What is a hobby I can get into that hasn't been infested with SJW's?

What is a hobby I can get into that hasn't been infested with SJW's?

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Collecting nazi artifacts.

Lynching niggers

jew hunting

>What is a hobby I can get into that hasn't been infested with SJW's?

Target shooting. Look up project Appleseed or something like that.

Gwent is okay if you're looking for a card game.

join a rifle club
most people there are conservatives

Well I mean you both are technically correct, but I was thinking something more practical.

Cmon dude at least post the images of the recent Eternal Masters set

You're not even trying

Yu-Gi-Oh is better and requires a higher IQ to play.


Can it be ruined by SJWs?

first three posts best posts


Reading fascist literature.

MtG works.

Fountain pens. Practice your handwriting. It unironically has many positive effects on your mental health, cognitive abilities and fine motoric skills.



also, muscle cars
rifles, hunting/fishing if you can

I know but I don't want others to fall into the MTG trap, my pic is more of a warning than a lure.

Motorcycles, running, body-building, fucking sluts, heroin, high score, an hero.

Most physical activities as well. The harder the better. Nobody brings their gender up rock climbing, and I doubt you have any issues fishing or boating.
Just think where weak fat people won't go and go check it out.

The goal of a hobby is not to be bored to death.

Shooting guns. Fuck your nerd shit.

You're a fucking retard

This shit doesnt exist

If you followed either of the three(3) faggots involved you're a braindead fucking troglodyte anyway.

My mtg shit is worth more than my car and I've literally never encountered any of this bullshit until one fucking sperg started spamming aids all over /tg/ and Sup Forums

this and gardening

Punching Nazi's...

Ow dang. There into that too

But it's weebshit
Better be a nerd than a weeb

Autistic wargaming.


Weebshit isn't touched by western soyboys. Look at the fucking weeb games on steam, sure it's fucking pathetic waifu simulators for virgins but at least they're just going all in.

The MtG community is quite redpilled pic related.

starting a family


reading classical literature.

hearthstone has no real chat system

Yeah but weebs don't play Yu-Gi-Oh. It's anime but it doesn't cater to weebfags. Go to a Yu-Gi-Oh local and you'd see the same crowd you would see at an MTG local. Fat dorky white kids. Also a lot of people in the YGO community avoid or just downright hate black people because they're notorious for sucking at the game and stealing cards.

Start building scale models.
cars, tanks, gundam, fuckin anything.
Takes your mind off things and forces you to stay off tv and your phone

model rocketry is pretty fun, user

National Socialism. We are warriors for a different kind of social justice :3


all the ygo players I've ever seen are either 12 or niggers

Ironically gaming

How can something so beta be so simultaneously non-sjw

makes you think

Cooking. It's a great outlet and keeps your partner happy

I thought about getting into the new L5R card game, but LCGs can be a bit pricey at first.

Maybe anything that isn't run by a big company? I would suggest (your own) tabletop adventures or (some) competitive video games. Another option would be to try and grow up and work on your life and friends full time.

You realize you're posting this shit on the politics board of a fucking anime site, you retarded, non-country inhabiting faggot.

not any more it doesn't.

Public mansplaining

Gunpla, bitches are too dumb to read a manual.

Never has a more accurate statement been made on Sup Forums.

Thats just it though, sjw is a meme, theyre not warriors in any facet of the word, the more they use it the more they belittle themselves

Its the same way we wuz makes fun of the fact we wuznt

camping, hunting and fishing

MTG is fine, just don't play with cunts. Also, old decks get their shit pushed in by new decks. Unglued isn't that insane anymore.

>Also, old decks get their shit pushed in by new decks.
Yeah thats bullshit. I miss the days of white weenie and goblin decks.
Then they started pushing this subversive multicultural bullshit with dual lands.

Did this fuckin faggot just say "pens?"

Just take it back. if Sup Forums can take pepe back, anything's possible. You'd all give me shit for still playing and streaming a children's MOBA, but I'm trying to make the best of it by attempting to redpill Gen-Z

Dungeons and Dragons

dotas are bad games and moba isn't a real acronym

Wood working, model building, really any craft/trade and anything that is out of “pop cultures” corrupting eyes.

Gardening, training animals, shooting, hunting, camping, building/tinkering.

Don't be a faggot.

> moba isn't a real acronym
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

So easy to spot niggers

>stealing cards
colour me surprised

They can't read cursive you know, I only write in cursive now

>multiplayer online
>battle arena

Unfortunately, MTG is now becoming infested much like Marvel Comics has become. it's a shame

dude shut the fuck up you said pens

My gunclub got infested with fags and women, I quit that shit

Absolutely patrician.

It's real

Tell me something Juanito, have you ever seen a dumb person with great penmanship? Why do you think that is?

not so fast

my favorite moba is tetris

Gym u fag

nigga you said your favorite hobby is pens?

Shooting guns.

What’s he best card game to play on pc don’t mind emulators

In my experience most warhammer players are pretty decent if they're over 18. Something about the authoritarian nature of the imperium and the honor and glory of the space marines doesn't appeal to the average lefty

Does this nigga love pens or what ?

>This shit doesnt exist
The company that makes the spergcards banned the shitlord from all official events because of unsubstantiated claims from SJWs.

No I did not, I said it is one of my hobbies. Improving ones’ handwriting is absolutely exclusively thinking mans hobby and dominated heavily by white people and culture.

Killing Jews.

Gravity is the worse enemy.

Skiing or ice hockey


all world war/ war memorabilia is safe

No shit, if you're a giant fucking faggot I'd ban you too.

Players have received bans from wotc for far less, google buttcrack guy mtg.

Seriously, how much a sperg do you have to be to point out that uhhhh cosplay sluts are sluts?

We fucking know, everybody knows. Who fucking cares. I'm glad they banned him. I only wish they could ban TCC somehow aswell.

Are all the new players Reddit because of Reddit The TV Show?

Hardly anyone under 30 can read cursive.

fountain pens specifically like this nigga said hes a connoiseur of writing utensilry

> Improving ones’ handwriting is absolutely exclusively thinking mans hobby and dominated heavily by white people and culture.

>dumb person with great penmanship


Not if you play First edition AD&D, only hardcore players will deal with thac0

mhm reenactors are in certain parts pretty redpilled,
but depends on group and region, forging well there are some sjw but well it's not as mcuh a group thing so it's not a problem

It is mandatory skillset to master here at the age of 8. Like I said, it is not a hobby for non whites (such as americans).

Martial arts including firearms training.

Best hobby in the world man, trust me.


Expansive but SJW free


Motorcycle racing. In my last race there was one woman, 60 blokes, and it was like the customers at david jones - white as christmas.

I watched this video after your suggestion. It’s really nice. I’m going to get a fountain pen and try this.
