This America loving dog has a point.
This America loving dog has a point
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So hiring special counsel Robert Mueller, cooperating with said special counsel at every turn and directing the FBI and CIA/NSA to mitigate such meddling in the future was undermining “government response”?
I can’t wait to see you fags lose again.
yes, but thank god obama is not the president anymore
What about Obama laying down sanctions on Russia for interfering with our election?
And then Team Trump, before he was president, calling Putin and saying, don’t worry about our current President, we got this. Then they all wink at each other and give each other handies.
[Citation needed]
This only happened in your head though
>And all anyone can talk about is whether that's against the law
Literally what does he mean by this?
Is this about AIPAC?
>What about Obama laying down sanctions on Russia for interfering with our election?
what are you smoking retarded ass fake news nigger
Imagine being this retarded
>What does it matter if it's not illegal?
If it's not illegal, then why is it even being investigated? You can't impeach the President because you don't like his policy. He can only be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors." If a transition team contacting foreign powers is not illegal (and it isn't) then that's that. There is nothing to even investigate. The Mueller investigation is an enormous waste of tax money.
>we need a globalist society
>can't let the globe influence us
>Foreign power intervention
>It's memes on Sup Forums and leaks on how Hillary is a whore, all confirmed
>Foreign power(jews) push their mediatic and narrative war to the extreme, to the point of making their news mouthpieces look biased and totally owned
How pathetic are those retards?
Just a drop in the bucket.
The flailing they do is fantastic.
how do u wink on the phone
face time
>Dec 2016 - Obama, who is still President, places sanctions on Russia
>Dec 2016 - Michael Flynn, as directed by Trump, tells Russia don’t worry, thereby undermining President.
>Dec 2016 - Trump team KT McFarland sends email saying we need to help Russia because they helped us.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Lol ultra cucked country, stay out of it.
Oh wow! It’s nothing! Literally who cares
How is that meaningful in any way? The sanctions only have teeth if the lame duck can bluff their way into making other countries presume the incoming Administration will take up the mantle. They didn't.
Yeah, because Obama TOTALLY didn't take a victory lap tour in 2008 and spoke privately with heads of state. Amazing. Fucking spectacular, assuming he made no assurances and in no way stated how his incoming Administration would differ from Bush.
Hahahaha kill yourself you actually beiieve this fake news. Embarrassing traitor of a “American” GTFO
But you forget that highest law is whatever God's Chosen say it is. Russia must perish for their many historical offences.
>foreign power's intervention
You mean that someone guessed the password of passw0rd on an email server and found a lot of emails that the DNC were illegally intervening in their primary and released them to the public.
Why do they keep pushing the russian hack narrative?
Wasnt it proved wrong?
Did he miss the ABC retraction?
I'm not saying they interfered because know one really knows in the public sphere but if they did it was only in retaliation so suck it up as you yanks would say. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Basically a tug of war between those who think entire ethnicities should be destroyed for shit which happened centuries ago, andnon-psychos.
I work in infosec. It's pretty clear someone thought to be a Russian state actor broke into election board networks on the East Coast. There's not necessarily evidence they tried to change votes, but they now know how the entire system would work if they WANTED to.
That's a far cry from "THEY HACKED THE ELECTION" which is what Democrats have been trying to say. By affecting the election with MEMES, they "hacked" the election. It's pretty fucking stupid.
t. work for a DHS contractor, no, I'm not LARP'ing
Once liberals believe a fake news, they can't unbelieve it. They just can't.
Just like the holocaust
Maybe Obama put the sanctions on Russia before he left to undermine Trump's presidency to stifle the transfer of power.
our government can hack something and leave Russian or any other tracks they need to. The dems and the deep state tried everything they could including false flag hack attempts on our election system to blame Russia to parallel the fake narrative of trump Russia collusion.
While that's possible, there are certain features to the attack suggesting it was ACTUALLY someone from Russia. I'm not an analyst, that's in another section of the company, but that was one of the questions raised when the company had an internal meeting about it.
Reading between the lines, it sounds like bored Russian teens on the state payroll poking around and examining systems to fuck up later, not the Russian state all that interested in swinging an election. They know full well what kind of analysis we're capable of, and directly interfering with the voting system going forward would light us up like a Christmas tree.
