454 acid attacks in london this year, western media won't report, why not?
454 acid attacks in london this year, western media won't report, why not?
>don't be shy, bin that lye
>be placid, get rid of acid
Also, that's what you get for funding your ahmed-loving public service network.
It's their culture. Learn to respect other's cultures.
Western media does report on it ffs
They just dont admit who is committing the crimes
>western media won't report, why not?
Same reason they won't report on the amount of rapes, and murders OP.
Doesn't fit their agenda, and they don't want the world to awaken to the truth that this multiculturalism/diversity sham is nothing more than a way to kill of and replace the people of the invaded countries. Kalergi plan.
That's actually pretty damn funny by Jerry standards.
they report on it tho
It’s not ACID you filthy londoners! It’s just soapy water.
>argh it burns.
Fucking time for your annual wash slags
Before I found out what kind of person he was I really enjoyed his acting, but now like all the rest of those scum bags that have showed their true colours, I can't stand them.
It would dissolve their worldview
Acid dips > fish and chips
>robert decuck
What is it made from? I heard it's ammonia mixed with something else.
The only aristocracy USA has, he’s their right royal fuckhead
>they report on it tho
(((western media won't report)))
they literally don't though, not the way they should. publishing a small story on page 22 of your newspaper doesn't mean "they report on it" it means they try to hide it. BBC never puts stories like this out anywhere that they will get any real visibility and you know it. AND in fact in your country its even walking the line of criminality to even talk about the crimes that muslims perpetrate on westerners so don't even give me that crap you cuck
Totally ruined Scorsese for me
This is fucking unforgivable. Honestly, this is one of the worst parts about the modern world.
An acid attack will just totally fuck up your life, it will disfigure your face, you will never be able to live a normal life again. And yet the media is silent for political correctness.
Even a single acid attack against an innocent individual is a complete fucking travesty.
>> be a husband, murder the muslim
Could be a few things, battery acid being one, sulfuric acid. Why is it being sold to them when they know it is an issue and as one poster in here claims it's being reported on in the western world so everyone should know about it right?
Nation of shopkeepers
>ban common househould chemicals because the third world savages are unwilling to get rid of their traditions
how about no?
The victims are always female. The media is pro women as long as woman is white and the attack is not by a muslim
What about this guy?
you are not british so fuck off
>how about no?
Well than, how about people keep getting plashed in the face with the shit then?
Don't need to ban the common household sulfuric acid and such, just don't sell to those that are known to remove other peoples face with them jesus christ man do something.
>The victims are always female.
Maybe in UK, but nobody catches wind of it here.
Like the 100's of random Black on White slashing in the NY subway.
It's only a big alarming story if the victims/perpetrators correspond with the media narrative.
In other news, and our President was just awarded the national Islamophobia Award.
I am so proud of our President actually knowing that Islam is not really bad, but just radical Islamic terror, and it must be stop - Bigly.
Many days go by as politicians fail to address this problem and go extra miles to hide problems with islam.
Not anymore, we have the best President in the world!
Fuck you London piece of shit acid throwing xenophobic shit country.
London is shit. Used to be clean, but since they don't have the best President ever, it's shit just like their skin color
>you are not british so fuck off
Deal with the fucking problem then.
He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.
The solution to savages being savages isn't to take the tools away they use, causing unproportional disadvantage to the majority of the population. They'll just use something else then. Niggers don't have guns so they commit their genocide by hatches, welcome to rwanda. But the bongs don't really care about that considering they now need IDs to buy teaspoons.
Most acid attacks in London are usually minority gang vs minority gang.
just stop pretending like it hasnt been talked about for "muh mainstream media"
it has.
If guns were legal in Britain the moped robbery would go down one of two ways:
1) Robbers point gun at guy with bike, he hands over keys and they drive away.
2) Guy with bike pulls his concealed carried pistol. No robbery.
Either of these seems preferable to victim being sprayed in face with acid.
>they now need IDs to buy teaspoons.
Restrict teaspoons, and plastic knives etc, but leave the face remover in full reach of the section of population that uses it to remove faces. Nice.
As long as they have their priorities in check.
Why not just rename the city tp Londonacidy
why should i fuck off? you're forbidden by your own laws to even discuss this problem in any real or meaningful way? if i fuck off then literally nobody can advocate for you not getting acid thrown in your face and permanently disfiguring you.
and the truth is you're wrong, muhammed, they don't actually report on it in any visible way, and when they do they report on isolated incidents like "oh look, its so unique that this just happened!". they don't report on the pervasiveness of it and how its happening all the time. and also it's largely local affilliate stuff. the actual BBC website, which i read all the time, literally NEVER has anything about acid attacks on its front page. so why dont you go pray to allah, you brown subversive piece of shit
except it's not face remover but something normal people buy to unclog drains or refill car batteries. The poor sob that gets acid'd doesn't care if he gets a splash of store bought sulfuric acid or "liquid fire" sufluric acid into his face. Can't track common chemicals, can't get rid of them. So why make it a pain in the arse for the normal population to get them for their every day live?
Well I'll be dammed Germany , you actually need ID to buy spoons in UK. The state of the west.
That's sad because Trump genuinely loves Britain. And the Trump family has its roots in Germany.
And so far he has been treated way better by us than by our friends from the other side of the Channel or the other side of the Rhine.
It's either two reasons that I can think of. The left hides islamamic radicalism because:
1. They're scared pussies and fear retribution
2. They hate the west so much and want some form of communism, they're willing to side with islam as a tool to overthrow.
