>I'm so glad I wasted my entire life wallowing in shallow hedonism and simple distractions, like a rat with brain electrodes pushing a lever over and over in a puddle of piss and shit. Sure beats the alternatives such as a meaningful and productive life that requires self-discipline, hard work and sacrifice. If I don't feel good and happy 24/7, it's not worth the effort. At least I get to stare at a flickering screen with a slackjawed expression 12 hours a day.
Is there anything that can be done about today's 20-somethings who refuse to participate in our society?
I'm so glad I wasted my entire life wallowing in shallow hedonism and simple distractions...
Other urls found in this thread:
Meaningful production is pointless if women won’t sit on your dick. You just live a life of hard work with nothing to gain
And it’s worse if a woman only wants to fuck you for your resources, that’s incredibly emasculating
If you haven’t been receiving a decent amount of female attention there is no point getting into the rat race
This. Everyone I know has the relief of a girlfriend. They at least have that.
>tfw neet after graduating
>got a tonne of gibs and ok grades
>now a neet
>getting dicksits
its true but i think these young people need something to aspire to. so many organizations get banned because they arent islamic inclusive.
Is this a copy pasta?I know I saw this thread before.
It's actually shocking how so many people don't understand this. There is a reason why successful people tend to be attractive, because they have something to actually gain from it. Beyond all the pointless, meaningless material shit, they get a high quality partner. That's the real benefit. If you're in it just for the pointless, meaningless material shit... it's pointless and meaningless.
just wait until the tides turn
I had a gf when i was 19 and we broke up, then i went to uni but i lost my will because with no girls in the future i wont be happy.
I was happier as a NEET with a 9/10 gf than i am now with a good job and smoking bod
It's not even that you need a high quality partner, but these days even the 5s and 6s feel entitled to Chad.
take away women's rights
I'm not whining. I think I'm at least somewhat attractive (on a good day) which is why I pushed myself to finish college and get a job. Don't know what I'd do if I was an uggo mcfucko. Probably play Call of Duty all day.
Can you honestly blame them? The society hated them since they were 10. Then feminism happened and society hated them ever more, not giving them even an opportunity.
And the economy sucks everywhere as far as I know, young people can't even get low tier jobs to get job experience since they are flooded, and mostly given to immigrants, or even automated.
>meaningful and productive life that requires self-discipline, hard work and sacrifice.
>in modern society
I see we have a time traveller here.
The peak achievement for a normie in modern society is to live a life of hedonism and simple distractions. If you are looking for something deeper, you necessarily MUST refuse to participate in their society.
Holy fuck what losers
Women aside there isn't anything worth building towards in this day and age. The only thing I find worth dying for is changing the course.
You could care for your family and work hard to benefit them.
I don't, but I'm degenerate beyond saving and a detriment to society.
>actually caring about materialistic shit
>not realizing it all comes down to mating, and if you're not getting good vagina there's no point.
>shallow hedonism and simple distractions
That's your problem right there. You should have had meaningful hedonism and productive distractions. It isn't too late tho, you can still embrace the barrel and the chicken.
How can one learn to fix their jawline, cheekbones and a whole host of unappealing genetic features? You know surgery isn’t cheap right? And that a lifetime of being ignored will severely dampen your chances of attracting a mate because you never got to socialise?
I’ve seen both sides because I’m that rare ugly duckling type, and the other side of the fence isn’t pretty. Just one of many reasons why I’m a fascist
Pic related has basically been my birthday for the last 5 years, my family take me out to dinner at a nice restaurant and that's it. I'm fine with being a fucking friendless autistic cunt but i'd love to go to someone like pic related's birthday or be there friend just to make them feel better.
Sup Forums has unironically made me want to work with autistic/disabled people and be their friends.
>tl;dr tfw close to normal but would love a friend group that consisted of turbo autists just to make them feel better
anyone else know this feel?
same. I'm a facially handsome manlet. Life can be hell at times
>1 post by this ID
>implying I find meaning in the alternatives
I havent known what to do with my life for 6 years.
