How are we supposed to win the fight for the west when we have content creators making attacks on our allies...

How are we supposed to win the fight for the west when we have content creators making attacks on our allies? Jim is way in the wrong here, I used to like his stuff, but now it seems like he has given up the cause. If we don't put up a united front, feminism and Islam will conquer us, and soon enough, the world.

I like Jim but what irritated me about his Jordan Peterson video is that he didn't even give out any arguments. All he said was "why should I listen to a fucking leaf". Jim should stick to mocking kangz and destiny's height.

That's what I love about him stay mad soyboys

He is the most pure for of troll and your 10000 iq can't comprehend it bucko


he did give an argument, stop paying 10$ for someone to LARP as your dad and tell u to clean your room

The cause? The guy is a shit poster in video form. His cause is to make himself laugh at your expense.

Ethics, values and morals don't mean shit to someone like him you stupid slut.

What about the whole free speech thing?

>given up the cause
When the fuck has Jim ever been about the cause? He's a centrist with left-leaning beliefs who just so happens to make fun of SJWs. He's always claimed to be a Sup Forumsack but only because he finds it funny, not because he actually believes anything here.

>Jim is way in the wrong here
How? He’s got a greivence with a bad internet subculture so he bullied them on his channel. Peterson also overcharges for his stuff, even though he makes over 800k yearly.
Peterson is a good contemporary anti-modernist philosopher, but he’s not /our guy/ and never has been.
Also Metokur watches Murdoch Murdoch.


jordan peterson is not an ally.

Peterson is a faggot and the argument was that he's a faggot because He banned faith goldy and is now shilling his shitty personality test. Also you are a faggot for needing to be told who you are and to tidy your room.

Those seem like solid arguments to me and I feel nothing for anybody who's wise enough to know the worlds problems, yet to pussy to put his name to a real solution.

>our allies

You don't speak for me or the rest of Sup Forums and Peterson has never been any ally of mine. He's a leaf boomer that defends the jews and shits on white identity. Peterson is a cuck. Jim's only cause is trolling idiots on the internet and Peterson's fanbase is proving themselves to be just that. Go shove a bike pump up your ass you faggot.

>"I didn't know we live in the halls of debate but apparently the Internet has now become Reddit where, if you answer a question asking your opinion on something, you need verifiable, citeable sources for everything you might think."
It's right at the beginning of the video. He's not there to make arguments to win some kind of debate. He's just calling you faggots out for getting buttflustered that he doesn't worship Your God Jordan Peterson (oh, wait, excuse me, Dr. Your God Jordan Peterson).

This desu. Faggot youtubers and multicultural leaf defenders can fuck off

why spell out what peterson said clearly? are you a mutt my dude?

Jim is making it official he's /bant/, not Sup Forums.

Free speech exists on a spectrum. And if you don't respect my pronouns you can't have free speech.
White people are unacceptable pronouns. Only individuals matter, so long as you adhere to my collective understanding of free speech.
Got it, bucko?

Am I the only one who thinks he sounds like Mark Dice

>We need to stick together guise!
>Ten seconds later Peterson goes on an anti-right twitter rant.

Whiter than you Akbir.

This really bugs the shit out of me. They both breathe the same and have the same intrepid speaking ques.

I don't think you understand Metokur, I never saw the guy as somebody who is into making youtube videos for some cause or political movement. He's always come off as a semi-vlogger type. He says stuff simply because he wants to say it.

Sure he may want to see certain things change, but he doesn't seem like he's gonna get in bed with somebody to do it. He'll just work by himself. Mister Metokur is on point with his points, but I wouldn't go to him for any sort of organized group action.


Really, why has no one made this connection

Stay mad :)

At least he isn't as obnoxiously in your face as Mark Dice. He doesn't try to force out some cringy laughter with every sentence he speaks either. If he's like Mark Dice, he's the better Mark Dice.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The advice is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Jordan’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this advice, to realise he doesn't just tell you to clean your room - he says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Jordan’s existential catchphrase “Clean your room,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jordan Peterson’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Jordan Peterson tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

holy fuck Jim is right
JP fans are rick and morty pickle rick tier Ledditors!

>Jordan Peterson
That's DOCTOR Peterson, Bucko.


No they are personas of the same person.

Mark Dice is the Alex Jones style while Jim is his original alias. He speaks about touchy subjects as Jim but speaks about MSM on Mark while selling his book and having a forefront in media.