TL;DR - no, it's probably real, yes, it's not at all what the media's been reporting and not a tenth as dangerous
Did Russia hack the election? No government agency investigated the DNC server, qhat did Crowdstrike, the private company hired by the Crooked DNC leadership do to the server?why does all publicly available evidence point to a inside leaker? Why is there even an investigation into who leaked the emails? The emails are true, the content of the emails exposed the lies, deceit cheating of Hillary's campaign, shouldn't we be awarding Russia for exposing the truth, assuming they did leak the emails? KYS faggot
>Clinton Foundation took millions in donations from Saudi Arabia
I guess Hillary colluded with the Saudis in her attempt to win the presidency.
>undermining the president.
Kinda like going to a bunch of foreign countries and meeting with leaders when you're not president anymore.
wew. tl;dr
But user, Obama is now President in Exile, the Guiding Light of the Resistance, etc. etc.
As far as he's concerned, when he's not holed up in his office playing video games, he needs to LARP as the black Dalai Lama.
>Dec 2016 - Trump team KT McFarland sends email saying we need to help Russia because they helped us.
wasnt this the story the news was telling at this time?
also take note boys this is what happens when you hire women what an incompetent idiot to send this email
lol no
Obama did the same during his re-election in 2012. He told a foreign leader early that everything would be ok. No one cared then.
No you retarded fuck. Flynn said “we’ll see as we’re moving forward.”
He never promised one thing, he just said, don’t do anything, Trump will be President in a few weeks. As far as I know, just to defeat your narrative, Trump signed for more sanctions on Russia.
It must hurt to be this stupid.
*reward you with a first class ticket to russia, you fucking traitor scum.
can confirm!
>t. american intellectual
thanks for your help, bubba
>I'm not LARP'ing
Yes you are. It was the dept of homeland security that was actually caught breaking into the states' databases
k cool, got proof? the fbi can't find any
>people actually think Russia is controlling our government
btw which presidency did all the annexations happen during?
the liberal 2017 mindset
> DHS was hhhhhhacktually caught breaking into those databases
Sources, now, motherfucker.
member when that russian said the fbi tried to bribe him to say it was him that did it?
Obama is/was actually the foreign puppet. Everyone took turns pulling his strings, from Russia to Saudi Arabia everyone had their hand at least once up in Obama's asshole.
Pic related libtards
> remember when [story I just made up]
Give me a source, you epileptic Chihuahua.
It must be nice being a safespace faggot shill who keeps his head buried in the dirt towards any story that breaks his poor little dumb narrative.
I surely do.
> bribe him to say it was him that did it
The "IT" you're talking about is the Clinton DNC email server hack. I don't know jack shit about that. Frankly it wouldn't surprise me if it was an inside job and the FBI needed to whip up a scapegoat. This would be especially true after metadata suggests the files were downloaded so rapidly it needed to be someone with direct physical access or maybe access over the intranet.
I am speaking to the break-ins confirmed for election boards along the East Coast, including New York State. Those seem to have some evidence of state-level involvement, and in ways that can't be easily explained away. I also don't see it as emblematic of "HACKING THE ELECTION." "Let's see how this whole thing works" doesn't equate to "fuck the Blue Wall, let's get Trump elected."
based doggo
Want to know how I know you didn't even look at my post and just got triggered by Pence?
I saw the post, read the article, and pointed out explicitly your article is referring to the DNC hack, not the penetration of election boards.
Please, keep up the sassy GIF's. I hear liberals love those. It short-circuits all debate and makes black girls clap. You know, like a white cop getting murdered does.
Opening a closet full of skeletons is not hacking an election, retard
Look at my post and point out where I said the DNC server hack "meant" anything.
So they had "proof" that Russian ISPs were trying to hack the DNC too and then they're going around asking Russians to admit to it and you're saying that it did come from Russia which is BS.
You're conflating two different hacks. I don't know much about the DNC hack, but it does seem like it was an inside job. There IS evidence to suggest it was Russian state-level actors breaking into election boards along the East Coast.
Different servers, different times, completely different phenomena. Neither of them scream "THEY BE AFFECTIN' OUR ELECTION THROUGH THE POWER OF HACK!"
