>Got strafe England
>punches Scotland
Got strafe England
Other urls found in this thread:
>I love Sweden
>worships Somalia
The fist is well above the island. It would have descended and landed on London
Lol, German mongs
Spider fucker
I thought the island was Ireland. Wtf is it supposed to be?
>not deserving of being punched the fuck out by god
>Loses to """"subhumans""""
Fucking hell I've never even noticed that
Thanks BASED Sweden
Ireland is to the left. The island I refer to is the main isle of the British isles. The big one that houses England, Wales and Scotland
Don't encourage him mate
I just woke up and for the first time the first thread I saw here wasn't a Brit-hate one.
The fist is obviously already making contact, why the fuck would it land on something not even depicted in the image you autist
It was created by the German-Jewish poet Ernst Lissauer
>Scotland is England
I'm actually Romanian but you're welcome
You have to go back, gypsy
My taxes pay your welfare Ahmed, so stfu.
Du hör inte hemma här, så varför åker du inte tillbaka? Seriös fråga. Du har ingen koppling till vårt folk eller vår historia, du bidrar helt enkelt till vår undergång genom att vara här eftersom du är en rasfrämling.
Sorry I don't speak snownigger. Why are you shitposting at me, triggered cuck? I'm here temporarily if that eases your buttpain.
I like you
>I'm here temporarily if that eases your buttpain.
It does, gypsy boy. As a parasite you should show more respect to your host though, subhuman.
>talks about respect
>calls me a gypsy and a subhuman for no reason
I suppose out of respect I should tell you I've been fucking your mom.
I've had zero problems with Swedes in real life, they're very welcoming and eager to do business, and the girls are nice. It's only from butthurt NEETs like you that I see any of this kind of idiocy. Try not being a loser, and if that's impossible for you, kill yourself.
Thx bro
I bet you're some shitskin anyway. This is the last (You) you'll get from me.
>for no reason
Not for no reason, no. You've been shitposting under our flag and you keep talking shit about our country. I'm not even a NEET btw, I'm willing to bet I could buy your entire family back in Borat's village. Just tired of seeing shitskins like you talking down to Swedes even though you have no knowledge of our history or what led us to this unfortunate situation :)
I have no idea what you're talking about you schizo. Take your butthurt somewhere else.
What brings a gypsy to Sup Forums anyway? How can you possibly be redpilled and not even live in your own country? Weird
Yeah how could someone post from a geographic location other than the one in which he was born. It boggles Sven's mind.
>Lives in foreign country
>Doesn't speak the language
>Probably lives off gibs
>Is from fucking Romania
That's 4 mortal sins
bump. Any explanations for this ?
god its like watching two crippled dogs bark at each other while leaking shit at the same time
Fuck off. Stop fuelling war
He's probably a high power tech worker imported because retarded swedes are too busy prepping sub saharan bulls to get real jobs.
Funny seeing that from a burger who has more than 40 million niggers in his country. Meanwhile we have 315 000.
The germans were dumb. Also they refered to the entire british isles as england because england was politically dominant over the rest of the kingdom.
Im not a burger im a high powered tech executive from another country flown in here because burgers are too busy prepping sub saharan bulls.
>im a high powered tech executive from another country
Ok what country :D
The use of the term "England" was usually extended to refer to the entirety of Great Britain, sometimes even the entire British Isles with Ireland. Many basically considered Wales and Scotland to be extensions of England.
It fell out of fashion after the mid 20th Century.
I recommend coming to Sweden for a visit. It's not Italy or even Germany in terms of tourist attractions but the girls here are top notch, most attractive I've seen anywhere in the world. There aren't a lot of petite girls though if that's your thing. They also speak excellent English.
Good explanation. Still doesn't make sense why it would hit the northern reaches and not London though, I mean, they were aware where their enemy's capital was. Not sure if it was for aesthetic reasons. It looks like a really inaccurate representation anyway.
Probably just artistic reasons.
Why Sweden? Also, are you still in uni or working? When you'll come home?
What sector?
t. Computer Scientist
That's where my project happened to be. I didn't even choose Sweden, sorry to disappoint you Ahmed here .
Well, Scapa Flow was in Scotland, and it was the base for the Grand Fleet that kept the German navy locked in their bases
>It fell out of fashion after the mid 20th Century
not really, we still call the UK as a whole "England"
Calm down Sven, did a Romanian fuck your sister? lol
I meant in the UK.
I bet it's this fag, kek
meanwhile 75 years later in the United Khalifate...
>kraut education
> muh dik
keep hiding your flag so we cant prove your hypocrisy faggot
spreading hatred against the Germans again felix?
I'm just saying. They'd probably love Brits.
You're such a cuck, jesus christ
lmao ebin
Said image always amuses me, feels like an American made it sometimes.
I think you need some onions for that low t.
What you don’t understand is that Lowland Scotland might as well be England because it’s full of Anglo-Saxons.
Literally as Anglo as Yorkshire. Lowlanders are fake Scots.
>The big one that houses England, Wales and Scotland
It's called Great Britain, ie. the largest, of the British Isles. Great meaning big. Ireland used to be referred to as West Britain
lel, it even has the appeal to Gawd. Truly mutts are 1/8ths German like they say.
>Ireland used to be referred to as West Britain
It should be refered to as Southern Ireland, since there's a Northern Ireland.
>It was created by the German-Jewish poet Ernst Lissauer (1882–1937), who also wrote the poem Hassgesang gegen England (lit. "Hate song against England", better known as "Hymn of Hate").
It's always the Jew that divides us and spreads hatred.
Or just call it ireland, or Éire, and call Northern Ireland by its ancient and proper name -> Ulster
Interesting. Jews (Soros) are also behind spreading the "gypsy"/"Roma" meme about Romania.
The meme is real though.
>falling for hebraic memes
Are you not able to make your own arguments?
All gypsies in Sweden comes from Romania, including you. Stay mad.
>All gypsies in Sweden comes from Romania
How do you know, did you have pillow talk with them after they came in your ass?
I've seen gypsies around and they don't even speak Romanian.
Would you call the person in this pic a Swede in that case?
>including you
Wow, rude.
I ain't even. Tinder date tonight.
I don't argue with retards
>I've seen gypsies around and they don't even speak Romanian.
How do you know, did you have pillow talk with them after they came in your ass?
>tinder date
Look, your obviously an r-selected cuck, a traitor to your fatherland and someone who loves to lives in a soulless capitalist Weimar-state.
Corneliu Codreanu would have gassed you in an instance.
Good thing your arguing with me then.
>How do you know
I heard them speaking to each other and on the phone and what they say gibberish to me. Also, unlike you I don't suck off brown people, Svenny.
>blah blah I have autism
We know. Kill yourself, virgy.
>Corneliu Codreanu
Corneliu Codreanu was a colossal faggot and his movement was responsible for murdering Nicolae Iorga, one of our greatest historians and luminaries of his time, and who's also on our banknotes nowadays. Codreanu's face should be featured on toilet paper. You're a Sup Forums-tier retard and should stop parroting every memes you read here.
>your arguing with me
Retard alert
>All gypsies in Sweden comes from Romania
You must be an insecure migrant yourself to be this stupid. Like when I hit on some obviously Arab girls here and they told me they were "Swedish". Go back, Abdul.