I have found a vast network of FOOD SLAVERY WORLDS, i had previously found private first family punishment worlds that are ostensibly controlled by other sentients yet are doing so under "secret" agreements to implement torture and torment of sentients who have been singled out for personalized VANDETTA CAMPAIGNS these worlds are known as SOVEREIGN worlds some of those who are running private SADO sovereign worlds along these lines are Larry David, Donald Sutherland, Alan Arkin
then there are OFFICIAL first family owned and operated RED ROOM worlds that accomplish much the same thing, except they are more carefully monitored and those there have access to additional remedies

yet this most recent discovery is truly ugly and insidious because ANYTHING you EAT on earth can potentially make you eligible to being made into a FOOD SLAVE in a FOOD SLAVERY WORLD

Other urls found in this thread:


And WHAT, pray tell... is a food slavery world?

jesus christ how high are you right now

What chu talkin' bout Willis?
Soylent green or some shit?

Leave the acidman in peace

>Am Stuck
someone get that wrap of that foot so it can escape!

This is a post someone would make after eating some bath salts

Shills are trying to subvert this thread.

>ANYTHING you EAT on earth can make you into a FOOD SLAVE

no one denies this, OP

>Leave the acidman in peace

but I was curious!

Get some sleep, man.

holy fuck this is some next level homeless man rambling to himself crazy.

Take your meds Timmay.

>holy fuck this is some next level homeless man rambling to himself crazy.

Man, that's the most entertaining kind of crazy.

And I still want to know what a food slavery world is.

also, can we not sage anymore?

>this is some next level homeless man rambling to himself crazy
this your first day, faggot?

Wtf, I hate food now

you okay leaf?

I think what he's trying to say is that we live in a fake reality like the Matrix, but rather than be a human battery for the machines in the real world like the Matrix, you're simply food for some sentient carnivorous life form who is technologically advanced enough to create something like the Matrix (to keep you enslaved, content, etc.) and merely uses you as a luxury food source to be slaughtered at will. Like space raptors or something.

>TFW food slave in food slavery world.

So he's saying we can wake up at any moment to our bodie's being slaughtered/eaten by some extradimensional creature?

better than the andy warhol version

Maybe you're being eaten right now, you just don't know it.

So, they have the technology to conquer the stars and make planetary matricies....

But they can't figure out lab grown meat?

Wait wait wait hollllllllll upppppp.

I almost didn't get cancer by this post.

Daily reminder: The only way to cure yourself from Sup Forums cancer is to get yourself deliberately banned.

Maybe the story of your meal is part of the luxury, maybe that every one you eat may taste slightly different and have different toughness and marbling. Just looking at "rich people food" in our cultures you can sell an experience way further than you can sell the food you eat in that experience.

oh shit lmao, thats Mike Enoch after charlottesville, dude was hella spooked he was going to be arrested and imprisoned.

The human foot is the most psychologically damaging aspect of seeing a dead body due to how uniquely human it is. A little food for thought haha (see what I did there)


Please clarify.

This makes more sense than 99% of the rest of Pizzagate. Thanks, user.

Lol that was ridiculously cringy mate. What are you high on?

Where's the fun in that? Maybe they're a hunter society/civilization of reptilians, space raptors who conquer planets and species as a religious activity. Maintaining you as food, plugged into a matrix until it's time for you to get unplugged. And then when you get unplugged, rather than go to heaven like you think, you instead wake up in an arena with a very hungry raptor ready to eat you because he paid good raptor bucks for the chance to eat a real human, and because the journey to Earth took 50 years in cryoegg sleep.

bump for drugs

I got a foot fetish, so its just a collectors opprtunity for me

Go to bed Kira.

>And then when you get unplugged, rather than go to heaven like you think, you instead wake up in an arena with a very hungry raptor ready to eat you
At the time of "unplugging", you'd be dead and dead on a table, bed etc, then you are buried, or cremated, so what exactly would these things be eating other than your soul?

1 post from OP, guess we aren't going to be enlightened in the end.

Note: searching in to what it is like there, it is similar to earth in some ways in that the animals are basically fattened up, loaded up with drugs, then die a horrible death that they can clearly see is about to happen clued in from the ambience in the atmosphere (e.g. sounds, strangeness, 6th sense). They are then reborn and it starts all over again, they continuously gain knowledge from the past yet continually are not empowered enough to do anything about it.

Note: i recommend you COLOR yourself out of FOOD, "i demand that all food requirements be turned off for me immediately and permanently, i demand to be removed immediately from earth"

I had a fun drug theory once too. Earth was being manipulated from the inside by the Jewish to be turned into another uninhabitable planet with seas of mercury while they live underground in "hell" like with the other planets they've destroyed to the benefit of the archons.

