>Tanya used to be one of Japan's elite office workers, but because of a wrathful god, was reborn as a little girl.
>Tanya prioritizes optimization and career advancement above all, and she will become the most dangerous entity among the Imperial Army's mages.
Has the "Japanese business management philosophy" meme gone too far? Does "muh Kaizen" count as a isekai cheat power now?
Youjo Senki
If "videogame master" can be a cheat, why not master salaryman?
It's to fulfill the Otaku secret fantasy of not just being NEET but instead some kind of super careerist who gets to bully the overworked subordinates.
what's wrong with her face?
If you are going to let any old NEET become some important person in another world, why not someone who is actually successful on Earth to begin with?
You people never fail to find a reason to fault a scenario, In fact, the more detail they put in, the more likely you are to say "this is ridiculous".
>he hates the concept of someone successful going full isekai and running the place like an efficient machine because he can't self insert into it.
N-no, that's not it! It's Japanese nationalism! The author is a bad person! It's NIPPON BANZAI tier shit, it has nothing to do with me!
Anime designs happened.
Guys...it's about a nazi loli. You're looking way to deep into this.
Thats sounds so unnecessarily bloated.
It's fantasy world war Europe, why not just make the girl a twisted genius who possesses wisdom far ahead of her time? How does her past life as a Japanese business man add anything?
>You're looking way to deep into this.
That's what the author did when he decided the nazi loli should secretly be a middle aged man from an alternate universe. Seriously, what does that add to the character that couldn't already be explained away in one universe?
Gender bender for self-inserting.
I bet you fags masturbate your anus every night imagining some faceless bald men ravaging you in Tanya's body.
Are you projecting your fantasies again user
Because it's harder to explain a font of nebulous wisdom to an audience than "yeah he went to college".
W-what g-gave you t-that idea user?
I looked at the LN's translation and came away at least mildly impressed. The usual Stanford prison experiment and Milgram experiment examples are brought up, but holy shit the author invokes John Rawls' motherfucking Theory of Justice and the goddamn veil of ignorance. I am definitely willing to believe the author has a decent liberal arts education, which makes some of the shit that comes later even more hilarious.
Oh and the person, pre-isekai, worked in HR. NO WONDER SHE TAKES TO BEING A NAZI SO EASILY
They've yet to gazenwagen any jews, gypsies or crazies though.
Maybe they'll start when fourth front opens up.
What was that shit about Tanya living up to 73 y\o in non-US running a PMC?
Carlo is actually pretty fucking impressive in terms of writing despite this being isekai stuff. It never devolves into shitty romance or (extreme) asspulls, with most of Tanya's knowledge and tactics coming from stuff someone of her background would know.
The author has done a damn good job of whitewashing alt-universe germany but the more you think about it the more you laugh your ass off because this is all "god's" reverse-Job plan: no great evil, just adversity. Not to mention there are no alternate religions ever mentioned -- they're all good catholics
>implying Tanya will ever praise Existence X
>implying Tanya will ever praise Existence X
What about every time she uses the cursed device and does that exact thing
Because you have to understand the absolutely soul-crushing existence that is Japanese business culture. The LN goes out of its way to demonstrate how utterly soulless, heartless, and dead inside the original person was, and goes into a lengthy and extremely (almost chuuni, really) edgelord/cynical analysis of why people just like him lead such miserable dead-end lives.
It gives the isekai a different dimension than your usual "other world fantasy" because it's an incredibly awkward attempt to get someone whose soul was ground away into nothing to give a shit about something again.
>the absolutely soul-crushing existence that is Japanese business culture.
>how utterly soulless, heartless, and dead inside the original person was
How is that different from business culture in the USA? They also don't treat you like a human being, the company and "company culture" comes before all else, and just expect you to work until you're dead.
The author actually specifically refers to US business culture being similar but naively believes that "Wall Street professionals" are too smart to do the dumb shit Japanese salarymen subject themselves to
>the absolutely soul-crushing existence that is Japanese business culture
That's the most retarded thing I've ever read after 15 years living in Japan. You should stop to trust all the western media tells about 'weird and crazy' Japan.
user japanese government actually registered a special medical reason for death from overwork.
The populace is fucking plagued by it.
They work 12 hours 6 days a week and then wonder why demographics is in the shitters.
this show looks god-tier as fuck
But it's Japan's own media that so often portrays it that way.
It looked God tier, until we saw the character designs.
Here, I fixed it for you.
Get good.
Nothing happened when I saw character designs.
Git gut yourself.
Yeah enjoy your nut'ed cartoon that will obviously be one of the flop anime of Winter. LN and Manga of it will still be the best.
I will.
Fujewshit char designer happens. This is why Fujos should die
Self-insert tropes for beta virgins are the fucking worst.
Anime that don't pander to it's faggot userbase are better or at least have better chance to be much better.
>beta virgins are the fucking worst
Oh right, this is Sup Forums...
I just saw this thread from the index.
Should've known it was this shit hole.
I doubt any Otaku would read Youjo Senki for that. They'd just be bored to death with all the military stuff.
Without beta virgins, betas would reproduce.
>I just saw
Just skipped through most of the trailer for it and the stupid flying mecha horse things, muh tiny loli is over-powered and beats up trained soldiers shit is the same as that Strike Witches anime that was released not long ago.
