is this what woke up gen z? surely this wouldve made them realize the gov doesnt actually give a fuck about them. theyre the first generation to actually deal with shit handed out and forced by the gov.
Literal shit
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Mhhh they both look equally shitty.
lol... you can at least tell the left one is food and theres more of it. the one now literally looks like some had diarrhea on the plate
I just looked at that and though how the fuck does that food turn into shit with blood in it and hard cakes of grains or something.
>then I read that the now was food
Now is fucking disgusting
Why is making "healthy food" so bloody hard.
There are plenty of healthier options that taste nice and you can have a minor compromise on health to get more taste.
Yogurts (many flavours), Flavoured milk, salads with decent dressings (and no, tasty ones aren't all fatty), fish sticks, fruit salads, all this shit has been being put in school lunches for ages. Mixed beans are another good, cheap food.
People in jails eat better......seriously, they do.
^mom was a cook in a jail, she'd bring home better food. can confirm prisons feed their inmates better than schools feed children.
You don't get to fry foods under Michelle Obama's plan.
you don't get human food under that plan
Is that a school lunch? Here it's opposite. When they privatized the school lunch it went to shit. Same happened in the military.
Does it look anything like that?
Brazil I think has the nicest one (assuming it's what they get).
When we had KBR or US private DFACs, it was great.
When it was switched to Euro halal crap and staffed by poos, it was awful.
It was better when the school actually had to prepare a meal for the kids. It's only gotten worse since they started shipping in frozen fast food, then that tranny michael made it even worse
whend they start shipping it? pretty sure they prepared them at my school like 5 years ago
>gen z
theyre the most liberal of them all u fucking retard
holy shit, kys.
would unironically go for that delicious beef curry in the 2nd pic
t. anorexic poorfag literally salivating at the screen right now
would u fucking fags on this board stop using this word
i said woke up you dumb beaner not "dey woke af." anywho, theyre also much more conservative.... it makes sense itd only get worse every generation so there was something that turned some around.
Gen z has and always will be a fucking meme. Even millenials didn't have kids being given HRT and having parents cut their dicks off in the name of "diversity" and "tran-acceptance" bullshit. Also gen z kids are a bunch of faggot little shits with no manners. It's nothing but a meme
Blame niggers and illegal spics who get free lunch. The government pays for their food with the taxpayers ultimately getting the bill. Then Michael Obama made things even worse. All of the problems with school food are due to liberal immigration, handouts, and other failed policies.
except they're not WOKE UP at all u fucking illiterate nigger faggot kys
yeah when i was in hs (g 2010) there was a signifigant drop in quality over just two years (it already wasnt that great) but in just two years it became nearly inedible
I only learned yesterday they had taken away chocolate milk. Thit wouldve been the last straw for me
>michael obama
>Why is making "healthy food" so bloody hard.
It isn't unless the government is involved.
>unironically getting triggered this hard by meme words
stupid faggot ass nigger get off my post
I don't think corn dogs and french fries are healthy
I have found white gen z kids seem to be pretty good with work ethic. These are 16 year old coming into the work force which I have to deal with. The brown kids the same age suck but well they are brown. No idea about anything else about them since I don't ask them questions about personal shit since I don't care. They also don't seem to use their phones at work lots like every other cunt
The issue is two-fold.
First, most schools don't have the facilities on site to cook all their food from scratch, and they don't have the funds to maintain a full kitchen staff. This means that they have to buy the food in from external firms.
Second, the firms in the market for supplying precooked food for schools and other organisations don't give a flying fuck. They'll have a big old list of things they can supply, and 'healthy' isn't their priority.
If the schools are told to cut out certain things, it leaves them with limited options. Of course, you don't see the government providing the schools with the funding to build and operate their own kitchens, or even making it a requirement for any new schools to have them, so take from that what you will.
Niggers and women in government = our ancestors would be fucking whipping us f they knew what we have allowed to happen to our beautiful countries.
Finnish MRE's are fine
Holy shit I never thought of this. Do you think by giving kids chocolate milk, trump has instantly created a bunch of republicans? I mean it works on niggers right? Give them shit and they'll vote for you. What if by this simple action he broke the choke hold marxists had on school children's minds.
that is actually a delicacy in India
poo in school
put yourself in their position.
>"obongo is gonna make the lunches healthy, sweet"
>"wait this food isnt even edible, whos in control of this"
>"hmm it seems our gov lied to us and for some reason we/our parents absolutely no say"
>obongo wont change it, talks about how good it is
>"fuck niggers and our faggot gov"
Another problem is that it's hard to make healthy food that also tastes good on a mass scale but also has variety.
Lentils, rice, cabbage, potatoes, grains, very inexpensive and healthy, but good luck getting kids to eat shit like that in a first world country everyday.
