Stop using the term "cuck" to describe liberals. It is offensive to us cuckholds and should not be used as an insult.
Official message to Sup Forums from the cuckhold community
If you're at the point at which you get turned on by your wife cheating on you, shouldn't you enjoy being insulted in the first place?
I would be pissed if someone was fucking my wife too lol.
Become Christians again
Reclaim your home lands
Ahahahaha! Fpbp!
Wait, this was actually published by VICE?!
I thought the article was fake news all the time.
Bunch of cucks.
Cuckolding is a thinking man's fetish
>cuckolds demanding anybody stop anything
muh sides
>cuckolding is a good thing because it's consensual and provides pleasure to women
the slippery slope isn't real goyim
lol retards cuck is insulting actual cucks you just happen to be all liberals.
I have identified as a fascist before your average Sup Forums user grew pubes. I've been a cuckold ever since I was 17 years old and being a member of this community, I hate to dismantle your fantasies: being a cuckold has absolutely NOTHING to do with being a liberal.
Most cuckolds accept this lifestyle for three reasons:
>it is a fetish that spices up the sexual life of the couple and avoids broken families
>it avoids the stress of having to satisfy your wife as well as providing
>it allows talented, industrious men to sustain women while they sustain society
Being a cuckold doesn't mean that you vote 'liberal', it only means that you chose to reject traditional demands of how your sex life must look like. If anything, that's a virtue. I never voted for a single leftist politician. Just so you know, my son is NOT of a darker complexion, and I am 100% sure that I am his dad.
Because being the wife of a cuckold also has nothing to do with being a slag and banging random men. My wife has as strict standards for the "bulls" as she has for me. That is how it works in all cuckold circles.
>So being a cuckold is not destroying western civilization? It's actually just a mean to keep a marriage healthy?
Exactly. Liberals are destroying society, not cuckolds. And when you associate 'liberals' with 'cuckolds', you are excluding many talented, educated, verbally skilled men that could be helping us win the battle of ideas.
I know this will fall on deaf ears because muh memes, but I do beg you to read and understand.
>not bbw
K pleb
Vice had a doco on cucks before. It also proved that its fake the cucks pay coke whores to be their "wives"
>actual cuckolds are pissed
they lost the right to any respect and consideration a long, long time ago.
You are a faggot and should kill yourself.
corno do caralho
nice meme
Dave is a Southern California entrepreneur and part-time "alpha cuck" in his mid-forties. He was kind enough to explain to us what an "alpha cuck" is exactly, and he said he wasn't thrilled about his sexual identity being used to slander liberals.
The conversation below has been edited for length.
VICE: Hi, Dave! I hear you're a cuck.
Dave: I'm pretty much the consummate cuckold.
A lot of people on the right are using the term "cuck" lately. Are they using it right?
They don't know what it means within the scene. They believe it means inferior. They don't realize that there certainly are a lot of alpha cucks out there.
Is race involved in cuckoldry?
One girl in particular subbed [meaning she was submissive] to black guys and dommed [or dominated] white guys. It's kind of like reparations play. In observing some of her cuckolds, and just hearing their comments, it was, for them too, an "I'm sorry" thing.
Hahahahhah what a faggot cuck
>leftists are pissed at the right calling them cucks
that's why they use it
chegou o paulista
you're a indio rape baby at best, you have nothing to preserve anyways since your genetic material is already watered down.
Is this you?
This is what I was expecting to hear, sadly. Sup Forums doesn't care.
So I'll just drop this piece of information and see where it goes:
>my son does not know I'm a cuckold
Crazy, right? Why wouldn't you tell a child about a fetish? I thought scatologists told all children should know that their mom and dad like eating each other's feces!
>I do not support the bull because he is my bull
I pay his bills because he is a close friend who has three children and fears everyday that he'll be sent to jail for not paying child support.