Could be a combination of both. Dr. Savage was right when he said liberalism is a mental disorder
this man typed a paragraph on Sup Forums while being personally offended
You dont live here so dont say what is like here
I can't count the times I've had to run out to pick up some acid to do the daily house cleaning, and don't even get me started on how many times I had to top up the acid in my car battery this year.
What about this bloke?
nice argument muhammed. hopefully britain will wake up and deport you
that's exactly like i said it wasn't reported on the front page. its in their "london" section and it's only talking about an isolated incident rather than a pervasive problem that happens all of the time. how can you faggot britbongs be this fucking stupid? its no wonder you allowed your governments to disarm you and take all of your free speech rights away from you
wasnt making an argument
Cant keep up big boi ;)
>fucking being this blind as to how media hides information
even fucking CNN reports on good things that trump does, but they hide it deep within their website so that nobody ever fucking sees it unless they go specifically looking for it. wake the fuck up moron
Acid attacks are so fucking heinous...how the fuck does this not trigger a huge race war?
If you guys don't stash arms and munitions, you're fucked in the next couple of years.
prove to me you aren't muslim by denouncing allah (prediction: you wont do it)
Guess acid attacks in Europe are like shootings in America
Fucking go along to get along attitude eh?
have everything else taken away from a population, and make them id for plastic spoons and knives, and also take away butchers knives but make ready, and sell the shit that is splashed in faces to disfigure the hosts, and by what he posted the odd nut ball that retaliates against the horde with said chemicals probably because he had enough.
we literally only have shootings in america in places with strict gun laws and what is known as "gun free zones". the states with open carry laws are almost zero shootings
I believe in the same god as muslims and jews :)
>in Europe
That's almost exclusively in Britain since it's a pakistani/indian tradition.
i don't know if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing with me but i seriously can't understand you bro
*tips tinfoil*
Fuck off, Abdullah.
I thought there were a few acid attacks in Paris
ok thanks guy. thanks for proving my point. my lord, i must be fucking psychic or something huh? i got fucking muzzie radar. how about muhammed? will you denounce muhammed? prove to me that you aren't muslim by denouncing muhammed?
yeah well anytime peopel start saying "muh tinfoil" or "muh conspiracy theory" these days, with everything that has happened, you know they're just fresh out of arguments and essentially you know that even THEY know they are fucking wrong
wow you really just exposed yourself.
muslims christians and jews believe in the same god haha
>Like the 100's of random Black on White slashing in the NY subway.
im SORRY dude i just didn't know i couldn't understand the statement. it's alright, its not your fault, its cuz you're a leaf. i forgive you
>won't denounce allah
>won't denounce muhammed
buddy if "muhammed" has nothing to do with the christian or jewish religion. if muhammed has something to do with your religion then guess what, you're a fucking muslim lol. you won't denounce him to prove you're not muslim and you are shilling pretty hard in this thread so i have no other conclusion to reach other than that you yourself are in fact a londonistan muslim. you fucking sadiq khan bitch i'm gonna laugh when whites wake up and deport your faggot ass back to the shithole you belong in
I'm a christian whats your point
Read your Bible and do what Yahweh commands of you .
Victims and attackers are mostly white British males.
love everyone including muslims?
>whats your point
The point should be the one on the tip of your sword.
>claims to be christian
>wont denounce the people who want to murder him for being christian
>won't denounce the prophet for the anti-christian religion of islam, who explicit taught things forbidden by the bible and taught that jesus christ was not a "Savior" or "Messiah"
yeah you're full of shit. picture related
Cuck religion then
So, you may read the Bible but you do not understand the scriptures. Enough said
>part and parcel
>reap what you sow
Whats wrong with what I said brother :-)
ok bro well anyone who will say something as patently untrue as this is clearly not here in good faith and is clearly not here to do anything other than shill for an anti-white racial agenda when literally almost all of the acid attacks are muslim. literally all of them. like almost every single one and actually the victims are almost all female.
That image is a meme. Taqqiya means that a Muslim can violate Islamic code or lie about their Muslim identity to save their life.
I don't think I need to enlighten the likes of (((you)))
yeh thats not an argument brother :-)
oh so you mean its exactly as it is stated in the meme i posted? thanks for clarifying that muhammed
>claims to be "christian"
>then demonstrates that he knows all about "taqiyya" and has read the quran
kek muhammed. thanks for playing. you might have convinced 1 or 2 people in this thread that you're not actually muslim
Enjoy your acid bro.
I'm not Muslim. I'm just sensible enough not to get my knowledge of Islam from Breitbart and Sup Forums memes.
oh wow you found a muslim advocacy group and a left-wing MSM article linked to on lefty wikipedia of all places to say "our early data suggests that this is white people doing this" and you think anyone is actually going to believe that ok muhammed. acid attacks are not perpetrated by white people, you're fucking insane and nobody is ever going to believe your shilling
>le everyone but me is le lefty MSM globalist Soros Muslim communist shill XDDDD!!!!!
oh yeah you're "sensible" enough to get it from activist research thats quietly included in a wikipedia article somewhere because wiki mods are notoriously biased and left-wing huh? lmfao get over yourself dude. acid attacks are not committed by "white males", they're committed by muslims. period. you can't actually cite ANY law enforcement data after incidents like the rotherham sex scandals where a muslim pedophile ring was literally covered up for YEARS by law enforcement because they didn't want to be "politically incorrect" so just drop it
Have there ever been any acid attacks in Australia? I feel like if there has that it would cause another Cronulla riot.
again, read here
don't even fucking start with this "you're wearing a tinfoil hat" horsecrap. these are real lives at stake and people are dying because of your political agenda, including children, you fake "christian"
Is it the fun Lucy in the sky kind of acid or the melt your skin off till you look like a bad Star Trek alien acid?