Absolute state of Sweden. Taken at indoor playhouse in my hometown where I took my white son to play

Absolute state of Sweden. Taken at indoor playhouse in my hometown where I took my white son to play.

I don't live in this shithole anymore but unfortunately my sons mother does.

If you have any questions AMA. I'm at the station waiting to gtfo. I'm also a minority at the station. Overrun by shitskin.

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>Comic Sans


>my wifes son

Get used to it and stop whining. You voted for this.

>my hometown

saw a notice outside some governant building in german/arabic, took me by suprise. i guess we slowly go the way of the dodo

>my sons mother

Ouch, sven.

She's dating a black guy isn't she?

That's why you're here, isn't it?

My local super market put up a sign virtue signaling how proud they were of having hired a palestinian immigrant.

>no food, drink or cookies
Does the word 'cookies' mean something different in sweden?

Not so many blacks in Scandinavia. If anything it's a muslim.


Voted for SD 3 last elections. Grew up in a now so called no-go zone.


Have you joined Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen yet? If not stop whining, gtfo and come back when you have done something substancial to fight what you find wrong happening in your country.

It's his son with a woman that is now his ex-wife, it seems. Damn

I knew a girl from there when i was younger, smoking hot redhead at 158cm. Things went to shit and i didnt see her but i didnt get the impression it was a ghetto

I don't think she's ever been with a shitskin. Not that I care now. She's dating some 5 years younger white dude. Before that a 2 year younger stupid white guy with dreams of a band. But he worked. She's just digging them out for cash. Quite sad.

No, I think they just bunch up everything pastry under cookies for the sign.

go in with an Israel flag

I have not joined NMR because I know the mother of my child would leverage it against me and have him removed from my custody.

They where contained pretty good but the last 5 years or so it's gone really bad. During the autumn festival I barely heard people talking Swedish and was expecting a truck of peace.

>my white son
What a stupid fucking thing to say. Do you also have a black son?

Just emphasizing that I'm white. Swedistan flag barely makes you think about blonde and blue eyes anymore does it?

No shitting I actually think about this every day. My father lived in Israel for 15 years so we have a ton of Israeli crap lying around. I can waltz in wearing an Israeli army uniform.

Copenhagen? Moving there in January.

wow.. right in the feels.

What's up big bro

>lived in Israel for 15 years
Oh great, yet another sandnigger

Then you accept the islamification of your country by default. And you accept that your son will live in a country dominated by arabs ruled by shariah laws by 2050 as a second class white minority. You had your chance and you chose a foreign culture to be your new masters. You chose this, Gösta.

There's a Burundian man in Norrköping who gave me a lift once. He gave me 500 kr at the end because he must've assumed I was poor, since I was hitchhiking (I do it because it's fun, you meet really nice and interesting people), saying "I've been helped so much here in Sweden, so now I want to help back." He fled Burundi during the Rwandan Genocide (it's a small neighboring country), which spilled over into his country, and both his wife and child died. He came to Sweden on New Year's Eve, having never seen snow before. I don't like this flood of Muslim and Somali men, but that guy was one of the nicest people I've ever met. He even gave me his number and said I could call him if I was in the city some other time, and we could have dinner together or something. I lost my cellphone later that year, along with his number, sadly. Oh, and he'd remarried and had two new children.

>They where contained pretty good but the last 5 years or so it's gone really bad
Same as everywhere then
In göteborg things used to be pretty bad but contained, now you see beggers downtown along with litteral hordes of unwanted people just standing around

Does this mean you can't bring your own food to the plahouse or that you aren't allowed to have food in the playhouse period?

Why are "food" and "cookies" mentioned seperately despite cookies being a type of food?

Is the "to" a spelling error?

Why is a playhouse names Busfabriken? Doesn't that mean something like bus factory?

This has been happening in the US for well over a decade with Mexicans. We're being replaced.

Buss = Bus
Bus/Busig/Busiga = mischief/mischievous

I accept that Swedistan has passed the point of return. Therefore I am emigrating. I want my son to go with me but it's not happening. I will stay as long as I can until he is old enough to understand or until his mother realizes she can't raise our son in an Arabic country and emigrate as well.

