Trump Russia Collusion

When someone mentions those 3 words

What do they mean exactly?
What is implied to have transpired?
I get to see news on this every single day, even in smaller local newspapers I happen to come across.

Is it implied that Russia "hacked into the voting machines"? Gave money? Tried to "influence" voters??

In regards to this topic.
What is the exact situation, that the word "collusion" is describing here?

I am just sick of getting this shoved down my throat every single day.
This is along the lines of "if you say it often enough...".
If you got something, say it.
What would be the actual legal accusation?
>Someone from Trumps team talked to someone from Russia

Americans, do you even know how much your election shit dominates the news across Europe?

Other urls found in this thread:

Money laundering

Coordination of voter data (thru Cambridge Analytics)

Coordination of targeted ads

Promise of quid pro quos in regards to sanctions (Flynn call, slowroll of sanctions despite vote by congress)

The change in the GOP platform regarding Ukraine

then why don't you see that in print?
Nothing like
>News: Recent testimonies and associated paper trails reveal even more substantial evidence in the case of money laundering with ...
It's only
>News: This person says they also think there was collusion

I am not taking sides in this.
But it's impossible to discern for yourself, what's actual going on.
You have the choice between Trump fanboy and Democrat "le resistance".

I just want some neutral objective raw information.

>I get to see news on this every single day,

a fucking leaf

It’s simple, really; Trump contacted Putin, and either paid or offered him political favor in exchange for Putin contacting some of his countries best hackers, and using them to hack into our voting system and fudging the numbers so it looked like Trump won.
It’s funny because if you look at the evidence it pretty much tells the story itself and dotards just plug their ears like it’s not there.

Collusion is not illegal. It is not impeachable. Trump can fire Mueller, because Mueller works for Trump.

George McGovern, while running for office, met with the Viet Kong, while the US was fighting a war against them and Songbird McCain was being held by them; no one said anything, because its nothing wrong

What on earth do the 17 intelligence agencies do with all thise millions of taxpayer dollars? Pizza parties? They let a country with a GDP smaller than NY state hack Wisconsins paper ballots? And these intelligence people, who were too incompetant to stop Russian hackers, we are supposed to believe them?

lots of info regarding this topic already:
>russians mingling with election
>Trump real estate deals in Russia
>Russian oligarchs buying his real estate in the US
>axis Erdogan>Putin>Flynn>Trump
>Manafort receiving up to 18 million via backchanels from pro putin Ukraine sources
>collude with russia to receive kompromat about Hillary
>releasing Trumps old tax returns not the new ones (I love how they slurped this up without questioning)
>eventually getting blackmailed with pee tape

It is intentionally vague so it can shape whatever they want it to be.

i just realized that this is a horrible time of day to get actual americans to respond

none of that happened...... and your meme is trash

I can feel the regret but I dont even care what happens to you people now.

I've had the same questions, OP.

No one has ever explained what they mean. They just throw around words and phrases without actually explaining anything in depth beyond a few phone calls and times a couple people that are Russian.

Omg are you dotards really this dense?
>Hey Putin, it’s me Donald
>Can you do me a favor? Can you get some good russian hackers to make it so I get some more votes than i should? I’ll pay you money/give you political favors when I win the election
>alright Donald that sounds good
And now here we are. If you can’t see it then I don’t really know what to tell you.

b8 I r8 8/8
Kys now.
Worst fucking meme ever.

Go back to MEHICO

Lol wrong, Hillary just didn't pay Putin (in her words "he owed her" still from the UraniumOne deal) so he schlonged her out of revenge. Open your eyes dummy, she's on record

>muh UraniumOne deal
lol, keep living in dreamland

Claiming ignorance up until now is just pathetic. Flynn just flipped on Trump to get a lesser charge and keep his son out of Jail. The question of collusion was already answered. Trump's son, campaign manager, step son all met with a Russian lawyer based on the precept that she was representing the Russian government in order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton during the election. Roger stone clearly had conversations with Wikileaks during the election. Collusion is not a crime. The Crime is what the Flynn case is determining now. Did Trump order Flynn to provide a quid pro quo with Russia on sanctions. Did Trump do the same for Israel on settlements? These are conspiracy crimes that Trump more than likely committed.


I won't hold my breath.

If Russians hacked voting machines then how did Hilldawg "win" the popular vote?

I am not a Jew, so I do not know how our news dominates your Jewvision box.

Everytime Trump does something good for America, Meuller (our FBI Director appointed by Bush) comes out and talks about collusion and Russia and Trump.

Meuller works for the British Crown because Bush is related to the Crown, which also means he works for the Rothschild interests.


Flynn could have been charge with 4 different Federal Crimes, including but not limited to violating the Logan Act by being a private citizen having intercourse with foreign governments. To get off on those charges he had to assure prosecutors that he had something good on the highest echelon of the Trump campaign. Kushner especially. He clearly violated the Logan Act.

This guy gets it! Oh, that's me!

>I am not a Jew, so I do not know how our news dominates your Jewvision box.
>Everytime Trump does something good for America, Meuller (our FBI Director appointed by Bush) comes out and talks about collusion and Russia and Trump.
>Meuller works for the British Crown because Bush is related to the Crown, which also means he works for the Rothschild interests.


This post is actually interesting and kind of the format of information I wish there was more of.

shy voters

You wouldn't believe how unpopular Trump is among the general population in the 'average' EU country.
It's such an extreme counter position to just say, that you not outright dislike him. Or at least it's not really socially acceptable and you are better off keeping that to yourself if you want to avoid having some arguing and explaining to do.
>Haven't you seen the news, how he worked together with the russians to steal the election?
Which brings me back to the OP post.

It's just so obviously not an organic opinion.
Just weird how certain countries happen to be favorable to Trump and some think he is an evil scheming buffoon. It's hard to come across someone who looked at more than one side and made up his own opinion, that isn't just a parroting of some polit-podcast or TV panel-discussion.

And how do you think the predictions for it so wrong? Literally the only explanation is a major hack towards the end that made it so Trump won there’s no other logical explanation

>What do they mean exactly?

They don't even know.

They're just conflating a bunch of different, innocent things together in hopes that something will stick.

Repeat a lie
Repeat it often