Meanwhile in Iceland
Punch her in the belly.
how the hell is she going to stop the volcanoes to stop spewing noxious greenhouse gasses?
plz send help.
Just dont fly in refugees
Still rated as the happiest countries on earth if I recall. Granted I don't think I could even suffer a day of forced-equality under "democratic socialist feminist anti-militarist".
One day I'm gonna movie to Iceland. They still have a chance.
Reducing CO2 emissions and going full electric from geothermal may be a way to go for Iceland.
They don't have fossil fuels but have geothermal energy.
So it is no brainier to base your economy on cheap resource that you have plenty of, instead on relaying on foreign imports.
We should all go green or nuclear just to fuck Suads and Russia.
Each time you buy petrol you contribute to wealth of sandprinces that funds terrorism.
lol good luck Iceland you are fucked.
'ists' & 'isms' bring down trouble
They will chuck in some white pasty Sup Forums posting Icelandic virgins into the magma to appease the Vulcano God
Sounds like paradise.
White people living in a science-based, socially responsible and equitable society. Pollution-free, poverty-free and crime-free. It just goes to show you what white people can achieve when not subverted by waves of violent, superstitious, submental third world immigrants.
People here will disparage Iceland for its socialism. But I would rather in Reykjavik than in Toronto or London or New York.
Come home, white man.
At least Iceland is over 90% white. Icelandic militarism sounds like a bad joke and "fighting climate change" in practice is going to be "not polluting the shit out of the island" so the gender equality is really the worst of it.
that rhetoric with
tacked on
is a fine thing
This bitch will set everything aside to let in some poor refugees from Niger
>White people living in a science-based, socially responsible and equitable society. Pollution-free, poverty-free and crime-free.
When your country is more 90% white you can afford to do cute things like that. All our money goes to stopping niggas and spics stealing, murdering and taping whites.
>white people
Come off it! You're famously reluctant to spend money on crime prevention, even though it means you have to spend an order of magnitude more locking them up afterwards.
I'm pretty sure Iceland only let in like 20 refugees even during the height of the shitskin crisis. Smugglers can't navigate that far across the ocean with no kebab along the way.
>I don't think I could even suffer a day of forced-equality under "democratic socialist feminist anti-militarist".
I don't get the impression that Icelanders are as ideologically bent as the Swedes or Canadians are. They are still in the end rational, and if the more recent forms of affirmative action prove to be both ineffective and contrary to human nature and happiness, they'll dispense with those policies. Canadians and Brits and Swedes would just double down in the face of contrary evidence, but that's just because of the dominant influence of irrational, non-white identity politics in those countries. Because of this lack of "diversity", I still think Iceland can pull off a utopia before any other nation.
the eternal female
Most Canadians or (probably) Swedes probably aren't ideologically bent at all. I'm under the impression that most people simply stopped caring about the government and only cared about themselves long ago, then the government ran wild with the support of a vocal minority.
>Iceland population
Welp, Iceland will be gone in two years.
Well, Iceland is lost. Are eastern Europe and Asia the only decent societies left?
TFW Chuck Norris's wife was right.
You know those cheap flights from the Eastcoast to Europe?
This lady is going to force Icelandic Air to launch a $100 flight plan between Reykjavik and Mogadishu or something
>TFW Chuck Norris's wife was right.
What did she say?
>hurr durr a man is worthless and incapable of becoming something great if his skin is the wrong colour
>"go farther than the Paris Accord" in fighting climate change
So they'll do more than just take people's money and laugh? Way to set the bar high.
Hello stefan.
we're not gonna negotiate with helgi over fishing quotas anymore, we're just gonna guilt trip him for them....
Just becuase you grew up watching Star Trek doesn't mean it's the future Skylar.
Lets place our bets. If she isn't froced to step down i would say iceland is likley ruined within two and a half years from now.
I hate feminism and left wing "let them all in lol" policies as much as any sane person but she hasnt done anything yet so this might go well for them
Iceland is small enough, white enough, and has a low enough unemployment rate. I dont think socialized medicine is going to ruin them.
Isolated countries like this always say this. Until the experience the negative effects, they will continue to push their ridiculous ideology.
>Race is skin deep
>Native peoples have no right to their own land
Fuck off
>What did she say?
If we elect Obama it will lead to 1000 years of darkness.
Cancer, I hope someone kills her
I'm in Toronto and most white guys I know either feel embattled by minority clamorings or are defiantly pro-minority and anti-white. That's right - they're self-hating white leftists. I never met a white guy who was indifference about identity politics in Toronto. It has become pervasive and mainstream. Gender neutral bathrooms in schools and bars and government offices, anti-white ads on the TTC daily, BLM causing shit every chance it gets, police fearful of enforcing the laws because of toxic identity politics, the city is awash in this nonsense. Hard to be indifferent to it when it's so ubiquitous and invasive.
guys, seriously
why do't we all just move to iceland and change the laws?
Nothing to ruin. Wish these micro nations would just stop with the posturing.
Iceland is already a social democracy without a military. Also, good luck with taming those volcanoes.
Iceland doesn't even have an army
>mfw I will never live in the glorious utopia that is iceland
why even live as a liberal anymore?
I thought Iceland was ok? I was wrong I guess
>why do't we all just move to iceland and change the laws?
They are pretty strict on the whole citizenship business
Legitimately not worth colonizing.