In fact, the further I read into this, the more the "Russia" narrative is transparently an attempt to keep the probe dragging and make Trump seem anti-American, pro-Kremlin, etc. despite signing for more stringent sanctions.
Seth Rich leaked DNC Emails
The "Russian" malware credited to APT-29 was literally supported by "It's advanced malware, APT groups use advanced malware, it was Russian APT."
Post the proof. Besides that since when have we cared about influencing other countries?
It seems like every major country is constantly trying to hack each other so whats the point of focusing on just Russia when there is nothing proving Trump is an agent of them? Besides that there is also contrarian points of Russian paying for ads that supported Democrat policies so how do you know they weren't trying to hack it for Hillary to start another Cold War to grab up more countries?
Meh. George Bush jr. committed high treason plunging his country into war for a made up reason. The country did not hang him, instead they re-elected him into a second term.
Americans love crooks and criminals if they are only powerful enough.
You're asking me to post a threat assessment from work from a department I'm not part of to satisfy your curiosity on a Mongolian singing chant board. You realize I'd be fired as soon as my boss contacts the DHS legal whip to get a warrant for my IP address, right?
If you're satisfied with secondary sources, the NYT post broaches it:
Sorry, forgot to underscore - I don't think the election board hack is nearly as "startling" or "damning" as the press has made it out to be. It only suggests they gained access to the network. If there was evidence they manipulated files in any way, it'd be much more damning.
In terms of shit state-level actors do, it's a fucking nothingburger.
Why was Flynn attempting to influence Russia in a way that would benefit Israel?
Oh so you're just a retarded larp, gotcha.
>There are plenty of other reasons for such breakdowns — local officials blamed human error and software malfunctions — and no clear-cut evidence of digital sabotage has emerged, much less a Russian role in it. Despite the disruptions, a record number of votes were cast in Durham, following a pattern there of overwhelming support for Democratic presidential candidates, this time Hillary Clinton.
>Intelligence officials in January reassured Americans that there was no indication that Russian hackers had altered the vote count on Election Day, the bottom-line outcome. But the assurances stopped there.
>Ms. Greenhalgh shares those concerns. “We still don’t know if Russian hackers did this,” she said about what happened in North Carolina. “But we still don’t know that they didn’t.”
>North Carolina went for Donald J. Trump in a close election. But in Durham County, Hillary Clinton won 78 percent of the 156,000 votes, winning by a larger margin than President Barack Obama had against Mitt Romney four years earlier.
>That report found that hackers from Russia’s military intelligence agency, the G.R.U., had penetrated the company’s computer systems as early as August 2016, then sent “spear-phishing” emails from a fake VR Systems account to 122 state and local election jurisdictions. The emails sought to trick election officials into downloading malicious software to take over their computers.
LOL Phishing e-mails, the same thing that I get 10 times a day. Yeah those pesky Russians sure are 1337 hackers.
>VR Systems’ chief operating officer, Ben Martin, said he did not believe Russian hackers were successful.
>Apart from the Russian influence campaign intended to undermine Mrs. Clinton and other Democratic officials
LOL I like how they state they tried to get the RNC too but failed in the article but it's clear they were just going after Hillary.
My favorite part is how some of them were so eager to show the Russians did it that this happened.
>An article on Sept. 2 about investigations into election tampering in several states referred incorrectly to problems with voter rolls in three North Carolina counties that included the cities of Raleigh, Winston-Salem and Charlotte. The problems involved paper rolls, not e-poll books.
I can't take you conspiracy theorist larpers seriously.
> conspiracy theory LARP'ist
Now you're just straight up shilling
> article straight up, literally, says there's scant evidence the Russians affected election machines or the voting ballot
No, I'm saying I'm privy to information that Russians penetrated the Election Board's server (yes, though phishing) in several states but nothing came of it.
There is 0 evidence they "hacked" the election. There's not even evidence they "hacked" the DNC, or at a minimum that they're the ones who leaked the DNC server. File metadata suggests whoever leaked the contents of the server did it on-site or with direct access on the local network.
What do you want from me? To be a shill for the Russia narrative? For this to be another retarded LARP?
How is this a retarded LARP when I'm stating the facts - the Russians have done nothing of substance even in the cases where it seems like state-level action?