>Cuckold actually helped my relationship
What do you think would've been better for me? Being drained from a 58 hours week of work and not being able to satisfy my wife, thus ruining my marriage; or having a strong man get the job done? Say, defenders of western civilization; would you rather give my son a destroyed household or let me wife and I have fun with our fetish?
>someone else is getting action
Not him that's for sure
Go die in a favela you cuck
nice meme
From the article:
Is race involved in cuckoldry?
One girl in particular subbed [meaning she was submissive] to black guys and dommed [or dominated] white guys. It's kind of like reparations play. In observing some of her cuckolds, and just hearing their comments, it was, for them too, an "I'm sorry" thing
The irony about cuckoldry is that it is pretty racist in nature; the bull is treated or considered as an animal hence the name. Blacks are mostly picked because they consider them less than human and thus perfect for the role. Being a bull is less humiliating but everyone is humiliated to an extent.
>He only works 58 hours a week
>He thinks this is an adequate excuse for not regularly fucking his wife
So you tell me: why do you find it necessary to place your career before your wife, the person you MARRIED, and promised to put before all other things in the eyes of God and men? Did you not take that vow seriously? Was the marriage a joke to you from the start?
Secondly, a 58 hour work week is 10 hours a day for 5 days, then an 8 hour day. Motherfucker thats weak, I know grad students, doctors, contractors, and entrepreneurs who do 70 hour work weeks AND party AND have hobbies and most of them, the doctors, have more than one gf/bf. Why do you think your arbitrary time constraints that YOU PUT ON YOURSELF should have anything to do with it?
>The thinking man's fetish
More like the lazy sack of shit fetish
Fucking sassenach.
cuckphobic bigots
>The thinking man's fetish
I've heard this argument long before cuck was turned into an insult. Sounds like a psy-op to me.
>Oh if smart people are doing it I should do it too!
>it avoids the stress of having to satisfy your wife as well as providing
THIS is the reason you're looked down upon, back in the day, men had to work a lot harder, and still had to provide to his wife money, safety and dick, that's what it means to be an adult, married man. By having other men pleasure your woman, you show weakness and/or lazyness, and sometimes the conformism that comes because of it ("I have to accept this because I can't pleasure her").
TL;DR is not brown babies what makes cuck shit society, is the downfall of men they portray.
Tough. We don't respect cuckolds.
>Stop using the term "cuck" to describe liberals. It is offensive to us cuckholds and should not be used as an insult.
What are you gonna do, scratch us while you cry?
this is wonderful bait
Try being more subtle with your bait next time.
I thought they liked being insulted. That's the whole point.
Laughed harder at this than I should've
>Behind every good woman is a cuck
t. proud cuck
Shutup cuck
>It is offensive to us cuckholds and should not be used as an insult.
Why does your opinion matter, not even your partners respect you.
>A lot of people on the right are using the term "cuck" lately. Are they using it right?
Since when are liberals prescriptivists?
New pasta?
Stop using the term "roastie" to describe women. It is offensive to women and should not be used as an insult. The length of a woman's labia is not a determining factor of how much sexual contact she has had. For example: my mother's vagina is still tight and puffy with little to no labia length despite semi frequent sexual intercourse while my little sister has a "roastie" vagina even though she is a virgin.
Yeah, we fuck your fetishistic lifestyle like niggers fuck your wives!
Doesn't this excite you?
You have a sexual fetish which is, let’s face it, rather ridiculous. Like furries, or footfags, or that one guy they still talk about who likes bathroom tiles. If you go prancing around telling us about it, we’re going to make fun of you.
Even when i'm on vacations, I can't still bring my wife to full satisfaction.
Think about it. Why would you lock a person with you for pride instead of letting her have the best life and as much pleasure as she can?
>makes thread to discuss cuckold
>make fun of actual cuckold for trying to contribute with the discussion
Being a sad loser like you guys must be so bad. You bitch and moan about me being a cuckold when you don't even have a wife.
Well, we could make fun of your flag too.
You sound very secure in your ideology, cuck.
