What's wrong with being a gold digger...

What's wrong with being a gold digger? Being a red pilled woman is realizing the power that women have in their femininity and using "girl game" to get money and assets. It's hypocritical to cheer for men who are red pilled and getting pussy and demonize women. Why would a woman want to settle down and serve a man when she can be chased after and choose who she wants? Makes no sense.

It's not the same thing as being a slut because honestly sticking with a man that wants to please you sexually makes more sense than sleeping around with mediocre Chads that don't care about you.

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Because Sup Forums faggots are poor and have autism. They don't have any gold to dig and use redpill as an excuse for their ineptitude.

once you find someone, would you be faithful? or you'll be flirting with anyone with a bigger wallet? What if your husband has bad year and loses money, would you leave him?

It’s selfish as fuck but whatever.

If I had a gf I’d never ever ever cheat on her. That’s what differs us.

you have the GOP flag, but you sound like a leftists

I value loyalty. No, I wouldn't leave him unless he got abusive and mean spirited.
I never said I would cheat.

If she's in it for the money, then she's not in it for the nuclear family unit. She just wants an autist with money to shower her in material objects.

Show tits pls

The you're not a gold digger. You're just smart and want to select a husband with money. That's not gold digging
You should use all the advantages you can, time is not on your side.

Gold diggers were the original whores, but now that today's whores are incredibly degenerate, the gold diggers can feign some sort of normality just by comparing themselves to sluts. You're still going to hell, though. God sees your greed.

Nothing is wrong with it, get yours sister. I don't earn that much, and in turn I don't date women that expect much as far as money goes. I'm much happier when women are up front about that stuff, go find a rich man and be happy. Just be honest with him.

Mammaries or fare the well

That's not gold digging m8. Go be a good wife and don't look back.

It's fine to make money.
What's wrong is making wedding vows you don't intend to keep.

OK. People would call me a bitch or a gold digger though :/

>honestly sticking with a man that wants to please you sexually makes more sense than sleeping around with mediocre Chads that don't care about you

Unfortunately most women want to sleep around with "mediocre Chads" nowadays.

there is nothing whron
its people who have responsability to not give them money.

You sound like a male feminist.

The point IS, your looks will fade fairly quickly... so if you use your youth to sleep around instead of finding someone to provide for you, you are basically out in the cold after your looks start to fade, because chad don't play that.

If the primary reason for you being with a man is his money, then, yes, you are a gold digger.

There's nothing wrong with 'gold digging.' It's ultimately the better choice than whoring around. Look at it like this, women have to mate upwards in regards to security in return for setting up a well nurtured family with good upbringings as long as the man can provide financial sustenance. They both have this obligation along with not ruining the sanctity of traditional family values to encourage their kids to do the same. If one partner shall break the 'contract' then the family falls apart. Why degeneracy is so widely accepted today is the effect of broken upbringings (single mother, single father, career parents, latchkey kids) that lack proper morals and values.

Usually gold digging whores are awful mothers, daughters and friends.

Other women criticize this behavior, too.

The fuck is going on here?

Tits or GTFO

>Why would a woman want to settle down and serve a man when she can be chased after and choose who she wants? Makes no sense.

Words of a guaranteed single cat lady at 38

You're a privileged purdy white girl in one of the few large safe civilized countries. When half the country wants to slaughter the other half and the food stops coming, what are you going to do with yourself when you have no family?

There's nothing wrong with being a gold digger. If women have the power to do so, go right ahead.

But there is also nothing wrong with repealing all female rights and relegating them to livestock status if men have the power to do so.

To paraphrase Goebbels: "They'd better watch out. Our patience has its limits. One day soon, we'll shut their dirty, lying feminist mouths!"

I don't see a point in it. I would rather date a man that I find sexually attractive (doesnt need to be a 9/10) and cares about pleasing me sexually and actually cares about me. I don't see any benefits to one night stands in women. Some women don't even orgasm.
It's NOT. However, money is important along with being family oriented and capable of loyalty, honesty and love.
Why is that? I don't get why sleeping around for sex that probably doesn't result in orgasms is praised.
I'm just trying to get the most I can for my future family. Poverty destroys families. I want a secure environment for my children. I know money brings freedom. I know a successful man is happier than one that is struggling and has a partner that makes more than him.

A rich man that knows you value his money more than anything will never ever be fully loyal to you. If you don't mind then suit yourself, buttslut.

Poverty doesn't destroy a family if the couple are partners. Cheating is what destroy a family.

>all these replies and no

tits or gtfo

newfriends from r/the_dummies really are shitting up this board