Based Pajeet will take down Obamacare of the internet soon
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well, god emperor himself explained what pajeet and all republicans are about
this think about dismantling net neutrality is prime example how republicans live in last century
USA need a conservative party who will not be just corporate puppets
two party system failing
So what exactly will change if NN laws are removed? Don't they exist since 2015?
no, they were just enforced in 2015 and now they are all being removed. it's actually pretty shitty. get ready to pay for access to certain websites.
>get ready to pay for access to certain websites.
To my ISP (because in Europe this will not go over well at all) or to the site itself? I can already picture Facebook behind a paywall. I am currently paying around 5$ for my internet connection.
depends on where servers are, if large websites like youtube and facebook have servers in america and some corporate provider tries to fuck with them to promote something like bing instead, well its gonna affect all of us
american bullshit, affecting everyone, whats new
What are solid arguments for anti-NN?
I cannot fathom how this would be any good for anyone that's not an ISP big wig. How does the public benefit from NN ending?
also whats the odds that it will be passed on the 14th? pretty much 95% I assume?
Fuck net neutrality
this is great, even moochelles school lunch initiative is gone. Obama will just be known as that “back” guy.
>big corporations are for NN
I can clearly see google just moving their servers to another country.
Do you understand what net neutrality does? It means that a content provider can not be charged more or less based on the amount of content they provide. This means google's incredibly high prices to use the internet's infrastructure is equalized with the hundreds of tiny companies that offer services such as single city ISPs and startup webservices. This means google and other companies in a similar position will have their bill massively slashed, while everyone else's bill is significantly hiked, making it much, much harder for competition to arise. It's using the government to cement the monopoly of the largest corporations. If that's what you're for, then so be it, but you should state that then.
a bump
>This means google and other companies in a similar position will have their bill massively slashed, while everyone else's bill is significantly hiked
Is this why big corpo is vehemently against NN ending?
Which? Last I checked, a number of the largest corporations who stand to benefit are for net neutrality. Silicon Valley is pretty far leftist at this point.
I personally want to see net neutrality die. People are on here defending fucking Twitter and Facebook as if they're holy cows that might be slaughtered. The internet is already a censored shithole where you're asked to pay constantly so I'd at least get to laugh when Facebook gets fucked by Verizon as opposed to Facebook just fucking everyone else
>corporations who stand to benefit are for net neutrality
That's exactly what I said dingus, learn reading comprehension
You're right. Somehow I skipped over the 'ending'.
Yes, this is why they're against it. When google's thousands of servers in one building are charged the same price as the startup with a hundred servers, someone's clearly benefiting more from these subsidized-by-others plans.
As funny as it would be to watch giants fall, that's a huge price to pay for your favorite sites to be throttled, paywall'd or worse; blocked.
don't you agree?
but it also keeps price of internet low, net neutrality ending just means every internet provider can start acting like EA games, you mean thats a good thing? are you nuts?
and as far as competition goes, it will be bloody equal competition when providers will slow big established companies down so they can promote shitty services,
internet is not your common market, you cant expect capitalist rules of last century to apply today
just compare bloody eu healthcare to yours, ending net neutrality will create similar problem, then to solve the problem people will vote people who cant close pandora box again, but will use subsidies like obama care, basically fund internet for poor from state money
everything works just fine now, internet is bloody cheap, accesible and plenty of new companies have plenty of opportunities
only companies that fail are companies that offer same bloody service as say google, youtube, etc but arent nearly as good and dont have new content that would convice public to move
coincidentaly, those failed brand are owned by people who are against net neutrality, well guess why? because it prohibits them to fight dirty
it will just fuck with consumer friendly companies like google, and allow net providers to treat internet like shitty cable tv, where you pay 20 bucks, then another 10 for hbo, then another and another
so uhh, i know we leafs dont have net neutrality.
but this faggot is still a giant cuck. what you gonna do amarica.
But they're already doing that anyway. And there is no guarantee that's what would happen. I'd rather chance the ISPs not being shit heads than defend websites I know are shitheads
The websites are already doing that. Net neutrality is doing us any good Facebook already tried to squeeze sheckels out of everyone and YouTube has their stupid red bullshit if you want all the features let net neutrality die
how exactly is killing net neutrality gonna kill youtube red and stuff like that? how exactly is allowing providers to charge extra for certain type of data gonna kill premium content? its only gonna multiply it man
If you ask me, the democrats should have expanded net neutrality to ALL telecommunications. That's unironcally the fascist thing to do.
I'm sick of paying extra for HBO and all of those tiered cable plans. How is this remotely ethical? It's not like it costs any more to distribute more digital copies. There ought to be a single price per channel with all channels the same cost. Build your own package. Everything else is just jewish tricks.