PROOF of the Holocaust (Deniers Beware)

How could you ever deny the Holocaust when we have pics like this that spell it all out for you???

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It should have happened for real

How much fuel was needed to kill these jews?
How much did it weigh, how much did it cost and where did it come from?
How much food and water was sent to the camps?

You cremate typhoid sufferers so it doesnt spread.

Genocide uses mass graves.

> Some corpse was burned in an oven
> Muh 6 gorillion
> Masturbation chairs

colorized footage of your gramps

Nobody denies jews were killed. Just not necessarily 6 million.

Be Waries Be nigh.

How could you ever deny the Moon Landing when we have pics like this that spell it all out for you???

that one on the right looks a bit like merkel to me

the holocauster

That's right! EYEWITNESS! See i knew it was real!


Why all these living quarters in a "death camp", that would be waste of resources and time. The genocide practice of the time was to round up people somewhere near the woods, dig a hole, shoot them all and bury.
No one would waste a fucking time to accomodate, and catalogue those niggers, just to burn them in a small oven at a large cost.
It just doesn't make a fucking sense unless communists did this.

Unfortunately Jews lied so much already (fake pictures, impossible testimony, lampshades, shrunken heads, etc.) that I have no choice but to throw out the entire case for the holocaust on the grounds of tainted evidence.

wouldn't the second cart run into the first cart and fuck everything up?

Check out the documentary made ABOUT Spielberg's documentary.
Lies abound, like you could never imagine. Ans Spielberg won a fucking Oscar for it!

shut the fuck up you anti-semite

This one?

Hi Laura

Ovens were used simply to dispose of the dead due to disease and starvation.

so all I need is to go to a modern crematorium in our modern working camp and hop haulocost...
Explain the Avaara agreement between hitler and Zionist that organize the move to the next israel.
Signed in 1933, 6 ducking years before the war and 15 years before israel.
The truth is Zionist-Satanist said to the real Jew to move to israel. Anyone who would oppose this were sent to working ccamp. like Auschwitz etc... Where people died...
So no haulocost but sure a genocide in is route leaded by Zionist-Satanist.

So now OP leave us the fuck alone with your ignorance. It hurts.

Why the fuck would they lie about something this tragic you delusional fuck!?!?

Where’s the gas chamber? What fuel source was used to burn 1 million bodies?

This 100%.


You’re asking why would Jews lie about an event that catapulted them to international power?

Really gets the noggin' joggin'

I thought jews were the fuel!

To explain this they claimed that Jewish blood is flammable.

If you read the accounts of some "survivors" this is precisely what they say. That no fuel was needed because the bodies themselves provided the fuel for the fires.
No shit.


You goyim are pathetic. You try to conspire about the Joos like its some problem yet do jack shit to get anywhere in life! i bet you all just sit and conspire all day about the same people who helped you in fighting the wars

so a pic of a crematorium in black and white is proof someone died and this proves 6 million jews died?

Its called "Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of the Big Lie". It's over 2hrs long.
I just watched the first minute of it. Already I have heard " My skin was used for a lampshade, Dr Mengele removed my tattoo"
>Oscar winning material!


They just don't build ovens like they did in the olden days...

Whites, not Jews, as they are a small minority that has been victimized by white Christians for CENTURIES.

we need to test this, where are those (((altright))) retards

Anyone have a rebuttal to this?

Exactly, the ovens WERE MADE TO DISPOSE RAPIDLY. 15 minutes for almost 10 whole bodies! that's PROOF.

>A black and white photo of two single corpse cremation ovens without context

you realize that i can find those ovens at my local mortuary or funeral home right?


If it didn't happen, it should have.
If it did happen, it should happen again.

If holocaust history said it, a organization bent on truth and cold truth. IT"S THE TRUTH

Are you some kind of a budget tier troll?

What is WRONG with you?!

No, but the Alt Right are clearly trolls who love NOT FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION. Jews WERE persecuted and KILLED.

I dont doubt they were persecuted and killed. But I don't understand the whole oven story. How could so many Jews get burned to ash in a few small overns, while big modern industrial ovens cant do what these old ovens did

What is this? some tinfoil-hat big wig who thinks he's better than everyone else? Please, say that to the survivors who families DIED in front of them.

The proof of holocaust is this. People who can universally applaud extremely questionable decision of allowing million of illiterate immigrants from civil-war torn country just because their government told them to do so can do anything. Killing 6 million jews? No problem herr kommandant.

