They haven't made a good Gundam show in 17 years.
That's just sad.
They haven't made a good Gundam show in 17 years.
That's just sad.
Another worthless thread by a phonefag.
>Not good.
Giant robots are dumb anyway.
Blocks your path
IBO is good no amount of shitposting will change that. even if you don't like IBO Thunderbolt was good. if you only count thunderbolt as a movie and not a show, Build Fighters was good. so no matter how you look at it, you're wrong.
>Iron blooded failure
Proving anything.
These shows are only giid because they are UC related. No good AU gundam show exists.
Bold faced fucking lies.
>Turn A
Kill yourself.
IBO was nowhere near as bad as haters claim it to be, but it is not above avarage as a part the gundam franchise. Thunderbolt was an edgy
Movie and built fighters is stupid fanservice and a disgrace to the franchise.
You have enough old ones to last you for a lifetime. And the new ones did nothing wrong.
Build Fighters was great man.
Protip: Turn A Gundam was just mediocre, its not even good
>They haven't made a good Gundam show in 38 years.
It and G gundam, suffered from a similar problem, that made both shows shit.
>let's take a serious and interesting war drama, featuring real robots.
>let's take out all the serious, interesting and war drama.
>let's make it about kids, using super robots, to fight in a tournament.
>and this one is a long ass toy commercial, featuring shit ton of fanservice to keep te diehard fans watching.
>You have enough old ones to last you for a lifetime.
Nope, I finished all of the good UC shows in a month.
>And the new ones did nothing wrong.
There are no good AU shows out there. That could be counted as a wrong.
>the jarjars of gundam
They effectively ruined Char.
It's time someone told you all the cold truth. Gundam was never good.
You're not wrong.
Wing and G Gundam are decent, honestly.
You can't really dislike Thunderbolt and not be a fag at the same time.
Turn A was not mediocre, it was exceptional to the extent that it doesn't really belong with most of Gundam and sits with 0079 as a true classic.
Yeah, best characters too.
Zeta > 0079
Zeta was a fucking slog mate everyone eied in the most retarded way possible and it ended with the MC becoming literally retarded.
Reccoa betrayed her friends and willingly gassed a colony because she wanted a dicking from Paptimus and Char wasn't going to put out and don't even get me started on KATZU DEMASU.
What about 00, Unicorn, GBF S1, Thunderbolt, and G-Reco? Although Turn-A is still the best.
>No good AU gundam show exists.
Buld Fighters, even if arguably so. Not counting X because it's UC in everything but name and Turn A and Reconguista because they are UC.
Wing can be summed up as "Zeta for retards" and G is wasted potential at best.
>They haven't made a good Gundam show
>That's just sad.
That's not true. We have Aldnoah.Zero.
>unicorn was good
What's next 0083 was good?
lots of episodes that are just pure filler, slow as molasses pacing, flimsiest excuse to put Loran on a dress and cringe-worthy Tomino dialogue, in fact you can cut down Turn A to 4 hours and would be pretty much the same
the only reason it got praise because of the day the earth stood still twist
0083 was amazing.
>you can cut down Turn A to 4 hours and would be pretty much the same
Didn't they pretty much do this with the compilation movies?
Thats like your opinion man.
amazingly bad that is.
00 is the best. It's great until it starts to become a mindless fight fest with zero strategy/tactics and politics.
>OP didn't like build fighters
I'm sorry for your shit taste OP.
better than 08th ms
Actually amazing, you'd know that if you bothered watching it instead of parroting the stupid shit you read on Sup Forums.
That's just saying that a piece of shit is better than another piece of shit.
good meme dude I watched it while I was on a flight and the clouds were more interesting.
>not naming g-reco
Found the retards.
Amazing opening theme =/= amazing show
>all these non-arguments
I'll give you the pacing because it's clearly not for everyone but you're trying really hard.
Nice meme.
so, go ahead then, explain what does the whole putting Loran in a dress give to the story in a literary point of view?
what did the hilariously cringe mountain aztec people to the story?
if anything, Turn A is even slower than Slowzinger Z with nothing happening for about 30 episodes, if this was made in this era, Turn A would be just 2 cours at best, just like G-wrecko, and the retarded King Gainer
>G-wrecko, and the retarded King Gainer
Could you at least try to be subtle? That would net you more (you)s.
>treating anime with in-medias-res with no pay-off written by one-note hack as good anime
can you at least try to grow a brain?
(Kill yourself)
Origin is the only good one on that list.
Origin is the only shit one.
What's with all the origin hate? I watched it before the movie trilogy, and the characters were more likeable and memorable thanks to origin.
Good for you, but they invariably ruined char by turning him into a Mary Sue from the get-go.
The good:
08th ms team
War in the pocket
Zeta gundam
Char's counterattack
Gundam unicorn
Turn A
The mediocre:
Stardust memory
After war X
The bad:
Double zeta
Reconguista in G
Built fighters
G gundam
>The good:
>08th ms team
Stopped reading here.
Move F91 up to good and we'd have a perfect list.
>08th ms in good and Victory in mediocre
Nice shit taste
This is pretty much fine besides G being in bad.
It should be in its own tier of utter shit, barely above GSD and BF S2.
Build Fighters is unironically the greatest Gundam ever made.
>tfw HITORI JANAI during the last fight with Meijin
Is he called Meijin because he's amazing?
>I'm whining this hard
>IBO is good no amount of shitposting will change that
Well if it isn't Anime Suki spewing propaganda
>it was exceptional to the extent that it doesn't really belong with most of Gundam and sits with 0079 as a true classic.
It was your first anime, wasn't it? Either that or you're lying.
You spelled Nanoha wrong
>Didn't they pretty much do this with the compilation movies?
Yes they did.
high-quality bait.
wrong again, troll
>Fighting a troll with more bait.
this chart is more accurate though
Japan disagrees with you in loads
Fixed your shitty charts.
spotted some errors, fixed now
nope, still bad, Turn A ain't good, Mecha Talk
and despite that, you missed the biggest error.
I just fap to Loran.
ZZ is canon you organism with the talking mouth
>Turn A
Thanks for the good laugh.
this guy knows what's up
Kill yourself.
my hand starts trembling uncontrollably whenever i see someone claim that g-reco was good.
But G-Reco was good.
Nigga the slice of life aspect of Turn A is literally the best part, the world is great.
CG mecha is the only shit part.
>The good
>08th ms team
>Gundam unicorn
Wow, it's been 17 years since 00?
That's crazy
They haven't made a good Gundam show ever.
G-Reco was excellent.
>Double Zeta
nice meme
anyway the best gundam is G-Savior
Every Gundam but the SEED universe is good, dumbasses.
It wasn't Char.
It's legit the worst one, though.
I watched both for the plot. They're comfy
Buildfighters gave us the most lewd semendemon Mother of all time. That makes OP and anyone who agrees with him objectively wrong and homosexual