I fucking wish I knew what I want to do, but I dont.
All I can do now is try various different things while getting by.
Kind of. But I am one of those turbo autists.
shut the fuck up
They won't sit on your dick if your don't demonstrate value, women are gold diggers in the sense they subconsciously want to secure a safe environment to raise a child. It's just easier when you're young because everybody still appears to have untapped potential, so the barriers to entry aren't in place yet. Also, getting ridden makes you a cuck, women don't need that sort of sexual dominance entering their minds, it can only lead to problems.
Stop your whinging, that alone will seriously put women off.
Great content, great reply. Let me tell you something, you polish nigger. Poles are the most useless, laziest faggots in the history of mankind. You don't work hard, you have no self discipline and you don't bring any sacrifice. Which is ironic since that what you want from others.
Just kys.
War and a great dream. Hard and devastating war will utilize the unnecessary males, A great dream will push the development of those who survived.
Their Aryan spirit must be rekindled. They have to stop being passive about life and start being active. They have to set valuable goals (eliminating debt, building savings, owning your own land, strengthening your body, learning to fight, participating in the culture war with whatever their best skills, etc) and pursue these ruthlessly. They must become a culture creator instead of a culture consumer. They must become ruthlessly determined and purposeful. We can help them get started by curing their white guilt and emboldening them, by attacking modern degenerate society with psy ops, one at a time. "It's Okay To Be White" was a good start but we have to do far more.
yet whiter than you, Achmed
wanna be friends?
Fuck off, Balkan Mohammed.
Why is there so much hate in you?
Im half German and I gotta say that Poland has a bright future, cant say that about Germany, unfortunately.
they're doing exactly what society is asking of them
we can go to Christmas Markets without mujahideens screaming down our neck
The main complaint I'm reading is you fellas don't want to work in order to get pussy? Why? If thays the case than th by-product of getting pussy is having money to do cool shit. And so what if the relationship is based off of what material goods you have? Have fun fucking her then move on to the next, it's not like you married her and she's getting g half your shit. Just be smart, pull out, don't fall in love. Life's good homies.
Computers literally contain the hopes and dreams of man at very little cost. Why try hard when you can have everything you ever wanted right here at your fingertips?
>Meaningful and productive life that requires self-discipline, hard work and sacrifice.
Why not just let yourself become free?
>Like a rat with brain electrodes pushing a lever over and over in a puddle of piss and shit.
Ironically it's 99% of working adults who do exactly the same thing every day making money for someone else and thanking them for the privilege of being given work.
Basically the human goes to the job, spends hours 'solving' it each day then puts their card into the machine at the end of the month to earn their food tokens. Just like those rats.
ive managed to not play video games for a week and i havent eaten anything unhealthy for a week too, i just need to stop fapping and stop getting distracted on the internet
Because you make always the same fucking threads with the same fucking phrases, every fucking day.
This is unironically true. I don't think about pulling because I know I always will be able to. Right now I'm just focused on myself and if I meet anyone, I just go from there. This is how other attractive guys I know act.
Nice concern troll thread!
Niggers love to bump important threads for this shit.
As for 20-somethings, they are not people. Just weak cunts who don't deserve anything.
Why do anything about worthless niggers? I certainly don't need you in my world.
Honestly I dropped out of society for a completely different reason.
If you can't hit the apex of success, what is the point?
Certain beginnings in life make things deterministic to a point.
>Won't want to work in order to get pussy?
>implying working hard gets you pussy
Nignog, it doesnt
Girls are rare as fuck and most are permanently in a relationship and wont think about leaving until they have a new guy on lock
I had moderate amounts of luck when i was young so i thought "If i work out and get a degree ill get more pussy!"