Matrix unplugged, not table lamp unplugged.

you should write a book about it then put the book in the bin where it belongs

One flaw in your theory:
Masochists exist

This is your doctor, you need to take your medicine. I know you feel fine and stop taking it, but the reason you feel fine is because you're taking your medicine. Please start taking it again right away. I'll talk to you soon.


Forgot your anti psychotics today, gramps? That's okay, have a sage to make you feel better.

why are you TYPING like someone who has SCHIZOPHRENIA do you also have RANTS and BIBLICAL SCRIPTURE posted on every surface of your MINI VAN?

I guess OP is a targeted individual. CIAcucks need to fuck off.

jews really dont like this thread

you see that fucking shit holy shit evidence of bearenstein.

Bump for packaged foot but OP is crazy for posting saytan great value brand food.

Main ?, What the fuck is the foot in the fucking fuck for???


leave based acidman alone

I mean. That's kinda the basics of gnosticism right? We live in a false reality and the Archons are feeding on us (our negative energy from fear and sadness anyway). OP clearly had too much acid but he's not necessarily wrong. He's just wording it in a crazy sounding way.

someone screencap this.... just in case

What was the point of changing it from taco bell to pizza hut?

bearenstein bears.
bearenstain bears.

How many layers of woke are you on senpai?




Now, stop talking shit about archons!


why would you be scared of archons ?

It's not like that in gnosticism. The Archons created our world to satisfy their needs, and they themselves are a link in a chain of creation. They aren't malevolent to us or in general, but they are also flawed and not necessarily interested in "saving" or "helping" us.

Looks like he’s working on being a compatible eater to tell the truth.

You really don't need to think much about their purposes or intentions. Just consider that most of our scientific pursuits and aspirations are devoted towards creating a perfectly simulated environment, operating under the rules we set.

No, after all, I'm grateful to them for this world which I quite enjoy all things considered, and for their inhuman wisdom too.

why would you be grateful to your jailers ?

I dare one to challenge me to a battle

Their "Wisdom" is your Grief.
Banish them.

Being jailed implies that I was denied freedom I once had or could have. Which isn't the case, neither they obstruct us to gain more, just like they did.

You just don't remember what it is like outside.

what the fuck?

Thats not what the bulk of my research on Gnosticism says. Granted, Gnosticism is somewhat of an umbrella term that contains many different viewpoints on how it all works. Most of my research on the subject shows the Archons and the Demiurge to be malevolent entities.

yum yum eat 'em up

Archons are Servants of the Demiurge.

(in Gnosticism and other theological systems) a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual.

As above, as below. All you need to do is to grow up yourself. And a seed, indeed, doesn't remember being a tree, because it is yet to become it if it's lucky.

With a sober mind you can travel to the depths of the halls of Ammenti and return with your mind intact.

as above so below is trickery to make you chained below.

Fake and gay

So what is the evidence on his blog you might ask? (very short blurb)
>in the movie Demolition Man talk of FAST FOOD WARS, it turns out all the fast food franchises are actually SPONSORED by monster league sponsors (part of the CULINARY UNION) and they have "played war", yet they are also the primary owner operators of the FOOD SLAVERY worlds
Drugs are a hell of a thing dude.

Damn Richard Spencer is on that bulk life.

every time I see this image

You can try. Noone would stop you except your own nature and the nature of this world. Which would be perfectly enough for you to, really, not move an inch.

Dafuq are you on nigga?


The picture I posted........Nevermind, You can overcome it if you do it enough.

I'll just leave this here

Cannibal restaurant 'with roasted human heads on the menu' shut down by police

What's that drug you can do to see if it's not calcified? Fill me in leafy.

Yes. But the Baselidian teaching is the most noteworthy for many reasons, such as to clearly and factually predating scientific discoveries and subtly influencing human history.

Good luck to you, I certainly don't mind you trying, although I don't think it would do you any good. I fully embrace one of the Archons, and will see the world to embrace her as well, while all the others being banished, ideally.

Does he have a whole cup full of mayo there?


NICE, but, I got some bad news for you if your over the age of 6.


>What's that drug you can do to see if it's not calcified?
Whelp, it looks like based Lord KEK confirms I have to tell you...

Ready user? The answer is Soma. Soma is in fact prduced by the pineal gland, and is known as "Amrit" in the Vedic tradition. It is produced by prolongued practice of genuine ancient Yogic purification pratices. In particular, the Pranayama breathing exercises. This will, in fact, over time, decalcify the pineal gland, which is really a PHYSICAL third eye. What has also worked for me is alternating hot and cold baths, that sort of thing. Read some of the ancient texts on the subject like the Siva Samhita or the Hathat Yoga Pradeepika. Not the New-Age bullshit. Go to the source of the perenial wisdom, or Sanatana Dharma. HOpe this helps:

excellent work, Finbro, Keep it up, we appreciate what you do for us!

>every time you post in a thread

Don't forget that iodine displaces the fluoride that calcified it in the first place (both halides, the body can deal with iodine, but not fluoride).