Why isn't this allowed in anime any more? Who is responsible for ruining the media industry in Japan?

Why isn't this allowed in anime any more? Who is responsible for ruining the media industry in Japan?

Posting lewd loli from 100 years ago was probably funny the first day or two, but it's just an eye sore now. I hope to god it's not more than two anons spamming it on a regular basis.

I would love to post lewd loli from today, but it no longer exists thank to some faggot who singlehandedly killed the industry.

well, their banking system is under the rothchilds

Who do you think?

Conservative scum that want to kill degenerate drawings.

I for one really enjoy the "ruined" media industry in Japan

Report and ignore.

That's a good question.


Empowered by murrican anti-porn laws post WWII.
That's why genitalia are censored. America had a social revolution that saw censorship removed, Japanese are culturally too stagnant to do this. That's why their country is going downhill, no change means no adaption.

>The OP's image

user, that's not lewd at all. I think you have a problem.

People like you masturbating to a shirtless child ruined the media industry in Japan.

The Thought Police is here I see.

Well, they did invent tentacle porn to partially get around this.

>The Thought Police
>Pedos actually believe this

Nah, they just brought it back.

The 90s economic crisis
There is still plenty of loli in other cheaper media like doujin games and manga

don't bother, they're the ones who get no new fap material. Let them cry and carry on

The Jews fear the pedophile.

Some new regulation in tokyo or some shit that took place right around the time dansai bunri no crime edge finished airing. I think it had to do with doujins or some shit, but anime studios didn't want to risk it or some bull. I don't know the full details.

In other words around the same time something got regulated and it affected anime. I just don't know what it was and I'm too lazy to research it.

they were censoring before we ever got there dingus

Muh dick.

People seem to forget this.

Agnes Chan

Are you stupid?

There was no real censorship until the 90s, when there was a massive social panic stemming from things like the Miyazaki murders and cult terrorism that caused entertainment to massively dial back the violence, gore, nudity, etc that existed in the media. Nobody gave a fuck about playing moral police by copying American law.

You can argue there's a case where creators tone back or change things because they want to make their products viable in foreign counties, but that's very different.

why are nips sexualizing infants in diapers?
like, thats sick pedoshit

Now lets not blame Abe for anything

diapers is the best fetish, as long as it's seperated from loli

The same reason as for anything else that was different before:


Evangelion is a children's anime, marketed at children and aimed for that demographic. Because of its extreme sexual themes, it caused the Japanese to question sexuality in anime aimed at children as a whole, which lead to children's anime after Evangelion no longer being able to get away with nudity.

>Who is responsible for ruining the media industry in Japan?
America, as always.

anime back then
>simply depicts reality

anime now
>lewd and oversexualized
>tries its best to pander to pedos

K-On will never die!

It makes up a very small percentage in overall profits (at least in foreign countries), though. Japan has been doing its own thing for the past 3 decades.