I was terribly wrong and now im educated, fit and lonely as fuck with nothing to look forward to
This, which is why in my earlier post near the end I basically said we have to change what society is asking of them by changing the culture. We have to purge Western culture of Marxism, one psy op at a time.
snap out of it modernist man
the teachings of fascism are here to save you
What value does a nigger criminal have? Or a guy who lives out of his car and commits petty theft to get by but has 10/10 facial genetics
You’re naive, and going by the garbage in your post a bit of an idiot
>participate in "our" society
make me you kike
Not a nignog but a white male who owns land, so show respect where its due commie. How do you figure girls are rare? They're half the population. And if all the girls you know are on relationships untill they have someone else on lock, then be that someone else, have something to offer, and fuck that pussy.
Side note, if you think going to college classes is hard work, you need to open those eyes and buy a hammer.
...evola was a traditionalist
>white male who owns land
If youre truly a white man then im sorry for calling you a nignog
>How do you figure girls are rare?
half the population but you need to filter
Take away the ugly, crazy ones, remove the ones who are too young/old and then filter out the ones who are taken and you get a very small pool.
Its also very hard because while girls do leave their bf tis about timing, she wont be open to talks or being hit on until the relationship has reached a certain point and after that she filters out for her next bf.
When i was in uni my class was around 70% women but i didnt meet one girl who was single during my four years there simply because while all the dudes were single none of the girls were (that i met ofc) and i was social
or you could have a myriad of mental health issues or literally endless others reasons.
people who come up with one idea and think they've figured it all out are fucking retarded.
>take away the ugly, crazy ones
Found your mistake Senpai. You just listed two groups of females that are the most fun. Not every girl needs to be a gorgeous 10/10 that you want to introduce to your parents. Go have fun with a fatty! They fuck hard and will treat you like gold.
The most honest advice I can give you is hit up a bar late, maybe an hour before closing and find an unattractive broad out with her friends and spit some lines. Not only will you get laid but I'm sure other guys in the bars will be pump theres a freelance wing-man helping scoop up the sad friends. You may even get a free beer out of it.
Most quality format threads are pastas in a way.
Not bright, just a future.
>You just listed two groups of females that are the most fun
Ok what i meant was the girls who are 5/10 or worse and the girls who are crazy as in have personality flaws
And i dont find fat attractive so i wouldnt fuck a fatty, under any circumstance.
I dont mind a low end girl, as long as she has something going for her but trust me, even decent looking ones are hard to find so its not just "go to some bar"
I find my way and i do get laid but i wish there were more dating options and that it was easier to get laid
This guy is redpilled as fuck. OP what you post is tradcon but here is deal 80% fuck 20% top men in looks or money, all other get nothing or leftovers. You can get your hot chick when she will be 30 and used up. Fuck this shit, why bother ? And don't get me even started about hotchicks fucking niggers and muslims in their prime years.
Average man simply can't compete with genetic overlords aka Chads. Even if women don't fuck Chads they hold themselves for months or years for these dudes. Internet and social network destroyed average man mating choices.
Right on man. Well I can only lead the horse to water. Good luck.
>refuse to participate in our society?
But they don't refuse.
Most of them are desperate to participate in society, but are completely unable to.
If you don't have decent looks and good social skills 95% of women are completely uninterested in you (even if you managed to talk to them somehow without completely sperging out) and the other 5% have it just as bad as you.
So having any kind of family is just out of the question.
If additionally your IQ is below ~110 or you can't get into college, your job opportunities are basically non existent outside of, being cashier, flipping burgers or other garbage jobs that you will never escape from.
No wonder that these people escape into video games and anime.
>No wonder that these people escape into video games and anime.
i fucking can't stand people who like either of those things, especially vidya
Sup Forums should be deleted. at least animeposters are funny. 40% of the time. Sup Forumsfags are never funny and contribute literally nothing to society
Meaningful and productive? What do you produce? Unless you make great art or contribute to culture in some meaningful way you aren't "producing" anything. Working on a conveyor-belt line to manufacture cheap plastic parts so McDonald's can make phones for their call-centers isn't productive or meaningful. It's meaningful in the same way that Sisyphus being forced to push a boulder up a hill for eternity is "meaningful." Yes, he's pushing a boulder, that's his job. He's doing something. What does it mean in the end? He got to push a boulder? I'm sure he feels superior for having a job.