Porridge wog detected.
Archive that shit
Litteraly cuck are subhumans
Someone post the big brain pic
but user
that's a real thing, jewish people are overall intellectuals
So we're you ever able to satisfy your wife AT ALL, at any point since you have known her? If yes, what changed? If no... Why the fuck did you get married? You are the one talking about wanting her to be free, why did you fucking enslave her by marrying her? Why not just divorce?
White Cuck: White man that gets turned on by l brown/black man fucking his wife
Black Bull: Thanks fo yo wife dumb whitey, finna don’t have to rape her now
White Liberal: Has extreme passion for brown/black men fucking over his country
Black Democrats: Gimme dat EBT an shit or we gonna burn this mah fuckah down!
alpha cuck, my fucking sides.
>Do you resent seeing the term "cuck" used by trolls?
>I think today's "cuck" is the new "gay." Remember when that was a slur? I think eventually it'll evolve into an accepted lifestyle.
>Are you a feminist?
>To a hardcore feminist female, probably not. In reality, I think so. To me, it's somebody that stands for and behind women. There's a famous quote, "Before every good man is a good woman." I tend to take that view, but I also tend to give it my own twist: "Behind every good woman is a devoted cuck."
i wish the guy in the pic knew he was being used as the ideal cuck
>stands behind women
You are all sorts of fucked up
Neither do you, but enjoy taking care the bull's kid
fixd that for you
>Actual fags are pissed off at the far right using fag as an insult
>Actual niggers are pissed off at the far right using nigger as an insult
>Actual kikes are pissed off at the far right using kike as an insult
>Actual water are pissed off at the far right using wet as an insult
Call em like you see em
>mfw i realize le 52% mutt meme was shills trying to create a new meme so we wouldnt say cuck as much
I warned Sup Forums about this before.
Do you really think it's a smart idea to piss off cuckolds? We are men who would do anything for our hotwives. We live for her, we fight for her, we would die for her. Do NOT piss us off. If our hotwives even so much as snaps her fingers, we would bring your heads back in a basket.
The love between a man and a woman is the strongest bond in the world.
>can't satisfy his wife without a dindu
>thinks he could kill someone
>actual cuckolds
Wait. These are actually a thing? I thought it was all just in jest.
> We are men who would do anything for our hotwives.
Except sexually satisfy them.
assuming you're not playing dumb
stay away from the rabbit hole
you don't want to go down this one
You'd think cucks would get off on that.
Next you say bugchasers and other disgusting and self destructive degenerates are also just in a jest.
If this is ment to make fun of the alt right why does the guy look like the chicken hit too close to home?
Self denial. They think they're worth something to their so called wives besides disposable income.
>I'm in control, I organized this encounter
>I'm in control, I practically organized this encounter
>I'm in control, she worked on her own, but I gave her the permission
>I'm in control, she don't even let me touch her anymore, I'm so awesome when I organized her satisfaction!
>WTF?! Someone has the nerve to look at me in disgust and pity?! I'M AN INTELLECTUAL ALPHA MALE! I CHOSE THIS LIFE STYLE!
I've seem some pathetic fetishes, but cuckold is the worst.
Who woulda thought the cuck is beta af.
>"Behind every good woman is a devoted cuck."
Being a cuck is pathetic, would you also enjoy watching me in your house from the outside?
All denty pasta
cucks aren't people. they're the lowest form of life imaginable. not even a fucking animal would ever willingly let itself get cucked. cuckolds are prideless, weak and disgusting excuses for "people".
There's a nice simple logic to this..
Just read about Slobodan. Wasn't really interested in the whole Bosnia/Serbia/Croat stuff before.
So the only "crime" he committed is removing kebab? No wonder why his people love him.
Totally based.
what the fuck is that?
>it's kind of like reparations play
how did he come to this conclusion? He is delusional
how did people get this way?
its "behind every good man stands a woman"
wtf is cuck thinki...ohh wait
This is pasta, right?