Why do they keep trying to normalize a mental illness?
Why do they keep trying to normalize a mental illness?
pedophila is next
Yup its a slippery slope into normalizing furries
They really think they are doing the right thing. It's a bit sad (((they))) take advantage of decent people.
best possible outcome for her really
I love the abstract merchants.
I'm not sure which one is the trans kid in the pic
So taxpayers will pay for it.
>Our child is Napoleon Bonaparte
I’d be ok with it if it was a hot trap
The left is a death cult. Or more specifically, an anti-life cult. Of course they would glorify castration. No more dick, no more babies, no more life.
They feel like they're super heros or some gay shit standing up for an "Oppressed" minority group of people.
Most of them want to be the center of attention. And feel that they are doing something that "matters" Just egotistic psychos with extremely low intelligence and knowledge trying to be the "hippies" of 2017
notice how the mothers always have short, dyed hair
This. Also normalization of such mutilation ensures male circumcision will never be questioned as unethical.
For attention.
to normalize degenerate behaviour in general.
and some day Necro-pedophilia
It's a spiral into hells deepest layers.
To drag us all straight to hell
>their mental health matters
oh that fucking irony
>pedophila is next
let us hope
1. finally expose stupidtiy that 14yr old chicks cant be mothers because laws
2. finally shock mothers. and mothers are the real cunts of society - wanting to sanitize everything so they can do fuck all and watch TV while their kid is being raised by someone else
3. finally bush thing too far for the normies and alienate themselves
Because (((they))) want to destroy western society
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
From "The Naked Communist" written in 1958. There are a total of 45 goals, recommend all here to read through them.
Not true. Acceptance of pedophilia would benefit straight white males. Child marriage allows a man to protect his wife from outside influences. All of this is done to harm whites. Use your head. It was not unusual to marry a girl at 12 little more than 100 years ago.
>they vote for social liberal reform
aka gibs