Torture dog because you think it's fun

>torture dog because you think it's fun
>making animals suffer for your own pleasure
>letting animals have poor living conditions in order to get larger quantities and lower prices of tasty meat
>making animals suffer for your own pleasure

Seems like a tie to me, they should be treated equally.

>kill animal for no reason
>kill animal for food

These are not the same.

It's for pleasure in both cases, they're the same.
People could get by with buying expensive meat and just buying less and replacing the lost protein with plant protein.

If you have normal eating habits and buying cheap meat and eating large quantities of meat instead then you're only doing it for the pleasure of tasty meat instead of beans.

Maybe having this post so early will enable the thread to be good instead of the only replies being anti-vegan memes which is usually the case.

>Life itself is pleasure, so everything a human does is EVIL!!!
The tier of retarded logic you're on.

Generating food isn't "pleasure", you fucking imbecile.

It's bait but I'll believe it.
Livestock vs pets debate.
Start with cows: water, food 24/7, other cows = happy cow no mooing. They do not appreciate the aesthetic.
Goats: water, food 24/7, other goats, no Muslims fucking me in the ass = happy goat. Always wants what's on the other side of the fence because it adds flavor.
Fish: organic machine with zero originality. Tube of meat with an insect brain.
Chickens: water, food in morning and in evening, other chickens, place to perch off ground so they can shit while sleeping = ... Birds do not think like mammals. They do not learn like them either. Chickens are like calculators that constantly monitor flock size, length of daylight, how many chicks they have etc. If you take 1 extra chick and stuff it under a hen at night by morning she will eject a RANDOM chick to maintain her count. They do not have feelings, they are calculators.

t. Farmer

>>Life itself is pleasure, so everything a human does is EVIL!!!
>The tier of retarded logic you're on.
You illiterate fucking retard.
>Generating food isn't "pleasure", you fucking imbecile.
Eating a lot of meat vs eating less meat and more stuff like beans is only a question of pleasure.

stressed animals make poor livestock. your argument is retarded and so are vegans

What about if I kill and eat a human?

Animals are basically just non-sentient biological machines that exist to be used by humans. They're tools, they have no "rights", and they cannot even understand the concept of "rights".