Basically "Jim" is the Id and "Mark" is the conciousness.

meatman isn't nearly as bad as shadman and the rest of the alt-right commentators

Jim doesn't have a public face because of what he talks about.

Mark is his public figure that replicates Alex Jones and his style of narrating.

Seriously. Imagine Jim speaking like Alex Jones and you get Mark Dice.

He breathes in right before he makes a smart ass remark generally.

like nigger parrot speaks and sargon and thAT FUCKING FATASS MUNDANE MATT
he's literally queddit

Who is Jordan Peterson and why should I care?
Saw this video and I'm still not sure who he is

on a side note, who's Trump btw?
also I regularly browse this board


Buckle up buckeroos!

He posts about the same subjects across Mark Dice and Mo

The dude just shifts what he speaks into and produces the sound different

the jews fear the troll

Jordan Petersson is a JEW and I say that before googeling him. He reeks of the heeb.
1. Civic nationalism
2. Can neither comfirm or deny christ. Can even call himself agnostic in fear of alienating his patron.
3. Teams up with other JEWS on Joe Rogan show.
4. All tears and no mucle
5. A finacial genious. Now making 800 000USD a year

This is exactly what the video was about

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson.

Jordan Peterson is a joke of an intellectual

>“Clean your room,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jordan Peterson’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>And yes, by the way, i DO have a Jordan Peterson tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Master troll: Try to trick me into reading up on russian litteraure, The claims he has a tatto of Jordan Peterson on his dick.

He's right though.

Ignore all the leafs

Dumb Swedenigger doesn't recognise the pickle rick copypasta.

Juden B Peterstein

>doesn't recognise the pickle rick copypasta.
Didn't know of it, but now i do

Dude fuck peterson, hes smart but hes a cuck from canada who has been shitting on race realism lately

Peterson's message isn't bad. And Google did fuck with him which makes him OK in my book, too. But after you've seen a couple of videos, non-brainlets and oldfags understand his whole deal and there's no need to watch more. Let alone hours and hours.

If you're a newfag and didn't have a strong and consistent father figure in your life then I guess he's probably quite good and you should listen to more of his shit.

But he is straight up Jewing a lot of you at this point. Watch his vids for free on Jewtube - he makes money off that - but don't give him any extra cash.

And he also looks like a hypocrite - as Memetokur said - by not engaging with Faith "too hot to handle" Goldy even though he himself has faced sanction for the same sort of thing. If he had balls and genuinely doesn't like her he should have invited her on stage and then attacked her arguments instead of censoring her like a fucking Leftist would.

>even though I don't buy in to ecelebs and will never give them my hard won shekels, I really want to fuck Faith Goldy or at least have her show bob

>making you pay for a shitty personality test when he already has more money flowing in his patreon than in his actual job pay
>only thing he has ever done for the West is telling people to stoping using dumb pronouns
>Banned Faith Goldie from a free speech rally for interviewing ethnic nationalists
>acts like a cunt when people give him critislnon twitter
He was pretty strait forward with his grievances



52 or 56 ??

>If we don't put up a united front
That begins with not contantly attacking people who are more to the right than you are.
We never mocked or attacked Peterson, we only defended our arguments once attacked
There's plenty of arguments against Peterson's behaviour though.

>I used to like Jordan Peterson but then Jim said he didn't like Jordan Peterson and since I am an individual I make ten posts a day about how bad Jordan Peterson is.

Jim's channel is obviously getting blown out by far superior channels like BPS, so he had to rile up some spergs.

If you're watching Metokur for highly educational, political commentary you're doing it very wrong.

It's a channel about triggering and making fun of deviant people on the internet. I don't even think his content has much of a political bias anymore...? At least in the sense that he's not usually attacking people for their politics.

Jordan Peterson is just another fad. I remember when Sup Forums was in love with the "theologist" William Lane Craig. But he turned out to be a radical zionist, so Sup Forums dropped him like a bad habit. The mob is fickle. Peterson will be forgotten in a month.

>I used to like metokru but then he said he didn't like DOCTOR Peterson and since I am a radical individualist I make ten posts a day about how DOCTOR Peterson dindu nuffin wrong and that we individualist have to defend DOCTOR Peterson as a group of individuals and circle the wagons against the collectivist trolls.


>t.jordan peterson

Reminder that Jim dropped Internet Aristocrat after fingerblasting a fat asian on a youtube audio stream