There's your problem
Unequivocally one of the worst and most politically charged cities in all of Canada.
thats not her belly user....
>why even live as a liberal anymore?
Because turning your country into Brazil is a healthier development than turning it into Iceland.
Prior to the 1965 immigration law fiasco you basically were Iceland. (((some people))) and that fat literal ladykiller Ted Kennedy killed the dream
Is she knocked up?
Jesus. Great time ro run a country
kill yourself
Iceland about to get Blacked, cucked and fucked.
R.I.P in piece
I hope she’s fufills her duties and successfully integrates 500,000 African/Arab migrants that need help. This is beneficial not just for the Icelandic people but for those that are seeking a better life. There is no greater bliss in this life than watching an entire race erode and fragment before your eyes.
Sure they have a Chance for a utopian society with Universal Health care and renewable energy, since they are sitting in gigantic geothermal potential. However i think they will over play socialism and make working unattratice. She will replace competent men with less competent females. She will likley take in freeloaders Form the third world. My bet stands
>Icelandic people are native to Iceland
>democratic socialist
Explain yourself vikings, why hasn't the communist already been hanged.
Not staying within the Danish Kingdom was a mistake
a socialist ruling over a tiny island with an aging population sounds like a one-way ticket to genocide
>anti militarist
So what will she do if someone decides to invade?
she capitulates and spreads her legs
but being a feminist politician she will let refugees in and essentially legalize the invasion of her country
>Iceland is a geologically young land mass, having formed an estimated 20 million years ago due to volcanic eruptions on the Mid-Atlantic ridge. One of the last larger islands to remain uninhabited, the first human settlement date is generally accepted to be 874, although there is some evidence to suggest human activity prior to the Norse arrival.[12]
If the Icelanders have no right to Iceland and are not considered natives, then neither are the Maori natives to New Zealand, or the Bantu natives to South Africa.
At what point do you say that a people is native?
The Danes enjoy nigger sperm just as much as the Swedes
Bake them cookies and offer them her vagina, like women in Europe did.
The volcanoes need refugee sacrifices.
Icland has no serious military anyway they had to relay on their geographic isolation and serious powers to to protect them since at least 300 years.
I don't think that US citizens should have an opinion on another country's politics or politicians until we can unfuck our own country.
The Icelandic people are potentially dangerous because of the institutionalized racism that we have in majority white countries/the west.
In order to eradicate this type of hate we must aknolwege that there is In fact inherent racism within whites.
>Iceland population
The tax hike will be hilarious. In before she offset it with rapefugees, and they end up taking money instead of giving taxes.
I assume that "anti militarist" means no weapons or defenses whatsoever.
Considering it's a woman this is most likely correct. Fighting is bad :(
I wish a neighboring power would send in the army and kill such people just to make a point.
That's some very good talking from Poland guy, if true.
>Race is skin deep
It actually is. A man should be judged by more than just his skin colour, like by his character and his actions.
Nobody is really "native" the territory was always there before the people. It's a question who has the power to claim a territory nothing else.
The maori's literally aren't natives, they hunted down and killed the natives who were passive tribesmen (who also arrived by boat from my understanding).
>At what point do you say that a people is native?
You already know the answer: When they aren't white.
>electing a swarthy tattare
what did the icelandic mean by this`?
You can't say these things on Sup Forums
>A man should be judged by more than just his skin colour, like by his character and his actions.
Alright, they're still awful.
>In fact inherent racism towards whites.
Fixed that for you LARP boy
and equal society with social benefits is possible but only if its restricted
Think of it like family, you want to provide for your family and give them stuff but if every fucker in the world forcefully enters your house and claims to be family then your willingness to help stops
Change your flag, you make communism look bad and thats saying something
Bitching about gender equality is the easiest political stance to make. Say the word inequality and you're automatically taken serious and invited to screech with Behar on the view.
>The maori's literally aren't natives, they hunted down and killed the natives who were passive tribesmen (who also arrived by boat from my understanding).
Yet the NZ government and the UN still portrays the Maori as the natives of NZ. Strange. It is like there is some sort of (((pattern)))
So I guess all whites should be condemned for being mass shooters and pedophiles
>democratic socialist
Is that something like 'democratic rapist' or 'democratic childkiller'?
Go farther than the Paris Agreemnet -- easy, if you're basically living on a giant volcano and use geothermal energy and only have a population of 300000 people.
Increase gender equality -- means taxing men and giving it to women.
Anti-militaristic -- Is this a joke ? What army would they have with a population of 300000 people ?
Expand its healt care system -- Just means increased taxation, who pays the most taxes ? Men.
Conclusion: Men get fucked by feminist government via increased taxation.
>So I guess all whites should be condemned for being mass shooters and pedophiles
The NZ government are fucking traitors who let a literal chinese communist spy into the government, I don't care what those cucks think.
>It actually is
No, it isn't, ask a doctor
America would improve across the board over night if blacks vanshied.
Guarenteed shes going to be bringing in boatloads of niggers, like the kike vermin she is.
Motherfucker, you're living every day like that here.
RIP Iceland
I want to give that woman a good dicking. I wonder what her feet look like.
Then stop judging people of other races for the actions of a minority. Even children understand this.
> judged by more than his skin colour
> uses the word 'like' unnecessarily
Tits or GTFO valley girl.