Lauren Southern rode the multicultural cock carousel until she realised she could get money from white beta male orbiters
How does it feel, cucks?
Lauren Southern rode the multicultural cock carousel until she realised she could get money from white beta male orbiters
How does it feel, cucks?
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I couldn’t care less about this woman, but how can this be proven?
this randome quote on the internet convinced me, user. I'm now a Blairemissilx.
Will you fuck off with these stupid threads you potato nigger. No one even cares about that dumb cunt.
>leftists stoop to calling women sluts when they disagree with them
Like pottery
Btfo by a nigger lover. Way to go goy.
First off this
But let's see proof. If she dated shitskins there'd be proof. This is literally more "muh dick" posting. This is some non-white liberal fantasizing about having fucking her, dumping her, and causing her to go racist because of it.
Ony libs care about her faggot
Clearly written by someone feeling inferior to the white race and jelous of a white blonde chick.
I would give her a few lashes of the boss man,if you know what I mean.
t. Delusional sw*deoid
All white women lust after the BROWN man
she hates non white cocks
she's a filthy Jewess who acts white nationalist just to grab some betaorbiter's shekels
>unsourceable claim
wtf we can't let Trump get the nuclear codes now
this shit is old as fuck, but people should give up that cunt and watch The Alternative Hypothesis and JF instead
See how the wh*Toid denies the evidence before his very eyes
>How does it feel, cucks?
Good, anyone worshiping E-celebs getting btfo is a great feeling. I remember these idiots supported some 'redpill nigress' and got doxed because of it. It was great, the nigger basically helped clean out the board.
I'm not even sure that's her. They look alike for sure but I think it's a different person.
It’s the other way around, brown women JUST can not stay away from the superior white mans meat. It’s all meant to be.
How can wh*Toid men even compete?
Where is he? You all know who I’m talking about.
Made me ponder too
this doesn't even sound real.
"of course she don't like brown people, brown people ain't liked her the whole time!"
some quality misinfo you have there, not even to mention she's pretty inconsequential
inb4 finnish lauren guy
>inb4 finnknight
Did she really?
Lauren Southern also rode the spicprick, pic related is the evidence which has meticulously been collected by experts in the field.
How about you post a source, Schlomo Sheamus?
she literally said shes jewish too
>standing next to a guy means you fucked them
Some of you have achieved a serious level of autistic virgin wizardry.
Reading this confirms it. Scrolling right on past E celeb whore threads is the only way. I honestly think its very low of anyone to be concerned with this type of stuff. The type of people who have some twisted fuckedbup need to think or talk about celebrites frequently enough. The lot here are even sadder bc some are drawn to people like lara Southern by their under deverdeveloped autistic sexuality.
I don't know if any of that stuff is real, but it doesn't matter because Lauren is obviously a basic bitch on a cock carousel world tour who tells men what they want to hear for money. She's basically a sex worker. Think of the power though. All a moderately attractive woman has to do to make a career is stand in front of a camera and repeat things you read on Sup Forums, or, more likely for her, /r/T_D, and you will instantly build yourself a large following of thirsty men who will white knight for you online, and a steady, growing supply of free money from the same orbiters. Talk about privilege.
>random faggots on the internet are sources
Any of you weirdo autists on here would willingly pretend to have been from her high school to spread rumours.
i literally dont care about this skank and never did...
Oy vey please another fake post attacking every prominent member of the right. hey guy's we should get super divided and hate all of "e-celebs", like they've been super effective at redpilling normies but their not like Super Nazi extremists like us huh, fuck dem negroes, shoah da e-plebs
woah ... powerful...... WTF i HATE right wing politics now, madame president all the way. oh, by the way, saged :^)
Some say if you say "finn knight" and spin around in front of a mirror 3 times he appears
this is why women should not be involved in politics
Stop using super so much.
actually retard, that works for both men and women. refer to the zillion political channels on youtube run by men which literally just steal content from Sup Forums like mister metokur or styxhexenhammer666