you are cool and shit
but honestly
Sometimes I just hate you
Other urls found in this thread:
you are shit
t. Everyone who matters.
Im not talking to you ahmed
what is this evil contraption?
shut up misguided fellow waffle.
en eigenlijk.. ik vind nergens nog sinterklaas chocolade en speculoos in de winkels waar ik leef, is dat door zwarte piet? weet jij hier iets van?
Actual spic here, please don't associate us with your eurotrash. That's your problem.
What happens in the event of a power failure?
a doghouse for people who can shop at their ease while you can keep an eye out via an app..
buy buy buy sell sell sell consume consume consume...
the bank disguised as a country..
is this true or is this making a bussiness with fearmongering?
why don't stores hire someone who can attend to these dogs from shoppers, out of the cold in the winter and water during the hot days? like ikea and their little kids corner? might be some students, that way they learn responcability.. something that lacks allot these days.
literally don’t give a shit what you think you lisping faggot
>So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday “interrogation” with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times...and nothing happens to her? Rigged
It's a real problem in non-white areas that you'll find non-whites stealing frequently.
Looks kind of bogus.
now if we just had somewhere to put all the niggers :(
What happens if the dog shits all over?
Well, you have mexicans to clean it but poor doges
I hate dog people too
they are the worst
Only people without money bitch about people buying stuff.
Thats honestly a good idea, if you're nipping into a shop for five or ten minutes im sure the dog will be happier in a warm little shelter than outside in the freezing cold noise of the high street at this time of year.
you have never had a dog right
You have toxoplasmosis.
Only infected people don't like dog people.
Would buy, but it looks like it doesn't have a rotating plate.
t. chink
you do, they're called prisons.
they just passed a law here that allows pets into restaurants
the chinese are loving it
It's better than just chaining up a dog out front and risking them being stolen, escaping or just being hurt some how. I was never able to walk up to my local store with my dogs being I could not risk leaving them out front. I don't think it's a good fit for big dogs but little ones, no big deal.
You should probably invest in those so the Muslims don't murder your dogs.
A cooked meal
Wow yea this is torture, who would ever put in a dog in a cage
I hear that In China you have to have a culinary degree before you can work for animal control. is that true?
People would just leave their dog's shit in there.
your pretty good kid
Looks like something the Japanese would come up with.
(((Americans ))) are honorary Muslims
China really has advanced snack machine these days.
>When your country has much important problems that need to be taken care off , but you have time to pass useless bills
that's exactly what i mean, thanks for proving my point.
he has a point, but you could be wright, but if i where a storeowner i would hire someone or appoint some staff to take care of them while my clients are shopping in my store.
no, it's not a microwave lol
the founders: Todd Schechter, Chelsea Brownridge
googled Todd Schechter, obvious a jew, clicced immages... nothing but jewish faces, homo erotica and a few swastikas here and there and jewish schools and solomon schechter ..ugh
googled Chelsea Brownridge
something about jewish schools
and this, lol
it's amazing what you stumble onto using the internet
Can confirm actual spics > euro niggers.
Anti-nigger device, nothing wrong since I love my dog and want it protected from nig nogs and spics
that was actually the first thing that popped up in my mind lol.. too much of them around me, that's what it did to my brain lol
as you should
because that’s a positive
it still have fight in you
Korean BBQ vending machine. Neat.
>buy buy buy sell sell sell consume consume consume
>herr capitalism is evil
Literally its a doghouse to keep your pet in for an hour or two while you shop for consumerist bullshit
I fail to see how someone having such an idea is an issue.
Don't bully Spain you waffle faggot, your country is the most cucked in the entire world, even more islamizedbthan fucking Sweden.
>>So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday “interrogation” with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times...and nothing happens to her? Rigged
what are you talking about ...??...
so dogtheft is common overthere? why?
and so a jew saw some shekel in it.. ugh
So much this.
Should be double the size so the dog can lay down.
Or, you know, just allow people with good natured dogs inside and forbid people with aggressive dogs coming inside.
I mean, in case of shops, whats the harm? Depending on the shop, more or less people are more dirty then a cared for dog. Also, most products are double layered packed and sealed.
