Stop sucking the cocks of capitalists and corporations. Capitalism is a means to an end, not the end in itself. Capitalists have no loyalty to ethnic groups, nations, religions, or anything that isn't profit and growth. Capitalists are not the allies of the racially conscious European man. Capitalists will subvert every old value you hold dear and replace it with liberalism, multiculturalism, and globalism, while you're sat around chasing ghost and spooks oblivious to the true cause of fading traditional/conservative values. Economics shapes the dominant ideas in society. Stop being an idealist and understand how the world works.
Stop sucking the cocks of capitalists and corporations. Capitalism is a means to an end, not the end in itself...
>Capitalists have no loyalty to ethnic groups, nations, religions, or anything that isn't profit and growth
Nope, I'm living proof
>Capitalists are not the allies of the racially conscious European man
I'm racially conscious and pro capitalism, beat that chucklenuts.
>Capitalists will subvert every old value you hold dear and replace it with liberalism, multiculturalism, and globalism
Wrong, I'm living proof
Hey, you didn't make any arguments, so feel free to try again.
go cuck your self
Our Jews are the best Jews.
Except you're some irrelevant smuchk. Stop conflating yourself with actually capitalists and corporations. Your business is shit and too small, you don't have the capital to expand globally. But if you did, it would be essential for you to do it. Silly idealist.
just wanted to remind that nationalism is byproduct of degeneracy that came with democracy, and gave world Napoleon. Nationalism is ideology of frog eating manlet looser, but I know far right loves its manlet loosers like (((Hitler)))
Your jews are worse than the commie jews. They've done 100x the damage the commies did.
>my opinions are different from the actual ideology but i still identify as it so i guess that op must be wrong haha :)
Give me the killcount of capitalists fucking faggot
Just replace capitalist with communist
>he thinks damage is primarily kill counts
No, you dummy, the damage is done culturally and socially. Capitalists have completely destroyed and subverted traditional values, replacing them with liberalism, multiculturalism, and globalism. The average western person is a mindless, rootless, consumer with no loyalty to anything except his own greed. Hence dying religions, dying social trust, dying demographics, dying relations between the sexes, and so on.
You and your ilk have done something the commies never could.
What's the answer then? A natsoc ethnostate? You must really hate your people to want to impose socialism on them.
>muh all socialism is evul
Americans really need to be banned from political discussions.
by the way economic system has little to do with social decay, most degenerate countries are those where protestant sect had most power, Catholics are doing just fine with keeping their values no matter in what system they find them self in
Ha I was right. You're a socialist faggot. Can't compete well enough so you want gibmedats
>Catholics are doing just fine
Oh you mean like Mexico and Brazil?
I find it inevitable that neoliberalism will become the dominant ideology of the future. Once that crashes we will likely get another round or marxist leninism although likely with a different name.
>Catholics are doing just fine with keeping their values
read niga read
Enjoy competing while living in Brazil 2.0, you rootless, cultureless, identitiless consumer mutt.
What, like pic related?
The only reason Poland and the eastern block countries haven't been completely degenerated is because you've had capitalism for less than 30 years. But the signs are already showing, Poland is getting soyboys, feminists, and the rest of American capitalist culture. Ironically communism kept you out of the market place for 70 years, so you missed out on 70 years worth of western degeneracy.
It's going to happen to you, slowly, but surely, you will become like the west.
Did the Frenchy manlet really say this about (((bankers))) though?
>“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
If so, no wonder (((they))) banished him to an island and have been badmouthing him ever since.
Really activates the old almonds.
So is communism ultimately the answer?
No, communism is retarded.
But are there any alternatives?
Catholic church as an institution is politicized joke after it loosed it's power during "enlightenment". Commies didn't protect eastern block from degeneracy they enforced it by force (sexual liberation and destruction of church) only Polish Gomułka didn't do it, you can easily check result by using you favorite pornstars search engine (I know you have one all nat-socs are wankers) to find out that main exporters of teenage pornstars are eastern block countries excluding Poland. About soyboys media can make small group of degenerates look like growing forced, but you can also look on ammout of active churches
Yes. Lots. Syndicalism, National socialism, or anything that controls and limits the market.
oh bankers are abusing their power how redpiled, Sanders and Corbyn are also your guys?
tell us something we didn't know
Those systems have an incredibly small life expectancy, and also generally get sometimes out of hand. Communism also has the benefit of a already existing network.
Friendly reminder that lolbertarianism is just as bad as communism
You're just mad faggot because it took an alliance of all the countries in Europe and Russia just to take down one French man.
Syndicalism and nat soc are just nationalistic socialism (communism) or corporate oligarchy
As many flaws as capitalism has it is the best way to get goods to market at a fair price, otherwise many countries would practice the aforementioned.
These arguments seem so small and underdeveloped. I get the feeling you don’t have much experience in the greater world.
Who would’ve thought the man who invented modern nationalism would hate lenders he required to finance his war machine?
Bankers may be greedy and unscrupulous, but nothing is worse than a hypocritical destroyer of nations. Napoleon was a great general and leader, but anyone who thinks he was in it for anyone but himself is an idiot.
>literally makes no arguments and speed buzzwords
>you have no arguments!
because no one in earlier history was so dumb and desperate to create army of every bum, criminal and other degenerate who is willing to take up arms, if this small fagot would win europe would be in hands of low born inbred criminals. you never wondered how napoleon was able to create such a big army in such a shot time? answer is simple: 0 standards
>Those systems have an incredibly small life expectancy, and also generally get sometimes out of hand.
They haven't exactly been tried in ideal conditions. Communism only lasted 70 years anyway. And where has syndicalism been tried properly?
shit like this could only happen in "enlighten" democracy