Now that lardasses are asleep, how do we solve the amerimutt problem?
Now that lardasses are asleep, how do we solve the amerimutt problem?
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Bomb Israel.
Freedom never sleeps sandnigger
Nuke 'em
manipulate the weather to drown the entirety of the states
im begging you
bomb mcdonalds
The funny thing is that we rule over you how does it feel to be a vassal state of the 56%?
... A-all of them?
we infiltrate every community and make it known that it's not okay to integrate. start with the natives, they'd be the easiest plus we need to finish the job we started.
He's not a mutt.
Is an italian with a medical condition.
they are solving it themselves; they are fucking themselves so hard, the only thing to do is to silenlty nod and let them run into a wall...
At this rate EU should surpass them economicaly in the next 5/10 years, they won't have any social tissue left, the big us enterprises are already delocalising their brain parts to "low incomes EU slav countries" and trump already managed to destroy every international links obama managed to build, now the world basicaly sees the US as a toxic asset
once the natural disasters ramps the US debts a little more and once big corps won't be able to rack enough taxes benefits, they'll move for fiscal paradises like switzerland or ireland....
thanks to racism and alt rights for destroying the US for us;, let's see how freedom and guns can feed them
im still awake i was just drunk
can someone post more of this guy his face is so funny and the new season sucked ass
Doesn't matter who rules over me, you will forever be a shitskin with mud genetics? How does that feel Amerimutt? You can nuke and kill me but I will die as a white man, you'll live on as a mutt. Disgusting shitstain.
>medical condition
His condition is 56% curable.
>Now that lardasses are asleep, how do we solve the amerimutt problem?
Destroy the jews... its simple. They're doing it to you too no. Pic of the new royal family and its was a kike that match made them.
Stupid kaffir, Doesn't matter who rules over me, you will forever be a shitskin with mud genetics? How does that feel Amerimutt? You can nuke and kill me but I will die as a slave to sand niggers, you'll live on as a mutt. Disgusting shitstain.
So you admit to destroying the west and flooding Europe with shitskins? Thanks for the honesty.
And the woman is a quintessential amerimongrel.
>implying I can even get to sleep until dawn after all my meds and second dinner
Isn't it first bells to pray East already Ahmed?
Can't win an argument against the retarded. Especially those with 56% extra chromosomes. Kill yourself, mutt.
Don't call me 56%:er . REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Just look at my picture. I'm whiter than all of you "european" !! Btw, let me tell you how white you are..
Extra credit for this shareblue proxyfag. Earn them shekels while they're hot.
>mud genetics
Here’s my dna test result. This is about as “mud” as most Americans get.
I just woke up, retard
Thats exactly my point. Kike multicultural. What better way for the jews to do the same to UK? Have jew, set up an amerimutt nigger with the Royal family.
We are allies, the true enemy is the jew.
Nice try.
found more
pretty much
Best way is switch alliances and support Putin as savior of the West.
Start by renouncing NATO and form an EU army instead. Order US forces removed from all Europe.
Let Germany take the military lead since it's already close to US power levels. German forces can forward deploy to defend Poland and keep the battle away from the Fatherland. Germany should have nukes. The UK can donate theirs because too poor to maintain them.
German mastery rescues Europe, problem solved. Only Germans can make Communism prosper.
That's enough now, Pocahontes.
By infesting their goverment, academia, media, corporations, etc. with radical left. Which is exactly what ((((we)))) are doing now.
someone on reddip made this
President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is engaged in negotiations with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman focused on creating a Palestinian state or territory.
According to a Bloomberg report, the talks are centered on creating a state or territory backed by Saudi Arabia and other countries.
Trump has vowed to broker a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians – a task that has eluded presidents with more experience in the region – and has designated Kushner as the point person on the effort.
But Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is reportedly worried by the talks between Kushner and the crown prince.
By encouraging you bongs to continue to let Muslims invade and conqueror so that the rest of the world can see the error of your ways
Nope you be Fucked.
You have to pay the Jizya tax you Dhimmi Cuck
How is the kebab business going, Mahmood?
ever sucked cock before?
>Uses meme flag
>Calls other posters non-white
Relevant part of the dna test for you Muhammad
Come on now show that flag don't be shy
Wow. Such projection. Very mutt.
someone made this into a fucking tshirt
hide powerlevel+do some powerlifts fucking ugly ass tofuboy
typical burger woman
Guess who's awake?
Just woke up. Look the fuck out europoors, better knock this shit off.
All (((Americans))) are honorary Jews AND honorary niggers at the same time. They are the ultimate subhumans, and deserve nothing short of total genocide.
your flag is still hidden be hide that reddit rag
come on little feller
You can smell the reek of betaness and virginity coming off this manlet. KYS.
Wakey wakey USA representing!
>amerimutts unironically think that this meme works in reverse
Lmao , i don't know if you realized, mutt but europe is 90% white unlike your 56% Banana republic.
>still being a jewdocuck
>it's literally like just shy of 7:00
If you're going to meme, at least do it right. Sundays are for getting up in time to shart in the God Mart
i love how people can't even paint him realistically because they make him look retarded unintentionally
leave me alone muttard
Is this your wifes daughter?
>Any Slavic country
Challenge: name one race more utterly degenerate, disgusting and subhuman than the (((Americans )))
Fuck you, soyboys. America is just getting started, we will remain on top for ages to come.
Bro that ship sailed 13 years ago.
only real nations get to post here your the Canada of Australia
On top of the obesity chart, yeah
>still worshiping the nailed jew
I bet your dick is cut too?
(((Americans ))) are honorary abbos
alright i really can't tell if you're being ironic or not, but either way you're making a fool of yourself by doing shit like constantly replying to people and posting pictures of yourself and your DNA test to prove your white. No one cares. Stop