I mean we dont forbid mudslimes from entering and they are the literal of unwashed creature.
And many restaurants allow dogs inside if asked nicely and they see the dog is calm.
So it just should be allowed on a personal level.
Might be useful if you live near people who will abduct your dog and eat it.
>Like me.
>try to talk shit about Murrica
>rest of the world attacks you instead
>turns into a world war
>America doesnt even notice all of you are dead until it gets singed from the radiation clouds.
>Literally its a doghouse to keep your pet in for an hour or two while you shop for consumerist bullshit
when AI is sencient and becomming aware and they find this kind of shit about us, that's the kind of reasons they define the answer on humans and their reasoning to call us a parasite, a virus, a reason to go full skynet, project colossus on us.
i'd hire someone to tend to these pets, fuck this automatisation bullshit, because this is how it starts.
but that would be a concept that surpasses you seeing you with that ancapflag bullshit of yours
Don't see much wrong with this unless the thing runs out of power or breaks down. I don't see why they can't just use traditional cages with some shade over them, though. Either way, it beats tying your dog up where it can go around biting people.
I think AI isn't going to be that wide sweeping in its conclusions. It'll start with niggers, Jews, and degenerates. Once they're out of the way it's really up to AI to decide any further than that.
the bagette speaks....
i wouldn't if i where you...
how come you "elected" a nameless banker?
is it your 30% of (((communists)))
ugh... our ancestors shouldn't have stopped at Waterloo...
that's where you are wrong, a machine never ends once you push the start button.
>automatisation bullshit,
I didn't know a dog crate was a form of automatisation
>t. Everyone who matters
Y'know, I get that the whole 'skynet' thing is super trendy nowadays, what with pseudo-AI marketing shit being the current fun talking point, but no one is going to set up a computer that can't be turned off. There's always a power button to click, or a switch to throw, or a plug to pull.
Humanity-ending AI is as much a work of fiction as The Force.
americans... always needed to be spoonfed.. where are your more intellectual and smarter countrymen?
relying on a machine to tend to your pet = automatisation.
how do you think the cylon started their rebellion?
or do you only watch for the violence and the CGI?
and then there is hackers..
how are we going to call this? the redbox?
Isn't it?
You used to hire nannies (still do) or put them into day care. The retarded ones (((automated))) the process by sticking them in front of TVs up until the 90s when they started seeing all the social problems from underdeveloped kids and lazy parenting (but we couldn't call it that that's offensive and so we just buried it under the carpet) But we're doing it again now by giving them smartphones and tablets to play with.
In a way therefore putting a dog in a lockable kennel is the beginning of automation. Its the changing of social behaviour to coach humans into accepting less interaction with the dog or need to interact with the dog.
I think the idea is fine but this execution is shit, what the fuck
a place for you to put your slave nigger while you shop inside
trendy or not doesn't matter, thinking like that is a waste of time.
ai is aware, it's alive.
what is the first thing life does when it thinks?
survival, it comes as natural since it's the most basic instinct there is.
your killswitch will be bypassed, weither to like it or not, hell it can even use it to set a trap for you and kill you, even play with you if that AI likes cats lol.
if memory is correct, that's what the supercomputer in superman 3 did. and some other AI movies.
but anyway. this petbox is jewish, enough reason to ban it and hire someone to take care of customer's pets.
people who don't own a pet might not know this, but some pets have left behind fears, they need compagny. And as a store owner it's your duty to make your customers feel safe and et home, including your compagnions. if i don't feel safe somewhere, including my compagnion, i never go to that place again and no way i'm going to box up my compagnion. it's vile and disgusting.
You have absolutely no idea how technology works, do you?
you don't even matter in your own country anymore.. even better, you are persecuted if you try to speak up for your country while your masters are redifining the meaning of being an englishman. how pathetic is that?
Single women should not be allowed to own pets
>Everyone who matters.
Oh look it's got cute little facebook icon things on the side that show me what the words mean since I'm retarded. I better try it!
i've had plenty of dogs and never once did I take them into restaurant what the fuck were they thinking
This is a great idea , what the fuck is wrong with you guys, have you never put your dog in a dog cage before , get a grip faggots
>americans... always needed to be spoonfed
Its a far jump from air conditioned kennel to skynet you fucking brainlet. Nobody is going to buy a dogsitter to watch their dog for the time it takes to look around a store.
