When did you realize that a large amount of the "White Nationalists" on Sup Forums are just larping Muslims who want...

When did you realize that a large amount of the "White Nationalists" on Sup Forums are just larping Muslims who want you to feel bad for them?

>Hurr you hate Muslims that must mean you're a Jew
>Islam really isn't a problem, go away JIDF
>The only reason you hate Islam is because the Jews made you think that way
>What?! You don't like Muslims bombing your country and slaughtering your people!? Stop supporting Israel, Kike!!!!

If doesn't take a genius to see who is really behind these posts.

>inb4 JIDF

If that's all you're going to post you're basically just proving my point even more.

i dont care about islam i care about race

I thought that was the Canadian prime minister before enlarging

Ideology and race are equally important. Iran would be very different if it had remained Zooastrian, Turkey had it remained Christian, Afghanistan had it remained Buddhist, etc.

>The only reason you hate Islam is because the Jews made you think that way
No, mudslims do it everyday themselves, they, jusk like jews, think they are chosen people and demand special treatment and privileges.

you can now fuck off ahmed.


Wow, you're a special kind of retard aren't you?

So you'd be willing to let a bunch of Chechens into your country then?

>being this dumb

But if he kills his enemies they win.

Sup Forums stopped being Sup Forums a long time ago.

It's all just larpers and trolls now.

Makes me wonder if there's such thing as a "Muslim Internet Defense Force".


fuck off you jew faggot
muslims and jews are pretty much the same
a subhuman parasite


White Shariah has to be the most cucked thing I have ever heard of. And I'm a fucking Leaf.

Calm down Mohammed

>Hurr you hate Muslims that must mean you're a Jew

implying we dont hate both equally


Interesting, I like it. I'll be using this from now on when some larping sand nigger tries to make me feel bad for his """"""people""""""".

This is the way it's always been on Sup Forums for the most part. But OP is right, it seems like a lot lately there has been numerous threads on "If you're against Islam you like the Jews". It's really starting to make me think.

Wtf is White Shariah?


>When did you realize that a large amount of the "White Nationalists" on Sup Forums are just larping Muslims who want you to feel bad for them?

A long time ago

You expect me to read that nigger?

Islam is arab supremacy.

Can somebody translate this?

"White shariah" is a muslim propaganda tool that groups of Muslim interest groups are pushing on Sup Forums to incite sympathy for Islam. They use Sup Forumss hatred for Jews to try and bridge this gap. If you don't suck Muslim cock you're a jew.

The only reason muslims are here is because jews did 911 and then jew controlled governments blew up the middle east and africa which flushed them into white countries. Everybody knows muslims are shit and a problem, a problem caused by jews. They did all this on purpose in order to make their enemy our enemy.

>if you want to become closer to the god in Islam you have to kill your innocent self.
>Islam is a religion of terrorism and killing and I don't like Islam at all
>Islam is a mafia that preys on beautiful women from behind their backs
>Die islam die

Forgot to add for:
>Islam is a mafia that preys on beautiful women from behind their backs where these women are praying

Those digits can't lie, though.
The conversion and destruction of Roman Africa, the rape of Anatolia and the Balkans and invasion of Hungary, Austria, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc are all a Jewish ploy to make us hate BASED ALLY MUSLIMS.


jews and muslims are the same, fuck them both, fuck niggers too, fuck any and all communists or socialists, fuck natsocs if they attempt to tread on me when I am not within the borders of their ethno-nation-state. Fuck chinks for being bugmen and fuck nearly all gooks too, North asians, like Mongolians, Khazaks, reindeer people FIngols are alright. Japs and south gookreans are questionable but I withhold judgement, they're transitional Between bugmen and western and which way they go in the near future will define them. So far they've been trending towards becoming human. Poo in loos needs to stop acting like subhumans and then they might be ok. Fuck spics of all flavors, and fuck most Semititeranean people too.

Fuck both of them.

28D dreidel spins

Are you a Muslim or a Christian?

That's partially right. If Jews weren't involved Muslims wouldn't be as big of problem as they are now. But to think that the western world wouldn't be clashing with Islam if Jews weren't involved is just plain ignorant. Islam is a religion that has a core belief of conquering non-believers through violent force. It's been that way for over a thousand years.