

Large object enters the atmosphere.
Transmitted signals.
slowly moved North over Atlantic.
was possibly filmed in EU and streamed.
stopped, moved on again.
probably around the north pole now.
moved slow and circled 1/3 of the globe.

Potentially secret space fleet, ICBM (unlikely), x37-B, ayylmaos, or just meteors.

Plebbit had good discussion including an astronomer mentioning alien craft:

Previous Threads:


> for any user who wants to here's the recordings the orginal Britbong posted. They're extensions for filedropper.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's nothing.

At 55Mhz you sometimes get very long distance ionospheric propagation, i.e. signals skipping/reflecting off of the ionosphere. This type of propagation is called Sporadic E(". This type of propagation results in signals being received from stations up to several thousand kilometers away, reliably, over long periods of time. The signal OP is seeing and that everyone is getting worked up over is a result of Sporadic E propagation.

That same frequency band can also propagate by meteor scatter, i.e. signals reflecting off of the plasma trail left by meteors entering the atmosphere. Meteor scatter propagation only happens in very short bursts. Reception of those very short bursts allows us to detect meteors impacting our atmosphere.

>If you see and hear sometimes a strong continuous signal that runs for more than a minute or so, that is unlikely to be a meteor echo. VHF radio waves are sometimes affected by an unusual form of ionosphere propagation called "Sporadic E".

Fuck off shills

Why has no one sent the aliens a picture of our planet's dangers?

They know.


Spam them pictures of niggers, muzzles, and kikes?

Oh shit the Ayys might be coming on 2017. Blue book confirmed?

They should also be informed of memes. Goatse would come across so-well

Soon they'll be leaving our planet.

Sporadic E only happens during summer in the northern hemisphere. Disregard shills.


>15 minute long transmits

Slide thread.

Shills have been rapidly increasing from the last 2 threads, please ignore them and instead discuss the information provided.
OP, thanks for new thread with a good rundown

Here we go again

Anybody know? Other telescopes listening in? Are we missing other parts of the sky?

>observe something in the environment
>create a visual abstraction of it, looks scary!
>create an audio abstraction of it, sounds scary!
>must be ayyys

You're just as retarded as the primitive man who sees a solar eclipse and concludes that the sun is angry with his tribe, except you have no excuse because you could have paid attention in school and maybe read a fucking book at some point in an attempt to not be a retard. At least the caveman was trying his best to work with the information available at the time.


CIAniggers are here

I for one welcome our new ayyy overlords. I'd like to remind them as a trusted shitposter I can be useful rounding up others to toil away in their underground sugarcaves.

>Astronomer here! I will never say this lightly, but we are, swear to God, actually discussing with some seriousness right now what are the odds that this was actually a spaceship. Which I 100% assure you has never happened before in my memory with seriousness.
from behind the paywall
>The predicted interstellar number density2 of icy interstellar objects of 2.4×10−4 au−3 suggested that these should have been detected by surveys, yet hitherto none had been seen.

That thing should actually be 500 times faster, yet, it is slow as fuck, sending out signals and is not coverd in ice as it should be. This is NOT NORMAL

yep, first few threads were clean.
now seeing the same copy-paste replies over and over since thread 4

filedropper below for the REALLY FUCKING LONG ones

Orginal Britbong recordings:



could it be that its something from the Thule Air base?


The brit bong also checked his own transmissions to know it wasnt background or sporadic E.
he knew his shit and cut out the possibility of it.
Same shills tried saying the same shit almost instantly, he already tested it.He cut that variable first.

Not everyone is jumping on the ayy train. Just stating that these signals are not normal

It's getting a bit late don't you think?


Kek wills it

i think its time to go to bed

> Thule Air Base is home to the 21st Space Wing's global network of sensors providing missile warning, space surveillance and space control to North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)

I think this fits pretty well

So you think its the whole interstellar object?
Would be fucking spooky but im pretty sure they have it on their sights and object is still where its supposed to be.


Translation : It's nothing, and I have no idea what I'm looking at.

On the left, a picture someone posted in an earlier thread. On the right, the Starfish Prime orbital nuclear test.

that was the mothership desu
this shit we're seeing is what it dropped off

Good rundown.
good bake job.
only interesting topic in a long time.

It's a fucking solar / wind storm. The sun does this you know.

fuck off

imagine i just went to reddit and saw them talking about shit from
what brainlets


They actually called the fucking place THULE AIR BASE. God this is infuriating.

kek is with us today

Been listening for the past half hour, only a few short pings here and there, Whatever it was is long gone or missing.

>captcha: roche, south

I think it's time for me to go to sleep...

The K index is literally 0 right now

He is here.


the sun isn't up at night, retard

>It's nothing, and I have no idea what I'm looking at.
well which one is it leaf

well this sucks
propably a viral bomb
kek will confirm



The stream photo showed 3 objects though.
The streamer thought it blew up.
that was that last blue flash pic.
Maybe the Norks tested a H bomb?
But all 200 of their rocket scientists are buried in a collapsed tunnel.
Too slow to be an ICBM, and it held an orbit, slightly decaying but getting louder.

no it is, its just night sun
day sun is hiding on the other side

how does this explain this one, which went on for a good 3 minutes around 4 hours ago

Shills really trying to derail these threads. This is definitely a happening.

so is it gon' transmit again?
bullshit, time stamp faggot

weather balloon filled with swamp gas.

isnt it strange how the area of the sensor graphic is just enaugh to capture the full signal?

Nothing ever happens.

Really made me think

As OP I failed to post the livestream of the meteor tracker.

There is massive faggotry on the youtube chat:


If it was a nuclear test. Half of europe would have lost power just like an EMP or FObs.
Dont see it being a test.

How da fuk do i make it work?

the video on that link is so shit, its like 95% percent of alien videos you see on youtube

>not normal
This implies that you know anything at all about what "normal" is with regard to the radiation that is constantly bombarding the earth from all directions, as well as the radiation that originates from here on earth. You can't identify the abnormal unless you understand the normal. A solar eclipse is "abnormal" if you've never seen an eclipse, know nothing about the orbital movements, etc. but the reality is that its 100% normal occurrence if you broaden your scope beyond your own experience and gut feeling.

its been doing this for hours

So many digits

nuh, thats fake news, we would have a radio/microwave frequency jamming in effect for about an hour or less (40 mins was the reported average for the atmospheric tests US did)

Yeah I took a few screenshots. These all lasted longer than a minute. I tried to capture the peak each time

filedropper dot com and those are each the rest of the download link

France better release the Bogs they've spoken to the Big Heads. If they don't France will have a quick Rundown this month.

Is your reading comprehension really this nigger-tier?

Nice slide thread!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Political. Niggers will poast and buummmmmp 2 kil Sup Forums

morse code just now

I'm going to bed. Tell the space niggers I dont like getting woken up before 8am.

FOBs are called super EMPs.
Fractional Orbit Bombardment systems.

how can you know its nothing when you dont know what to look for you nigger

Oh you'd rather I post black cocks?

Fuck off niggerfaggot






pls dont wake me early spaceniggers

We're being slid, so bump motherfucker.

You're stupid

This has to happen, please happen, digits will it.

whats this



did you guys see that just now??? on the transmission

tldr plz

double checked

Japs slide this thread they are enemies again.

what ever helps you sleep at night leaf

sun dogs.
happens in winter

Light phenomena seen this Friday in Northern Sweden