Explain to me why interracial relationships are wrong

I can't find a single reason why :)

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That's a mix breed with a black woman showing off their quadroon.

Why doesnt White man/black female cause the same stir as the opposite posts?


Great post :)

Ugly white kids aswell tho :/

Oh look another racebait propaganda thread
>inb4 300+ replies anyway


can someone post that heritage interracial relationship .jpg?


So are you saying the act is wrong, or the effects of the act is wrong?

Is there anything wrong with a black/white relationship which lasts until they die and have 2 beautiful healthy kids?

every mixed race kid I've ever come across has been nothing short of the most scummiest of scum going, worse than niggers and even more psychologically fucking retarded.
As a school teacher for 13 years the biggest trouble causers for the schools I've worked in have been mixed race and perform the worst.
Of course 9/10 of them have a single white mother who has another 10 kids she cant control.

imagine being a school teacher and being on pol
Grow up :)

Under the one-drop-rule interpretation, it isn't

Both races are improved.

imagine being a faggot and being on pol
grow up :)


Considering the history between the pairing. You know when they're in a romantic relationship you know it's genuine love.

so you aren't against it?

>meme flag : check
>redundant comatose raped necrophilia dead horse topic: check
>retards bumping this 200+ times: check
wow this is a novel topic OP

western hypocrisy.
>is there anything wrong with...healthy kids?
yep. there is.

Of course I'm against it. But it's obviously completely different than a black man white woman.


Its called outbreeding depression

Look at this dog's breed - this is what jews want you to become

Becuase the media pushes one in every movie, TV show, and media Ad to promote it as a fad.

Black male/White female is the kike dream, if you can push a relationship mix that abhorrent you automatically push them ALL, you don't need to push any other mix.

If it's such a dead topic, end it and give me a reason why mixing is wrong big boi

you just posted the best reason why, op

You don't want an honest answer, you just want to shill, bait, and provoke a useless discussion.

This is a slide thread and the exact thread with the exact topic will be posted another 30 times throughout the day.

Please do not forget to sage.

>Is there anything wrong with a black/white relationship which lasts until they die and have 2 beautiful healthy kids?

The likely hood of that happening is slim, that is what the jpg is showing you.

Hey, give me a reason why and I will stop :-)

White people have a higher chance of Downs Syndrome

We are talking about the act.
If you think that situation is ok then you are ok with racemixing


Black girl white guy is fine. Black guy + any race of girl is bad because the black dude will inevitably murder the girl.

It's a simple warning. Burn the coal pay the toll.

Faggots on pol would love to fuck a black chick. I dont remember the last time i saw a hot white chick in public


>mostly good for blacks
>all bad for whites
>more congenital defects in mongrels
>more mental disorders in mongrels
IQs of mongrels are statistically just the mean of the two parents' races. Less white usually means uglier; less black usually means hotter. There are exceptions in both cases [see Halle Berry].

You should probably get a real job and stop wasting your time shitposting on Sup Forums :^)

Or alternatively just kill yourself.

racemixing produces children that have no identity, less genetic fitness, have more propensity for disease (look up outbreeding depression), forever resent one or both sides of their racial lineage, will forever suffer psychological troubles

I've fucked black chicks before

but looking at ugly half-niglets is why I will never knock one up

>it's genuine love
So WM/BF = love but the opposite isnt love?
I just want clarification

>western hypocrisy.
I think its overexposure, black men have insane agency in the west and their always portrayed as the best option for white women in dating even if this isnt true
Not hating on blacks but i dont want race mixing, no matter the kind

one of those is hot tho

Sunday funday :)

Better than alot of countries which are monoracial (including some european ones haha)

Thanks for supporting racemixing then

Be happy we're still out there in these roles, we are being filtered out by the 'teachers' from the 'machine' (cultural Marxists)

atleast here are some women on pol ey
thankgod women love being teachers :-)

Both my boys are half black and they are normal white looking. The pics of weird looking mixed kids on pol are not normal unless the father is black.

Because naturally you react more to your women being stolen from you than your men stealing other women.


Nope. Even the worst shithole of Europe is civilized compared to Brazil.

Don't race mix. i am a product of it. My black family hates blackness so much they don't even realize it. They walk around like coconuts. Dark on the outside, white on the inside. The offspring of my family are all mixed half breeds now. So now that side of my family will no longer be black. I have taught my children to stay away from the Devil and to breed with black to bring the blood back.


just be honest
1)you’re bored
2)know already this is a magnet for newfags
3)don’t really care for a real answer
4)are a lazy ass troll

but please keep larping as if this thread or your question is genuine faggot


>race mixing is ba-

Kill yourself you fucking nigger.

moldova and ukraine are much much much worse than brazil

also include bosina

oh and dont forget about bosnia

oh and those caucasus parts of russia

tfw no big-tittied MAGA hat-wearing 1/3rd nuggie with vegetarian eyes to worship my cock bc I'm a fat worthless depressed sadsack of 1/8th Ashkenazi neuroses.

Ethiopia Is buthurt again. It's because of the italians?

Well because it doesn't trigger our natural instinct for preservation as much. Women in the reproduction game are a limited resource with a limited breeding potential, while men have unlimited breeding potential. Losing one man to another tribe isn't as bad as losing one woman to another tribe in pure numbers. Of course this technically doesn't matter because they're still making mulatto babies, but still.

Wouldnt happen if you losers could give me an actual answer

>give me a reason why mixing is wrong

It wipes out generations of selective breeding and replaced it with another brown person, no different than the hordes we already have in the world. Well outside of that person being able to say they have a white mother/father.
It would be like if you could only drive pick up trucks or sports cars. So your family for decades, generations has been able to drive sports cars. Everyone has befitted from that over the generations. Protected it for generations, knowing that it was something they wanted to pass on to the next gen. Then because your daughter or son sells out his race from that moment on your entire blood line just gets to drive trucks. No more going back to sports cars, being you can't unring that race bell.
That it.. your kid just doomed the entire blood line of that branch of the family tree to be another random brown person, forever. Good job.
You can always see the shame in the poor grandparents eyes when they get that mixed grand kid. Doesn't look like ANYONE else in the entire family, being they had the whore daughter.

Whatever fuck off.


Sage this bullshit, we've had enough of these shitty threads. If retarded OP wish to know why it's bad there's Jean-Francois Gariepy on youtube who can explain it to you in detail.

"Selective breeding" loll- most people just fucked second cousins and people in the village they lived in the old days

Why should an Englishman and a Albanian be able to breed but not a Spaniard and a Egyptian?

Because the father will stay

We have the same dilemma with Ukrainians...

you have your answer you freak:It's like asking why gluttony or heroin are bad, because they hurt the person and they hurt the society that has to sustain the mess

none of the arguments in that picture prove why racemixing is bad.
Just dispelling some myths which I dont believe my self

>Better than alot of countries which are monoracial (including some european ones haha)

Nice cherrypick, 14th worldwide

Countries that are more mono racial ahead of it aswell.
Clearly the problem isnt racemxiing :)


iq of a potato


>Explain to me why interracial relationships are wrong
Sickle-cell disease

How is two niggers interracial?

Because genes evolve in the environment, an european/asian dont need genes to survive in the jungle. Race-mixed kids are ugly too.

>interracial relationships
Offspring will look like arab