What the fuck is Ledouche's problem?
What the fuck is Ledouche's problem?
He's a loser, just a glorified Elliot Rodger.
He just wanted to be a comedian
he let power get to his head he abondons he comrades and he takes over a country he hates cuz he let power get to hios head i dont know what elce to say
hope gino cucks that faggot. lelouch is garbage
He's a manlet
How that manlet can even compete with based Gino?
He didn't live his life like the glorious Gino Wienberg, Knight of Chad
>mom gets killed
>dad tells you to piss off
>sends you to a country
>tear it up with war and terrorism
Gee, no one will ever know why lelouch was mad
>oversizes shota walks up to you and become overly comfy
>stepping back
lelouche is gaye
He's 50 lbs soaking wet
>all these Lelouch haters
The pinnacle of shittaste
Autism, thinking people is like chess. That's why his plan at the end is completely retarded and makes no sense.
While Geno and Anya were at school with him, why the heck didn't he just use Geass on them?
Like, right before he met them at school he was talking to Rolo about how he would need to take measures against the Knights of the Round. And he kinda just forgets that.
It would have caused to many variables that he may not have been able to control. He was barely keeping Suzaku from flipping his shit about geass, if Gino and Anya started acting really fucking weird Suzaku would have gone all out.
That was kind of a sloppy decision though.
Isn't he like 5'10"?
Wait fuck, this is the wrong one.
He has shit taste
Gino fucked his sister, an unforgivable sin.
That's not how shoulders work.
The 5'3" caught me off guard because I hadn't seen that version before and the bottom part of the image was cut off from my screen, kek'd.
Is Gino /our guy/?
The fuck's with this recent surge of Ginofags since R3 announcement? He doesn't even stand out much.
Based Gino doesn't give a shit about anatomy.
Padded shoulders
He could've just done something similar that he did with Guileford, told them that "when I tell you [specific string of numbers], you will obey me and fight on my side" that he could've used whenever.
The anglo cowers before the aryan.
It started out with CCfags trying to push GinoxKallen to piss off Kallenfags, however Ginoposting quickly evolved into its own beast, and now no waifu is safe.