The original meaning of Holocaust was "A burnt offering of Children to Moloch."

Jews would sacrifice children to a giant fire symbolizing Moloch.
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.


Yes I never thought of that, why build a camp that needs guarding to house prisoners that need feeding 3x a day.
If you want rid of a problem you remove it right away & even quicker if you are a Nazi

Fuck off you retarded sperg

It's religious prophecy! proof that is did happen!

comparing the moon landing to holocaust

>12/03/17(Sun)07:10:35 No.151847859
Fuck off Alt-Right pig

>corpse in a corpse oven


You can't explain why these ovens supposedly burned 6 gorillion in a few years. Your false history will be ripped from the history books and will be replaced by the truth

pics like what?

Holocaust denial is crime for a reason, people like YOU

Please archive

Sorry senpai.

>Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia
>Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.
I guess it makes sense talking to a paranoid sperg like you

>Goy acts like he's not racist but still is ignorant of Jewish truth
Ever heard of the Nuremberg trials? they ADMITTED TO IT

Tell me how to cremate 2 corpses with one flame and how to cremate 2 corpses in an open pyre that takes 6 hours per corpse and 1,400 logs per corpse.

The only people deserving to be gassed are holocaust survivers.


Proof that Jews made a burnt offering to Moloch?

>Sees who wrote article
yeah, as if that's actual evidence. racist goyim as usual

100% sure you are a shitty troll larping as a Hasbara fag

Striped pajamas were common prison wear, dumbass. he must have been either in another place or he was just recruited into the camp for his death sentence

>Boomer brought here by Q larp tries to politically correct/pol/

At the "extermination" camp of Belzec we're supposed to believe that nazis used electric floors to shock them into piles of ash like a cartoon.

Guys....I have a confession to make.....I survived the holocaust.
Adolf Hitler came into my room late one night in 1993 and took me back to Auschwitz in his time machine. From there it was a short trip to the masturbation machines.
Fortunately, my cock was too big for the machines and I was able to escape. From there I had to stealthily move to Hitler's bunker to access his time machine. We had to kung fu fight and he nearly got me but I used BJJ on him and got him in a sleeper hold.
ANyway you have to believe my story or you're a fucking nazi.

When did I talk about pajamas?
I'm talking about starvation, Do any of them remotely look like skeletons? I don't think so.

He must have just got there, soon to be starved to death.

jews werent the only ones suffering in the war.

fuck you.

Sheez. As I envisaged this I started laughing uncontrollably.
>into piles of ash like a cartoon.

If 1400 logs take 6 hours to cremate 100 pounds of corpse then if you inserted 2 corpses in same pyre increasing the mass to absorb heat woulf it go at same rate?
If you inserted less mass would it burn at same rate as more mass?
It would cremate quicker and so if you had more mass under one heat source then the time to cremate both would be halved as if you tried to cremate one under 1,400 logs.

The heat distributed to one corpse would be distributed to 2 corpses.

>he still believes the hall of cost

Did you ride the Holocoaster?


You goyim love to think outside the box, don't you? It was simple, they used them as fuel to burn more in an endless death cycle, retards.

Das right, and let me tell you it was nearly lethal. Luckily a traveling merchant sold me a neck pillow for travel and it protected my neck from the extreme g forces. The other 6,000 Jews on that ride weren't so lucky

Humans arent combustable past clothing and hair.
Which is why the fire goes out.

Those are concentration camps. The bunkhouses/barracks were built for the labourers being assigned to work there. The death camps containing the gas chambers don't have any housing for inmates, since the ones picked for death camps are gonna die straight after arriving anyway

>Nuremberg Trials
>Quintessential example of a kangaroo court
>Proof of anything

Boomers really are the stupidest generation.

We dont deal in “must haves” , cuckboy

>Not thinking cremation was an effective way to stop spread of disease from sickly (((people))) and prevent others from getting sick.

>death camps have no housing
These are auschwitz beds

((OP)) first

Open air cremation takes 1400 pounds of logs, and 6 hours of burning per corpse.

The main Auschwitz complex was a concentration camp used for slave labour, not death camps used for extermination. However there were death camps attached to the overall Auschwitz complex, where there aren't any bunkhouses.

>people still believe "muh 6 gorillion" in 2017
wew lad

>ince the ones picked for death camps are gonna die straight after arriving anyway
So you admit that places like Auschwitz killed hundred upon thousands?

All this work for execution camps, why?
Just shoot, and dig graves like actual murderous regimes.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Could some wizard shop some merchant faces on those?