He's this enigmatic figure that never really says anything, but he's always around. Everyone jokes about how Kushner never speaks. It would probably generate a lot of buzz if he were to schedule a press conference or testify before congress, and a lot of people would watch it live. Even CNN would have to cover it.
He's going to flip on (((them))). JKush is eventually going to name the jew and there's not a damn thing they can do about it since he's jewish and can't cry anti-semitism. He picked up where Bobby Fischer left off and he and Bannon and Stephen Miller pulled some late nights and cobbled a case together against the pedophile jew mafia, their media control, 9/11, Soros, etc. People are going go nuts over the forcible redpilling despite the slow trickle of sex abuse claims mainly against jews, and martial law will be declared on the West Coast due to rioting.
Trump has been trying to improve relations with Russia, China, and Japan so they don't annex our shit in the confusion. Communist insurgencies might pop up, as communists are always foot soldiers for hollywood and the jewish elite. If Bernie names the jew as well, this won't happen, but if Bernie is implicated in any way, his people will go nuts.
Make no mistake, Jared can, at anytime, cause The Happening. The question is, Sup Forums, will he make it Happen?