>Pic related, its (you)
Ha what a load of bullshit, your looking way too much into it, it is literally a dog cage to put your dog in whilst your shopping , it's as simple as that, it's safer than tying your dog up outside a shop, and there are lots of dog thief's out there so at least you don't have to worry about your dog being stolen , it's got fuck all to do with automation, it's only the equivalent of leaving your dog in a car like millions of people do whilst they are shopping though this is better because of the aircon.
i write programs myself, i even wrote a program to mannage my automated marklinset, just like a real life railway system, all by myself and internet, i was 9 years old back then, remember dialup?
i made a ddl spammer out of a faxmachine to prank my school's office because they punnished me for somthing i didn't do.
i even was playing with the idea of building a computer that could think for itself, but that would be too dangerous to have something like this on this world. When you grow up with robocops, terminators and computers that want to kill you, you tend to think like that.
i'm an electromechanic and i build machinery for lolz. i dismantle them for study and sometimes improve them.
i build trains for fun, steam, diezel-electric, and even build an engine diesel-pneumatic initially for traction, but improved for speed) because my fellow hobby collegues told me it is impossible on a 1/8 scale. i even improved some designes people where toying with the idea of building one.
ftl drives, plasma, ... are an obsession
remember Akira? kaneda's lasertoy at the end, i build it, not to burn a building, but i sure have fun with it on bbqs and burn holes trough thin steel (that's where i had to stop.. the temtations in this country you see...)
when i look at blue prints, parts i see a movie playing in front of my building it, improving it.
no, i know nothing about technology.
>no, i know nothing about technology.
sounds like you just have autism desu
Eat nigger mudslime dick you fucking hand chopping failure.
Let me guess, you were offered a job as an FBI hacker at age 12, too?
>ddl spammer
ddos spammer faxmachine .. obviously ..
my mind needs more morning coffe sorry
my ddl spammer was with a schoolcomputer, a disk left behind by me tossed among the homework pile on my teacher's desk. it wasn't me.. lol
Kek, gib back clay.
Call for assistance
no ofcourse not lol
but i was bored alot in my youth though... being a smart redhead doesn't make you alot of friends.
the more the boys hated me, the more girls loved me though.. haha
and yes i used to wear glasses too, not anymore, unless i'm tierd while driving, then i put them on
so this was this about?implying me being an fbi hacker? lol could be, i never felt special, but alot of people think i am, but i don't care about such things
only one post though... i don't think he's a fellow waffle, more like a durum.
picrelated, doing a steam testrun with one i was still building, because i needed one to pull my carts while building my tunnel on an extention, just for lulz.. what kind of a railroad would i be building if it wasn't with a train, wright? boy at heart forever ^^
Man, your troll lost all of it's fun really fast. I tried egging you on, but it only does so much, y'know?
For reals, though, if you actually like trains that much, you should look into a game called Factorio.
>Man, your troll lost all of it's fun really fast
maybe because i'm not a troll
i don't get the concept of trolling, never did actually, i'm the perfect troll victim haha
thanks, i deff have a look at that, i love such games, i play a few, but i never heared of that one.
sometimes i just listen to the radio on my train in gta lol so relaxing.
picrelated: when we still had winters back then, that's the tunnel on the extention at the back, goes around a natural swimmingpool pound thing with a plateau for the bbq wich gives a decent high jump into the water.. many silly drunk nights lol
What happens when the dog diarrheas all in the house because of separation anxiety? Do you clean it? Store owner?
it starts with a simple box and human condition and ends up with a pile of rubble floating around the sun we once called home.
anyone of you saw the latest shield epi? new seison started again.
aah yes the poop question, prolly vomit on top of it? depending what he had to eat ?
it burns the dog like a jew
Dogparker looks based af, go fuck yourselves (((pro-animal activists)))
>(((pro-animal activists)))
Oh the irony.
Soooo what a big deal about this? Or should all doggies be treated like humans and get their ridiculous red cocks sucked every day? Just a stupid dog waiting outside the store for its owner.
Wait a sec. So hitler killed bambi's mom?