I recognize Swedish and English but what's the language on top?

Yeah. Why? Need a friend?
Also, where in Copenhagen?

Haha, no no. He's a native dane. White with long blonde viking hair and beard. He traveled to Israel in the 60/70s to experience the Kebutch life. He traveled around the world and stopped/returned to Israel and stayed in Israel to later return to Denmark.

>point of return
Madness or complete cuckery? There is no such ting as point of no return. There is only "turning the tide" to the point of completely purging the country of foreign enemies. You have the historical rights to do so. Purging your land of foreigners is an inherited historical right every native tribe has and will always have regardless of (((modern values))) and (((moral))).

I don't have an issue with assimilated immigrants. Economic immigrants looking for gibs should be necked and thrown into Östersjön.

Yeah. Can't go anywhere now without constant reminder that we're getting actively replaced.

The world knows. Fucking travesty.

>my son's mother

Sweden indeed

Well played

Huh. How about that.

Divorces are a Swedish thing now?

Cookies are fucking cookies. They are not food, potatoes, pasta, meat, vegetables, those're food. You don't eat cookies for nutrition.

Not really. I'm only gonna be working. Not or thinking about socializing. The place I'm interning at is located in Osterbro.

You speak only the truth but I've stood up for this country for over a decade already. When I was but 13 years old I listened to Pluton Svea about stomping Somali heads. That was 17 years ago. I'm tired to be prancing about this. Any real outlet and I'd loose my chances at working in a industry I really want to work at and educated myself for these last 2 years for the two reasons of my own mental health and getting paid enough to give my son all the best in life. If I wasn't a dad things would have been much different.

Anything meant to be eaten is by definition food, for nutrition or otherwise.

>When I was but 13 years old I listened to Pluton Svea about stomping Somali heads
That's just fucking pathetic.

Wtf Sweden. Next thing you know they'll want a piece of your land, request an Islamic state and try to rebel if gov doesn't approve.

>candy is now food
The definition of "food" is, in fact, a substance that's eaten for nutritional purposes.

Unfortunately I had a very low period in my life and she talked me into getting a kid together and used my state as a means saying things such as surely everything would be better if we just had a child. I was stupid enough to go against all my internal instincts.


Why? I was based at a young age, long before anyone else started catching on this shit.

They'll use democracy fair and square. An Islamic party is looking to be on the ballot for next year's election. If all shitskin pool together they'd easily get 10% of the vote their first year alone. And anyone NOT voting yes on anything they'd put forward would be racist.


>assimilated immigrant
>fleeing all the way to Sweden
>not economic migrant
Also, nice sob story. The bloody state of Sweden. And yet Denmark is only barely better, if that.

What's the problem? Is it the use of Swedish to appeal to the minorities?

>Swedistan flag barely makes you think about blonde and blue eyes anymore does it?
Can relate. No one thinks about tea or bowler hats when they see my flag now.

If youre still here OP i have a friend in Soderkopping. What is that town like?


At least your government is doing something to stifle it even though you are in knee deep shit already. Swedistan is doing everything it can to destroy itself. Even passing laws that contradicts laws on immigrants getting their application denied getting the right to stay anyway. That's BEYOND fucked up. I just can't stand this nation anymore. Every day is a nightmare.

>I was based at a young age
Motherfucking kill yourself, you unironic meme-spouting retard.
You do know what the Rwandan Genocide is, right? And how the fuck would this Burundian be able to communicate that well with me if he didn't speak good Swedish? Why would he give a hitchhiking Swede a ride and even give me money if he wasn't a genuinely nice, giving person? As I said, I dislike this flood of refugees, because it's too fucking many to deal with, but that doesn't mean there aren't any nice refugees and immigrants. Learn to separate individuals from averages and hordes, dumbass.

You should die first traitor.

Sure, the day after you reach triple digit IQ, you stupid fuck.

My mother and her husband moved 2 miles outside of Söderköping some years back. Unironically they told me straight up that it was because they neighborhood was just filled with sandniggers. Their realtor also had a difficult time selling their house because of more or less only shitskin bidding now knowing how to fucking be civilized.

