man how great is this, just recently found this manga
>I formed a fist
it makes me tingle everytime
man how great is this, just recently found this manga
>I formed a fist
it makes me tingle everytime
It's fucking amazing.
It's probably the most obscure and good manga of 2016.
I haven't seen it brought up on Sup Forums much, but they'll be sure to shit on an anime adaption if it gets one and normalfags start memeing about it.
What terrible taste.
Fire Punch is weird because it started off as some dumb edgy thing, became some weird-meta story, then turned into an actually pretty good battle shonen. Because the earlier parts weren't great, when it starts improving later on it really excels, so people tend to overrate it a bit, but it's definitely improved a lot from where it once was.
Nah you know the anime adaptation would be the shit
They'd do some ridiculous VA stunt casting and do impressions of the actors in the movies the Director talks about
>I haven't seen it brought up on Sup Forums much
everytime I check this place there's a thread or a page on OPT
It's fucking amazing.
It's more of a dark comedy now than battle shonen
It was generic edgy shit but then turned into pure gold when Director came
what with the half naked people showed up recently?
desu I have no idea how the story gonna go
it wasnt a good sign most of time
>I haven't seen it brought up on Sup Forums much
welcome to Sup Forums new friend, you suppose to lurk for 2 years before posting
But Bulgeman and Englishwoman look really cool
Can you make "I really want to fap" scene into banner?
It's really good.
I am always craving for edgy manga done right just like Tokyo Ghoul
Bless you kind user
FP is kino
it has the same feel as golden kamui with batshit insane characters taking themselves very seriously.
also praise lord Agni and eat his blessed face meat
>It's probably the most obscure
Probably only in the west, this and World's End Harem are doing very well popularity and sales wise in Shounen Jump Plus
>world's end harem is doing well
jesus christ
I fucking love Worlds end
>Because the earlier parts weren't great
I loved them from chapter one. I didn't know if it was meant to be funny back then but I was entertained enough to keep reading right from the start.
I still wonder if the author wanted to write the whole thing as a 'normal' edgy revenge story and then just got bored after a few chapters or if everything was planned like this from the start.
> literally the end of the world
> he can save it by impregnating girls
> tons of 10/10s throwing themselves at him
> "m-muh childhood friend"
i'm sorry, no, the good art just makes it worse.
>I avenged you, brother
Now discuss: The Ice Witch is not real. Agnis just created it to convince himself he has a enemy to blame for everything he made.
And dropped
Do not worry. It doesn't end in incest. They don't have enough time.
Picked the fuck up
Keep reading.
nah, he'd have imagined her as some evil sadistic bitch, not some bored girl
pic related
So if there is an ice witch then director was lying about cause of ice age. Or there is no ice witch and that one was just fake
He could not even give her a face. He just lacks imagination.
Edgy lowbrow garbage, I bet you also enjoy Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan.
>firepunch is so popular that even the author who wrote the popular shit about deaf girl and bullying copied it
Oh Im laffin
To you, my immortal is pretty good too. If Nips copying things other than harem anime battle school tsunderes leads to more enjoyable manga, then they should go for it.
I agree, it might be the best ongoing manga for the next few years.
To you, the immortal is like Fire Punch. I can't see where the author wants to go and it just keep changing thematics.
the characters are completely different
the settings are completely different
only similarities are immortal MC and seemingly aimless plot, but that might just be becuause to you is less than 10chapters long at the moment
The Ice Witch was someone indebted to Director, fucking retard
She isnt the real Ice Witch but rather someone with ice based power
>ehh I'll give it a try
>OH SHIT cutting off his arm in the first few pages?!
>oh it grew back. ehh one of these types of stories huh
>OH SHIT feeding it to an old lady?
>OH SHIT feeding the whole village?!
>ah man, getting curbstomped by a better power
>OH SHIT rebuilding himself slowly and painfully
>This is only the first chapter
picked the fuck up.
Wait till you get to director. It becomes gold
> from classic revenge tale to "what do you mean legless trap started a religion with me as its god?"
fucking priceless
it started off being a compelling, serious revenge story with a nice amount of darkness (or edginess in Sup Forums's vernacular) but it became more of a meta-silliness story with the introduction of the director.
I've never read deadpool but It's how I imagine deadpool would be as a manga
Is this the face of somebody who knows what the fuck is going on?
