You may pick only one

You may pick only one.

Other urls found in this thread:

First, give me the title.

Danberu nan kiro moteru.

I also went to the CGDCT hobby thread.

my instincts say this one.

I pick all four and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me

Spoonfeeding is a bannable offense.
I'd pick the fat gyaru.

You're Right!

>not posting superior swell bro
You're forcing my hand here user.

Which one isn't a huge slut?

do places in japan really commission mangas and animes in an attempt to trick neets? i thought this was just a meme

The whole industry is trying to drag demographics out of the gutters user.
What do you think?

the fat brown one.

i mean 1st its GATE for the army now this, they probably say silver man gym like 5 times a page

They do this shit here in slavland too, except not as elaborate.
Nips do need demography, army and better fit populace.
What's wrong with using anime as propaganda?

i have to preface, if any of these chicks have a dick im out. BUT, which one is the onee-san type? thats my choice

Someone post the picture of her in a china dress and clearly no panties


in not debating the ethics, im just wondering if thats actually whats happening here or does this guy just have a boner for silverman gymes

I think publishers may be getting some preferential treatment from govt for encouraging authors of titles themed in a certain way.
I doubt they outright order the shit like: do a military PR, nice, now do a birthing hips sfw nadakashi PR, nice, now do a X.

Who ever said they're stopping you? As long as you let us join in

maybe not the government, but a privately owned company can commission a piece as an ad

IE: silverman gym

You do know that Silverman Gym is completely fictional, yes?


You think JSDF commissioned that?
It was slandered for racism and rape though even in Japan.


>now do a birthing hips sfw nadakashi PR
Wait, what?


What was that bestiality show when thick girl did nothing and got a werewolf autistic husband with a squirell for a sister-in-law?
Prime example of birthing hips.
A lot of female characters spout shit like "let's get married" or "make me a baby" on a regular basis.

What is this from?

Brown busty gyaru no questions

You don't want to know user.
It's blueballing the manga.
yandex this page at your own risk.

All of the except musclefreak ojousama are good choices. Personally I'd go for the cake, though.

This manga seems very anti-American.

Does Japan secretly hate us for nuking them?

>All of the except musclefreak ojousama
Gay twat.

>secretly hating US
Who bothers with secretly part today though?

> being this slutty

Reported the teacher to the PTA.

Does she conveyor suck filthy otaku cocks in the convention male bathrooms?

Literally a cum toilet

>dat underboob cut top
>dat zettai ryouki thickness
>dat shaved armpit
Why is this allowed?

It has a nobler equivalent in real life. Not that I think the author keeps in touch with them.

If Goldmans Gym was really commissioning this manga, then I'd actually be so impressed that I'd sign up.

Nah, you've got to be ready for dem weights user.
I was lectured by a doctor once about it.
Gyms and instructors usually don't care about your health and only sell half a year plans at the very least.
If you ruin your shit in two month and quit - it's all the better for them.
There are a lot of conditions your body've got to meet before subjecting it to such heavy load.
That's especially important for hikkies with their fucked up regime and diet.

I pick the blonde nigger.

Does nobody else like Sensei?

>literally Christmas cake used goods

No thank you. She must've sucked at least a hundred dicks at conventions

>Christmas cake
A lot of Sup Forumsnons are nearing the cake age range and unpacked goods are unicorn level at this point.
It's healthy to like sensei, nothing wrong with experienced women you filthy purist.


What a choice! The cuck in me wants to pick
the far left, but I can't resist that cum-drum on the
far right.

I concur.
experienced dirty slut who'll fuck your dick raw > shy virgin who doesn't even know what to do

Or the guy just wanted to make a manga with sweaty lewd girls
Whats up with the political brains these days

It's always the Jews.
>experienced dirty slut
Yeeeaaaah, about that: I don't want to be eating pills for next two years so either the willy goes in the suit or she shows me the doctor papers.

Fucking hell muh dick.

I don't think anyone's taking the idea too seriously. We're just waiting for new chapters, and it's fun to speculate sometimes.

>shy virgin who doesn't even know what to do
>autistic virgin Sup Forumsnon who turns into wood in presence of female
Disaster scenario.
At least one of them have got to have experience.

just ignore haters. artist draw what they want

I bet she's taking boxer dicks after the training sessions

Whoever lifts the heaviest.