Food for thought.
You think you're in charge here?
still waiting on my office building light comedy anime in the same vein as Cromartie High School
>trained soldiers
I dunno, a lot of conscripted soldiers back then where pretty shit too
Actually on Sup Forums we mostly have epsilons, gammas and omegas.
Betas get all the pussy after high school since they're the ones actually having shit together in life compared to charisma swinging alphas who would marry 10/10, get alcoholism or addiction and ruin her life tops.
>in charge here
You've wandered in here accidentally and are disgusted by all the beta virgin faggots here.
Since you're prone to getting lost - I humbly point you to the exit, maybe this opportunity also eluded you.
If you decided to stay despite all that - that says something about you welcome fellow degenerate.
>muh tiny loli is over-powered and beats up trained soldiers shit is the same as that Strike Witches anime
Yeah, not even close.
What you mean?
I love watching down on you.
It's like pouring gasoline on an ant hill and ignite it.
>flying loli with weapon, mindless cannon fodder enemy to make muh loli look competent.
So identical I'm not sure I'm comparing Strike Witches to Youjo Senki, or if I'm comparing Youjo Senki to Strike Witches, same shit different year.
She beated Frenchies on flying ponies.
Not really, "isekai" themes pander on people who have a pretty unsatisfying life. They make the MC relatable to the viewers (pretty much self-insert) before they restart their life in the new world that they found themselves in. But everyone knows there's no restart button in real life. Just kidding, there's always Gensokyo
Just check the manga or the LN if you're really interested, there's no point in discussing this further anyway when the anime will be airing soon.
>I love watching down on you.
>It's like pouring gasoline on an ant hill and ignite it.
Hnnnngh do continue.
I don't really want to waste my time on you.
You're just a maggot, a lowlife scum that feeds on other people.
I kissed your waifu one last time after I fucked her hard and long enough that she now only sees my cock when she hear my voice.
Here, you can have the after taste of her
>spits in your face
I don't even have a waifu though, but you did good nonetheless.
Wait....why the after taste of you fucking this user's waifu was in your mouth?
Well you can have my sloppy seconds as your waifu if you want.
But don't let me catch you trying to talk to someone I haven't turned into a fuck slave.
So he can taste her saliva faintly enough to get a boner.
I don't dick her face, I beat it. Kind of an approval that she's now allowed to date beta faggots.
S-sure user.
Isekai protagonists usually either have some bullshit power, are in a far less advanced setting than WWI (where you can't really change much with basic modern knowledge) or both.
isn't it fucking WWI?
It's between WW1 and WW2.
They have tanks and bombers, but mobile mechanized warfare is not implemented yet it seems.
I don't know if my Willy is ready for this show.
Keep the willy away, it's not the time yet.
Man I should catch up on the LN
>jap author manages to have 1st year undergrad education
big whoop
>There's actually a girl named Mary Sue in the LN
>Mary Sue
Is it intentional? Is she some sort of a deconstruction of the Mary Sue character type?
Yeah, she got "plot armor" even she don't want it.
>plot armor
>goes batshit crazy hellbent on revenge
>deemed unstable by superiors
>put in rear line to avoid fuck ups
>Mary Sue want to stay in the front line because muh revenge but the officer won't let her
>Tanya want to stay in the back line because muh comfy but the officer won't let her
It's like a pottery.
If you guys think it sucks so much, why do you guys keep making threads about this shit?
>you guys think it sucks so much
It's just 1 lipfag shitposter though, don't generalize.
I think it'll be great anime. I'm looking forward for tomorrow's 1st episode.
Despite being let down by the art design choice of the show I would still watch this
Though the usual fear of adapting a "light" novel as "light" as this still weights heavily on my mind
When was the last light novel this light ever got adapted? I can only remember horizon
Because it's the trainwreck of the season, learn to spot these things in future.
So how edgy is this going to be?
Shadow the Edgehog tier edgy
This will be guilty pleasure of many people this season.
There is a Japanese adult man inside that mind
Fuck off, Tanya is a beatiful slavic girl.
>Mary Sue will never appear in anime.
At best Tanya will kill her father and his troops.
On an odd rarity that she does appear, that fujoshit will make her character design god awful
Get gassed you degenerate, she's an Aryan Master Race
I want to call Tanya cute and see her blush.
>>Mary Sue will never appear in anime.
>Implying anime is not LN promo that will never get S2
>Or cover more oc than first volume did
Then he knows exactly how to please a man.
user slavic was equal to aryan before nomads invaded and mixed the blood.
There are still some clean slav genetics in province of the europearn part of slavland.
You'll have to be seriously high in Empire military hierarchy for her not to tell you to fuck off on the spot though.
I have a feeling a cynical 30-something year old Japanese businessman who doesn't particularly enjoy his new body wouldn't be particularly flattered by that.
Force her to wear a dress for propaganda purpose everytime she receives a medal or promotion
>Tanya Deguracheff(a)
She's 100% slavic, therefore aryan.
save one post one
Mahou Shoujo Tanya spinoff fucking when?
I want to teach her the pleasure of being a woman.
Why did the anime make her look so uncute?
>no Iron Cross in anime
She'll never leave puberty, all those combat drugs fucked up her body doctors were amazed after an exam bout how she could fucking walk let alone fight.