Having a job doesn't mean anything if you don't enjoy life. You seem like a bitter person. I understand why you are, when after years of tedious work all you get is a slightly bigger house, another child to pass on your insignificant name, another unenthusiastic blowjob from the wifey. Stay mad, wagey. :^)
>They won't sit on your dick if your don't demonstrate value
Biggest value is genetic value, all the rest is coping and beta-providing
>food tokens
I bought a car with mine?!
I recently earned a production supervisor role at my company (blue-collar work) and it hasn't given me any meaning at all. I'm still a virgin at 26 and there's no hope in sight. Yeah sure I'm a very hard dedicated worker but there's no meaning to life knowing I'll end up dying alone. What's the point of all these materials? I'm saving up money for what? Nothing.
I fucking hate life much, I regret every day that I don't commit suicide. Humanity is beyond saving, a directionless species that's heading for the cliff. I didn't ask to be born, I just want to return to the calm soothing void before I was born.
>meaningful and productive life that requires self-discipline, hard work and sacrifice.
>plz keep spinning the wheel goyim while getting nothing in return
>ok, but I’m going to be a real tough guy about it, no fun allowed
“Self-actualization” is merely another form of procrastination, and you’re fooling nobody but yourself.
art and culture /= productivity m8
>that fucking photo
Our society coddles and shelters young men (and women) for far too long. Mothers are really to blame, because they sabotage their childrens' development by refusing to let them "leave the nest" at an appropriate age.
>Is there anything that can be done about today's 20-somethings who refuse to participate in our society?
easy for you to say m8
What society? The one run by corporations and banks trying to create a mutt world with no nations and pushing trannies and degeneracy? You do realize there’s a reason men are checking out of society right?
Come on guys, I want to kill myself enough as it is
This too. So many selfish mothers that want to have someone to baby all of the time that end up ruining their kids lives.
that's literally the leftist dogma in a nutshell
you shills really can't help yourselves anymore can you
Hopefully later in life we get to watch slags go insane as they get too old and realize they’ll probably never have a family. They’ll eventually realize how they’ve fucked up when they are 60 year old cat ladies.
>meaningful and productive life that requires self-discipline, hard work and sacrifice
What's the point if you die in the end just the same?
You do this to yourself.
i feel your rage
Society love to make fun of the Amish, but they have more happiness and a sense of purpose than the rest of Modern society
who's making fun?
im banging the chick on the right
That what whores are for
Weird Al (((Yankovic)))
t. slavic subhuman
Can anyone ITT help someone who lacks motivation and discipline? I've given up on ever getting a gf/relationship/wet holes, but I'm ready to sacrifice my life to a craft/science. The thing is I've been a lazy retard since I've came to existence. I hate it to spend my whole time doing nothing valueable, while staring at the computer screen, but everything else is even more depressing:
Go outside to roam the streets:
>racetraitor whores reminding me that I'm even of a lesser value than the beasts that invade our country
Go to gym:
>every tryhard gymrat is making fun of you trying to better yourself
Go to university:
>Communism, communism everywhere
Go to work:
>literal feminazis bullying you into leaving
who the fuck is invading your country
>today's 20-somethings who refuse to participate in our society?
starvation = motivation
Gather them on Sup Forums and make them into Nazi death squads?
Social rejects make good ideological fanatics. See also.: ISIS, BLM and AntiFA.
Witht the crucial difference that apart from being useful pawns, they will also cleanse culture from degeneracy and restore artistic and institutional European values.
Are you a niggroid or a rare hwite kenyan?