Anyway... from what I know of Söderköping it's still a nice place. It's always been a big place for white families to move out to. Of course they are forced by the government to accept shitskins so no one can avoid it but they have it pretty good and homogeneous for being Sweden. The town however is driven by sjw wannabes and people who want to virtue signal.

Riding train now so signal is crap.

>Oh, and he'd remarried and had two new children.
To a swedish women?

Remember this post when you're being enriched by one of your pet Abdul's.

Sorry for using a triggering word for you Ahmed. I will just assume you are named something a long those lines. I was informed at a young age then. Both from my mother and as well as racist/fascist people at school. I'm grateful for growing up like this rather than falling for the leftist brainwashing.

Why is this Danish company using the mascotte of the Dutch company Intertoys?

Courage svenbro! You have the chance to raise a son and that's something more important than anything else.

Even though I said AMA I'm afraid I can't answer that one. Nice find tho.

Thanks man and yes, I'm quite concerned about his well being considering the state of Swedistan but I'll do my best to keep him from turning into a wannabe sandnigger.

Yeah, and I really don't want us to lose Sweden. Regarding Denmark, I would rather die than flee here, including because I don't want to spread the kind of person that enables open borders. For Sweden, there is SD, but I haven't looked at it too closely, and I don't know if it is even sufficient or what hopes it has. Things are definitely damnably bitter. But all we can do is continue to struggle, think, strategize, inform, plan, execute, etc.
>herp deh derp
>oh no Rwandan Genocide (it is unimaginable that I could be one of those that are committing it, for people never lie, deceive or sacrifice things in general :DDDDDDDDDDD)
>hmmm, I should flee now
>where should I flee?
>neighbour country? a country on this continent... no, I know it: SWEDEN, a country on a whole different continent
>why there?
>I have gotten relatively tons of money out of coming here
>oh, 500 SEK (~80 USD) to get some cheap and very effective good will? Sweet tactic! Do it!
If you think it is sustainable or responsible in any way to assume the best of people, you have definitely not in any way thought through the systems or things at all, whatsoever. But I of course do not know if you are being sincere at all. And I don't know if your story is even true in the first place, or something that you personally experienced.

>my sons mother does.

>My mother and her husband
double lol, sweden never had a chance

Hopefully SD will double the next year. But every other party is still going to do everything they can to block anything from them. So they are going to be forced to make a government consisting of both left and right parties. Next election is going to be quite interesting. Many voters are (hopefully) not going to like the bedmates of their parties this is going to force.

I think particular generations of immigrants should have been mentioned to clarify your postion. Not a critique just an observation.
I've heard stories from this country that 1st and 2nd gen immigrants have serious issues with later generations. All the best for you and your country SwedeBro, however, without action (in what ever form) your country will slowly sink.

I noticed this too

Marriage barely matters here. There is no point in it. Waste of money and time.

Yes. First and second generation to immigrant parents from certain areas living more or less cut off from Swedish society are extremely vile and often harbor nothing but hatred for Swedistan.

Anyway, I'm just a few minutes away from arriving at my stop so gonna abandon thread while I walk over to my gfs apartment for some nice fucking and not thinking about this shit.

>I accept that Swedistan has passed the point of return.

I completely agree, Sweden is not dead yet but she has contracted a deadly disease, that is incurable at this stage.

Let's do a post-mortem of your once great country:

Of course the cause of all of this is Judeo-Feminism, in particular your love of English since the 60's has brought to you ideas invented by American Jews and you didn't have "immunitary defenses" for these suicide inducing socialist ideologies. But..

All other Scandinavian countries are feminist hellholes and you all know English very well, even your peasants, but why is Sweden so far ahead in your faggotry, submission to females and obsequiousness to goddamn fucking jews?

What really happened?

read, pastaboi

See image regarding pic-related.
Regarding text, there is also Bonnier and others, which came from Denmark, and Bonnier is still very active in Denmark. See for instance archive.is/8HD3g.

Well, whatever happens, I wish you and Sweden the best of luck Swedebro.