>aimless plot
>currently 7 chapters
Fuck right off
She straight up said that she was hundreds of years old, and knew that the earth entered into an ice age, and that humans have like 20 more years. Also the "Ice Witch" said something about paying back a debt. Ice Witch is obviously bullshitting
>Anime tier exoskeletons
>Espers around like candy
>Little drop in temperature destroys society
There must be more to it. Humans have had endured ice ages before with lower techbase while keeping their society intact.
>she's emma. I'm watson
topkek she's ridiculous
Thing is, in previous ice ages there was a significantly lower amount of humans, significatively higher amount of wildlife baseline before it adapts to the cold, and breeding on human was significantly based on a mix of cunning and physical prowess.
Modern human society largely relies on crops directly or indirectly for their alimentation (And even potatoes have a limit on how cold it is until they can't grow anymore), and the large majority of animals, aka domesticated ones, have long since lost most of the traits that would allow them to adapt to the new climate.
Of course, if humanity had reached full sci-fi age tech, they would have other methods, but they likely were in the middle between two viable survival situations and stuck in the 'fuck this is not viable' part.
He rejects her...
Or you are dropping it because there is no incest?
goddam, just binged the whole thing up to current chapter. this shit's one of the most enjoyable reads I've had in a while
I'm calling it now, there's more than one ice witch
Calling it now his sister is the ice witch
>but that might just be becuause to you is less than 10chapters long at the moment
reading whole sentences is hard
>Or you are dropping it because there is no incest?
This is a perfectly acceptable reason to drop something.
>You can't masturbate, right?
>Your semen would evaporate.
Would be a way more fitting title.
I just saw your thread and read whole 34 chapters i could find in a single sitting.
This manga is fucking amazing, I wholeheartedly agree this is MOTY if there's anything like that.
You people seem to post things which havent happened in the 34 chapeters which i read - do you have some different source, or am i just autistic?
Like what?
no its not, incest is perfectly acceptable and i'd pay to watch it 10/10
Like what OP posted, i have no recolection of that pannel
First chapter?
>I haven't seen it brought up on Sup Forums much
I feel like I've seen a thread every day for the past month.
Japan is only on 35. Maybe you read to quickly.
its a weird moment to find out that i am indeed autistic.
thanks? i guess
>Flaming Pantsu Man saves the day with his ultimate move, Hellfire Wedgie.
i can start shitting on the anime adaption now cause it's guaranteed to be shit.
half the scenes will be blacked out.
firepunch sells like shit
stop bullshitting
The section after the intro before director were a bit dull, honestly.
Fire Masturbator has a hard life.
>fire punch
>but op is a faggot
Just read through this.
What the fuck is this garbage?
I hope hollywood make a film on it. This is the one manga that hollywood could get right
I disagree. It slowed down a bit,but always kept my interest with things like introducing other blessed (specifically the one that looks like his sister), the city, and having him meet his target so early on.
Weird, whatever gives you that impression?
Not "diverse" enough.
That sounds familiar
For some resin I highly doubt so.
They would skin over a summary of the source material and then it into a clone of deadpool.
Then they'd hire Seth Rogan and it would be filled with memes,fart jokes, and references.
Also Adam Sandler would play Agni
best page
user, most other anons are complete retards, there is no point in discussing with them
machete, deadpool, quentin tarantino, going back things like mad max, predator, and so on. Hollywood has alreay made films that woul fit the tone of firepunch, so I think they could make a good FP movie.
But of course they could still butcher it so there's no guarantee.
My guess is that the "ice witch" is just an imposter who knows the truth. She's probably some insane person like Togata, who likes to see Agni be miserable some more, for her entertainment.
Nah, to do a proper Fire Punch adaptation you would need good CGI and a R rating. The first cost a lot of money and the second reduce the potential money you could make, so you see why it would never work. Even fucking Deadpool( an IP that was sure of making a profit) had to struggle to get its R rating nowadays
I dunno, PG-13 Fire Punch could be something interesting.
Like watching two trains crash.
Did he blonde who was after MCs hot touch die?
no ice bitch cut her head off thus saved her
sound fucking weird if you put it that way
they did ok before our mc showed up and burned everything
>cut her head off thus saved her
will never stop being funny
Is this the director route?
I don't know, seem like he has no better option
He has Legless.
No woman could ever live up to his sister.
there's the little girl, the trap, notimouto, ice witch and maybe the foreign slut.
no one crazy enough to stick with him
>little girl, foreign slut
course not
sure but he wasnt gay
may be an option I give you this. but with her state right now she's too much of a dead fish
>ice witch
not even know who the fuck is she
Fire punch is such a ride that if it gets a god like adaptation then the Sup Forums shitstorms will be a sight to behold