Cheap way to make food that kids will want to eat is to add sugar, fat and salt to everything. Which is what they'd used to do.
So basically, you have cheap, healthy, tasty, pick two.
This school lunch debate is the easiest to get dishonest with considering the cherry picking that goes on that either side will eat up to have something against the opposition. Obesity is a problem and needs to be addressed, so solutions in the school lunch room isn't too crazy considering a public school is run by the government.
>gen z isn't redpilled
I moved schools from a overwhelmingly majority white area to an even ratio of minorities to white in 2012.
My first day in classes a Mexican girl gave birth in the nurses office.
The Arab kids would get into fights with whoever they could.
The black kids would always disrupt class and usually would try and make the teacher cry.
Gen Z is redpilled because everyone told them how wonderful things would be for their future while simultaneously kicking them in the teeth.
also hard to mass produce food that tastes good to a large amount of people, that is also healthy
Having to go hungry all day long because you won't eat pig slop isn't healthy either, you know. I can only imagine how much worse it is for poor students who's best meal out of the year would be school dinners.
Uma delecia.
More people should eat baked beans, they're cheap as hell and good for you - the only negative is the fart jokes.
What the fuck are you talking about. I went to a 98% white elementary/middle school and almost all the kids were on free lunch. The 2% who bought pizza everyday with mommy and daddy dime are the ones who probably have diabetes today. "free lunch" isn't a nigger thing especially when the school prepares it.
Can't those parasites get anything right. It's pannukakku, fucking pancakes. Why did they even try to use Finnish word for pancakes like they are any different and unique from other pancakes.
Baked beans are pretty tasty and versatile, desu. Sure, most people would probably get sick of them before long but beans on toast? Beans and cheese? Beans with little sausages, bacon and mushrooms? Beans on baked potato.
Trump should make a huge deal out of this and make it a big public announcement.
The Media will (eat it up) and blast him about how unhealthy it is
He should show old means that qualified under the regulations and compare it directly to his new acceptable meals.
Do that, and the media shitstorm itself will create Republicans
Yeah that's mostly my point.
So kids in the US increasingly refuse their cheap, healthy-ish Obamalunches and bring their tendies and Hotpockets from home or pay money for whatever deep-fried alternatives are in the cafeteria.
Personally, if I were a US bureaucrat in charge of school lunches, I would pick the cheapest, healthiest option and it'd be a lot of repetitive meals with inexpensive crops, bread, butter, milk, lentils, satisfaction. This might be my inner nazi coming out but I think kids would eventually adapt and maybe they'd grow up to eat cheap healthy food as adults. Like training a dog to eat dry kibble.
Exactly, beans are the shit.
Every day gets annoying but you can certainly eat it every week. Add salt and pepper or paprika or whatever else.
Cheap, tasty enough, nutritious, filling and high in protein. Great when you're on a diet as well.
>proccessed "food", fried lard and chocolate milk is replaced with a proper stew, real bread and a tomato sause
>fugging gommies destroyed America
More like pic related.
I always got my lunch packet by my mum unless It was a treat and I got a lunch order. That means I got given money to get lunch from the canteen off what they had. The idea of getting a lunch from the school seems fucking odd to me and also add since the USA is supposed not be socialist but their school lunches are
That isn't that bad, add some salt and pepper and I could eat it....then again I eat the same meals almost every day.
makes sense. but how come lunches were so much better before? im fine with healthy food but not fine with them targeting obesity by making the food so shitty they just dont eat
wow good one JK drink bleach, FAG
yeah please just do the world a favor and don't exist anymore u fucking nigger faggot
Can someone explain to me why murican schools still have classes after 2 pm?Do you get an 1 hour break after each session or something?
Both of them look disgusting
And most Americans unironically think they're the best country in the world.
>Shitty food
>Highest reported crime rate in the world
>Trillion dollars in debt
>Obongo care
>Bad education for western standard
>High taxes
Be me
>13 years old
>Curious about history
>question the Holocaust once
>find not much
>do it again
>find real shit
>somewhere along the line find race realism
>get woke
>hide your views so you aren't called a racist
>encourage people to do it too
>redpill 5 normies
>and pepper
Wow, you must have a radical and impulsive personality. I would never dare to go that far.
that was funny and creative haha thanks for that
Let's be real, that shit is a delicacy in Finland.
Probably costs 10 bucks a bag.
>People in jails eat better
TFW you lived on nothing but those nasty Banquet TV dinners in jail. Not the decent ones even. They always got the nasty mystery-meat ones.
mine was til 3pm and 330 before they made it shorter (7 years ago). when do greek schools get out
Before is disgusting.
Now looks good, a nice savory stew with biscuits.