Or delicious brown. I have forgotten her name.

What turns me off most is the face

Same problem with Pochaco, really

>sweaty boxers return to their lockers to change and take showers
>she's sniffing their pants there shlicking on the floor
Now where did I saw that?

>Christmas cake used goods
Those are mutually exclusive.

No, user, we've been over this.

Christmas cake means unmarried, not a virgin.

A christmas cake who's had sex is just an old slut.

>We're just waiting for new chapters
Speaking of, did the latest get typeset yet, or did I miss it somehow?
Not seeing it searching the archive.

I bet her Onee-san would beat their asses for even thinking about touching her.

Hime every time.

I mean, you should really ensure both partners are tested. How terrible would it be to truly be in live and then one of you kills or inconveniences the other like that? You can do it lovingly too, making only the procedure itself anything close to robotic or mechanical about it.

Silly user. "Raw" as in chafed from all the friction, not raw as in unprotected.

Is that some ironic ESL shaming?
Well you didn't expect Sup Forumsnon to have comprehensive understanding of these matters, did you?


>comprehensive understanding of these matters
Well, Sup Forums is full of degenerates crazy for veiny, fat, unwashed cocks...
...and I'd expect everyone here to have experienced the demerits of fapping 10+ times in a day and chafing their dick at least once, and possibly more.

Oh, I'm ESL so it took a while to get it.
Happened more than a few times while I was still inexperienced.
That would be disgusting and painful.

he wanted to make a manga that gets an anime, that's for sure

>tfw knee is a little sore from squatting but you don't want to stop but you're worried you're going to fuck it up permanently
help user

Stretch nigga or you'll regret it.


>warm up before
>stretch after
>take supplements for tendor elasticity and strength
>take a 1-2 week breather if you feel something is wrong
>you can do shit like pedaling or elliptic while on breather when your foot does not leave the surface and there is no impact load

Did I broke it or something?
Post looks strange to me.

>>stretch after
huh, haven't been doing this

Anyway, I'm not sure if something is wrong wrong, I just went too low while squatting and pulled something (with a light load, but still) and the lateral side of my knee feels throbby and hurts a little under the kneecap while swimming, until it gets warmed up.

I wasn't trying to shame or be shameful, just state a possibility

That's the shit, you need to take a break from anything except walking and maybe pedaling for a few weeks.
I didn't and had to walk with a cane for two months then take a break every time it resurfaces.
Buy and wear a knee protector\binder when you need to walk a distance farther than your kitchen.
Knees are fucking weak spot on humies, you gotta take care of them.
Visit a doctor for supplements or just google the forums, I was prescribed this shit

I don't like this advice. I want a second opinion.

Visit a fucking doctor do an ultrasound and\or MRT then.
They didn't find shit in my knees even after this, but the pain was killing me at the time.

Good. Virgins have no fucking clue what they're doing.

Also, Christmas cake waifu will happily please you because they know how hard it is to find a good man. Once she finds you, she'll be happy to do anything to make sure you're happy.

Cakes, above all others, deserve happiness.

>cake know how hard it is to find a good man. >Once she finds you
>good man
>Sup Forums
>fapbait manga thread

Hard choice. Probably far right, because pic related describes me perfectly

>Cakes, above all others, deserve happiness.
Fucking bullshit. Most of them are in a scenario because they have fucked up royally in the past and only fucked Chads.

None of them have good hips so they are all shit.

Brownfatty was better when she was slightly fat and had curves but now she's lost her best features.


I like Brown with top bun because she has a "mc best friend from a shoujo" aura.

here in the states she wouldn't have a job for long


Here in the states she would be fat.

So basically it's guaranteed she's a virgin who never saw a penis in real life, right?
And the rich girl is a complete whore.

>And the rich girl is a complete whore.
Just because she likes muscles? It's never hinted she fucked someone before.

Because she looks pure.

One sensei pls.
Never liked muscle girls, but this series hit right on spot.
This mean she's good at sucking. Or not, else she wouldn't be alone


That's not how it works

You won't believe this, but this manga has both author and artist.

Author is the same as Kengan Asura.

I don't think this counts as harem