people actually trying to justify MGTOW as a legitimate option
Fuck it must suck being an ugly cunt.
>le cuckold nation
>calling other men fat neckbeards
lol the incel is strong in you, so much projection
Then, why do you even care? You care, because you are a autistic incel virgin that cant accept reality, played yourself faggot
explain why hottest tier of women would not get any men. Thats retarted.
This is the new copypaste of the angry incel.
I am a fat virgin, i'm dropping out of school, i don't exercise, I eat junk food.
only saving grace is i have a loving supportive family and financial freedom.
My options:
A: Suicide.
+very final,
+would feel amazing
+would save me a lot of stress
- I'm dead
- no videogames
- nobody will even come to my funeral
- i'm already dead inside anyway so why bother
B: Hate women
+ Allows me to focus on myself
+ no longer care about women
+ no longer care about mean things women say
+ not threatened by women socially.
+ can go outside without getting anxiety
B: Get fit and improve.
- a lot of effort
- even if i do this, i will only get a 3/10 chick.
- don't even really want a 3/10 chick.
- 3/10 chick won't even be smart or experienced.
- 3/10 chick can suck dick but that's it.
I have no idea what youre talking about, i go along just fine with dating/flirting with girls who are 19-23, sometimes i get lucky and sometimes i dont.
Better than waiting for some magical 28 year old woman to pop up out of nowhere
This sure is a lot of """""people""""" upset that some men don't want to enslave themselves to some woman's cunt.
My aunt just did this, she's not even liberal
If you think that a 50-50 chance of a marriage that doesn't explode and abject poverty is a good bet, never go to a Casino.
I don't see any advantage to having a relationship with a woman, generally speaking. They steal your time, they complain constantly if they care about you, they rearrange your shit, they get mad easily, they cheat if you don't satisfy them constantly and even if you do they'll shit because it gets boring to them, everbody tries to fuck them and you'll have to mark your territory all the time to tell other male's to back the fuck off. Also once you had sex with them they'll lose their appeal to you anyway and take stinky shits in your bathroom and fart into your bed. If I could I'd just have casual sex every once in a while with no relationships longer than 2 weeks.
most liberals are treating dogs like kids though.
that is literally the "in" thing.
dogs don't cost that much and will be there for max 20 years. a kid will be there for a long time and has a linear cash complexity as they age.
>Yes, goy, feed the divorce court machine
50% to make the biggest regret you'll ever make the other 50% is financial and emotional slavery tied eternally to one womans cunt and the offspring that remind you of her.
Mgtow is not pro or against mysoginy, it says you can be a mysoginist if you like or not. It says "take out any social shackles of your mind and then make up new conclusions with the new variances. The fact that mysoginy is usually one of the results so often after that process means that the female species deserve to be hated.
Why else would you make a sin out of mysoginy unless you know that women are a creature that will be hated unless you take away the option to do so?
>they take the pill that prevents them from falling in love
Now that's a conspiracy with potential!
It's essentially male feminism
>switch out rape for divorce
>switch out patriarchy for the legal system
>switch out the female stereotypes for the male stereotypes
And suddenly the pieces just fall into place.
I'm opposed to this since just like its female counterpart, it's a trick to dead end the gene pool of the 1st World.
Stop ignoring the swamp caused by feminism and see if you and your MGTOW pals can drain it instead of waiting for it to break its bank.
Remember, feminism is a tool of the Marxists to destroy society and if it continues any longer, expect your country to fall to invaders.
Even the title they've chosen for themselves is terrible: they're not "going their own way", they're limiting the paths they can walk in life.
>but I can focus on myself
That's the entire point of marriage and a family: combine resources while halving upkeep tasks to create an environment that fosters spiritual growth and offers support to one another due to the shared genetic responsibility of a child.
The real red pill is that married men go their own way too--that's the best part of being married. We hunt, fish, camp, golf, watch football, drink, throw darts, grill, hike--all with each other. It's what married men have always done, to get away from the nag. Show up to the hunting camp as a 40 year old single guy saying you hate women because if the Jews? Lol. Figure yourself out Kyle.
It's just men thinking what you're getting out of it isn't worth the effort. It's kinda hard to argue against that. Sex is nice and all but it's not that nice. If most of the turbo virgins got laid they would probably think "so they I've been making myself crazy all these years for this!?"
It's like any other fun activity, a bit like go-kart driving for instance. If you were thinking for 20 years about nothing but the lack of race tracks in your area and constantly imagine how amazing driving a kart must be, you'll be bound to get disappointed. Doesn't mean kart driving isn't fun, but it shouldn't be the center of your life. The vagina for that matter has more power than it is actually worth, partially because men get to serious about it.
Can you post more infograps?
Because you autists keep shitting up the board.
Stop spamming the board and every thread with your autism and nobody will care. You bring the hate onto your self by turning weakness into a virtue and being completely insufferable cucks.
>Meanwhile in reality, 90% of MGTOW threads are like
you CAN do anything, but why the fuck WOULD you?
Sorry, forgot the
mgtow or not I've decided that I'll never associate with women again, they don't worth the effort
What do you expect when you hang around the wrong kind of shit-poster?