What the actual fuck is that on the right?
Here,let momma feed you.
If you feel weak because it's winter and you have no body fat just use her fat rolls as a blankie
Just ignore the fag,all he has done is shitpost like a leaf on vacation.
>all of those pictures are taken on the same wooden table
meat and gravy, they probably call it stroganoff
Prisons are privately owned.
Go look at the school lunches for a private school
this just got retracted by trump so school lunches will be making a full return to their former glory
Because people are cherry picking shitty school lunches. I don't doubt that there were some shitty cafeterias who couldn't figure out how to be healthy and so they gave up every now and then. This looks good and is in compliance with the Obama lunch program.
It'd be healthier serving the milk as full fat and the chicken being skinless.
On that note what are the PE lessons like in US schools, or is that banned because somebody could fall over.
In the USA school lunches are subsidized and most kids are expected to eat the cafeteria food.Especially smaller schools. Some kids even get free or reduced prices, they get a big tray of food.
There is a story behind that, in the 70's and 80's a lot of US scientists and politcations worried that kids might be growing up retarded for lack of vitamins and amino acids and the such. So they mandated many things including school lunches. Also white bread was required by law to be fortified with vitamins.
Yah it's a little socialist, but they've always been a little socialist since after the great depression, they just don't recognize it.
Imagine Americans accepting a real free-market solutions, kids bring their own lunches or buy from Burger King or Taco Bell in the school instead in exchange they get a 0.37% reduction in their property taxes. I doubt they'd accept that offer.
>low fat milk
The shit on the right could just as well be delicious. It doesn't look very appetizing (and most likely isn't), but I know of foods that look similar and taste great.
Gen z here, just graduated from high school. Michelle meals woke up a LOT of people just saying
>Burgers complaining about school food.
Pack lunch for your kids idiots. Would it kill you?
1 class every other day is common I think. My school had a decent wrestling team and they got the school a really nice gym set up. You could choose to do something like play basketball upstairs or use the weights downstairs. The rest of the school was falling apart.
>styrofoam tray
nether of these are acceptable amerimutt. Why don't you try feeding your children actual food for once?
>is PE banned because someone might fall over
LOL Top KEK Britfriend
just as i suspected
The children on Brazil are constantly fed spoiled food, or have whole stockages thrown to the garbage. When it is not diverted to politicians so they can make barbecues.
Often the best part of a school lunch: the relatively tasty styrofoam tray.
>gov doesnt actually give a fuck about them
>stop taxing for public schools
>people can now afford to pay for k->12 school
>competition among school as a business now
>teachers union on suicide watch
>better education for all
>poor people get grants for k->12 but the kids parents still decide WHERE the kids go to school.
A bit of free market will fix the school system. The USA has socialized housing, but in most places its in the form of vouchers. Voucher housing still produces competition, "government housing projects" are shit holes because that just what socialism produces. Public schools are shit holes because thats what socialism produces. Voucher based public education would fix it right up.
>you should have to pay for your own meals at a school you're forced to attend
Imagine being this disconnected from decency
>Greeks "working" from 10 am to noon as usual
2 PM is extremely early and I don't see how this works unless you literally only have like 4 hours of school a day
>pay for your own meals
you will eat the socialized 'free for you' food or you will pay the market for food that produces at a higher quality.
>b..b...but I want my free stuff to be the highest quality!
grow up, socialized stuff is always provided by the lowest bidder.
You're not forced to attend, you could go to a private school, a charter school, or home school your children. Why should everyone else have to pay for your kids lunch? If you can't afford to feed them, don't have them. It takes my wife 20mins each evening to prep lunches for my 3 children, don't be a cunt.
Stroganoff is fucking awesome.
>is this what woke up gen z
>Generation Z
Americans, everyone.
I still don't get why everything is so compartmentalized like plane food? We got an actual normal porcelain plate with our meal on it.
Chow hall food was not bad at all.
It's one of my favorite meals. Just saying sometimes they take the crap they serve for school lunch and stick a real food name on it.
oh look, another dipshit
>15 posts later someone finally realizes the “slop” on the right is actually green curry with tomato paste and two biscuits on what appears to be edible Tef
This is why ignorant whites make it harder for everyone else with the a brain that wants to given white folks the intellectual stereotype. Do your research and you’ll discover slurries, curries, and chimchurries make up a vast amount of diets throughout the world, especially in places where the human life expectancy is higher than that of their first world counterparts.
But hey, I guess if they pressed that same slop into swastika cakes you’d probably burst from stuffing yourself with it
>that on the right
Bloody hell is that real?
I've had army rations better than that.
Wait wtf. In America your school makes the food lol? Why don't your parents send away with a fucking sandwich or something?