Young men:go find an old gasoline powered vehicle. Figure out how it works and get it running.Then improve on its design.This will take up some well spent time. Build your own tiny house in your parents back yard. Learn electrical wiring,plumbing,framing, insulation, and that a hammer is used to pound nails,not Trump supporters heads. Get a shovel and dig in the dirt, gardening, planting trees,lawns, bomb shelters. Download some of Tesla's pattens and learn about a back EMP to produce electricity from the ether. Young women: go get a sewing machine and learn not only how it functions but what you can do with it. Learn about our food. How it has been corrupted by the geo-engineering by the deep state.Learn about the natural elements that can ensure its safety and correction. Then learn about preservation of food and water and all the equipment used to accomplish that. Learn chemistry. Discover joint compound and plaster of Paris.To all:learn the correct history of anything you chose to do. Choose a sport to play in and an instrument to master. Don't take anything at face value. Look into the matter and be independent in your decisions YOU chose, be honorable and don't let anyone compromise you with money or favors. Read the Bible. It's a blueprint for life. There are great stories of the journey of man and his relationship between him and God.(Fact: English is a Germanic Language which does not have a masculine or feminine assignment to words. Therefore "man" is singular and "men" is plural. Not gender driven.) Last of all go jump on a trampoline without the sissy cage or pads on the springs. Experience the freedom of riding a bicycle without a helmet and elbow,knee pads. Enjoy and experience the wonderful things of life without the restrains and enslavement of political correctness. LIVE in FREEDOM!
>Choose a sport to play in and an instrument to master.
I can't comment on the sport part (though I'm sure it's good advice), but people underestimate the discipline one learns when trying to master an instrument. I started playing guitar two years ago and it made me realise that much time that I wasted could have been spent in a more useful way.
Realizing that time is not infinite is one of the most important redpills one must take.
>Experience the freedom of riding a bicycle without a helmet and elbow,knee pads.
I cannot quote agree with you here. I can see where you're coming from, that all the safety requirements these days make one feel like losing freedom, but one's physical health and ability is one of the most important things we have, and the foundation of much good that cane be done.
Hitting your head the wrong way can already kill you or make you unable to live on your own. We drive a bicycle with a helmet for the same reason we drive a car with a safety belt, though obviously the latter is more likely to get you killed.
This becomes even more important when you have started a family, as after this, staying alive becomes not just an instinct, but a responsibility.
Fuck man
>tfw 19 going on 20 and still don’t know what I’m doing with myself
Sickness begets sickness.
We live in asick world, should be no surprise that it has produced sick people, men and women all
>pointless if women won’t sit on your dick
You're definitely the rat who wants to push the lever. You don't realize you're stuck in a meat prison that's leading you on with chemicals. A life whose goal is to achieve a certain brain chemistry is a shitty life. You're reducing your immortal soul to an expendable spark that powers a meat automaton. Your body should be your slave, not the other way around.
Go out and latch on to something permanent and immutable. A truth.
Find a goal or multiple in your life. Learn to dedicate yourself to things. Be humble and forgiving, basically don't be an asshole. Learn to love yourself. And try to find God.
The order in which you accomplish these things is up to you, the one I posted is the one I intend to follow. I'm currently at stage 3.
Before you attempt to do all this, find a job.
I felt like you, but after realizing that these things are what I feel like one should do, I feel like I have something to strive towards again.
Needless to say, these are just my thoughts, but maybe you could give it a try.
>immortal soul
dude, stay off drugs
>tfw 19 going on 20 and still don’t know what I’m doing with myself
>tfw 39 going on 40 and still don’t know what I’m doing with myself
>tfw 59 going on 60 and still don’t know what I’m doing with myself
That's how it starts user. Pick something and do it.
Soo... Seems like your whole argument is "Fuck you, you don't get to do what makes you happy if it's not useful, WORK SLAVE, WORK!" What a fantastic way to live your life; not like there's anybody that would prefer a few years of what they truly enjoy, while paying the price of a lifetime of misery, to a lifetime of vaguely decent monotony.
Ah, now that you mention it, drugs are not worth anyones time and money. None of them. Don't fall the "dude ur gonna see reality if u smoke weed lmao" bullshit. Remember that anything can have the function of a drug. Basically, avoid addictions. There is a fine line between dedication and addiction and one must learn to recognize it.
Doing this becomes much harder after you have already tried out drugs, as you cannot miss what you never had.