>spend time around normal people
>already start feeling better
>spend a few hours on Sup Forums
>my head starts to hurt from the schizo mindfuck
Why are imageboards so bad for mental health?
>spend time around normal people
>already start feeling better
>spend a few hours on Sup Forums
>my head starts to hurt from the schizo mindfuck
Why are imageboards so bad for mental health?
Maybe you should work on a sense of self.
You're obviously at the mercy of your surroundings.
You think its people but its not.
>Maybe you should work on a sense of self.
How? Nothing in my life like my work, social circle defines me, at most my interests but even those are external, and work and so on are just temporary.
Also that's good advice but hard to do when constant rude shitposts keep eroding at your self-image.
Then the problem isn't an image board. Your problem is that you have no anchors in the world. You need to take some time and figure out what you want out of life.
Sort your shit, or eventually you'll get sorted.
Maybe it is because you're a normie yourself.
I can't stand being around norms for too long, their platonic self-image and their naive worldviews make me want to unironically gas them.
This. I immersed myself in an sjw enviroment for a year and even had a gay roommate. It was cancer 24/7 but I l learned how they think. It really is not a problem.
Ta livet av dig, bögjävel.
>or eventually you'll get sorted.
Is that a threat?
They're not. Only stupid people suffer existential crisis from simply being exposed to different ideas. Thus, you must be stupid.
>naive worldviews
On the contrary I had some good political discussions with them. They are aware of things like China's currency devaluation, similar to what Putin is doing in Russia to keep increasing his budget. I'm definitely not a normie since I can't glide through social interaction and go from meet to bang like a handshake, but I might straddle the line somewhere in between.
>different ideas
>you're stupid
Is this the quality of such a "different idea"? "hurr you're a shitskin, you're a 56% mutt", thread after thread?
>take my dose of soma (brave new world)
>already start feeling better
>spend a few hours without it
>my head starts to hurt from the lack of soma
Why is reality so bad for mental health?
>Learn a lot of harsh truths
>"Man things sure suck"
Ignorance is bliss?
>harsh truths
Like that you're only 56% "white"?
It's opposite for me.
Most of times I spend around irl people I just get angry and irritated.
Here I feel calmer, sometimes pissed but not really angry.
Ouch. Thanks man, that's just exactly what I needed today.
Sven, some normies are normies. Best of luck, kys.
Except china stopped devaluing its currency years ago now you fucking normite
Same here.
I know I come here to ruin my day, but I'd rather be miserable than blind.
What is "soma" ?
kekek that pic is so me.
Also stop drinking soy.
Constant rude posts? I live in the ghetto in America, it's much ruder irl. People are kind and insightful here like an oasis for me
The drug they take in brave new world that keeps them happy and socially in line
I think everyone who comes to Sup Forums is bound to radicalize one way or another. Some will agree with the people there and move to the right and others will start to hate them and move to the left.
I mean, I was a centrist only two years ago, now I think the only way to safe human civilization is through strict antifascism. Of course going on Sup Forums isn't the only reason for that, what happened in Turkey and America last year and what has been happening in my country for three years now also contributes to it.
What's your race and that of the people in your ghetto?
People here are terribly nice, so much that I'm cautious around them initially after all the shitposting I see on Sup Forums.
Hi Ferenc.
Are you kidding?
>be around normies
>they're discussing the most vapid shit
>pop music, gossip, crass consumerism
>one brings up politics
>the rest of them bark like circus seals about how drumpf is a nazi and everyone who doesn't agree with their groupthink is on the wrong side of history
>ask the most intelligent seeming one why she thinks that way
>"user, it's what everyone knows. omg, you're not a neonazi are you?"
>everyone decides that the question is the proof
>now you're a nazi because you had the audacity to not mindlessly go along with sheeple
Who's schizo, Sven? Who is it really?
How is strictly antifascistas help with the situation in europe and the demographical change or that isn't a bother?
Asking for a friend
You're on the wrong board
You sound like a faggot who can't handle multiple dimensions. You should probably undo yourself.
>going on Sup Forums for 2 years
>STILL doesn't know what the word fascism means
'ave a (you) m80, yer bait be subtle. Arr.
If you're not shitposting then you're a plague on this earth.
I feel better when I'm with close friends or family but I can't stand just being around normies. Their interests are so bland and silly
Is this is what newfags and normies feel like when they visit Sup Forums.org for the first time?
does antifascism incoude opposing muslims or just white men
he knows who the real schizo is, this is how swedes function their dishonesty causes them to approach problems from behind while denying it at the same time so to speak, about 80% of swedes function this way and my god is it annoying
Dude you can't hate the shitpost and make it out alive. It just doesn't work that way. You need to learn to laugh in the face of Death.
2 types of people on pol:
those who come to see the freakshow zoo and laugh.
and you fucking psychotic dumbfucks who actually believe in this shit.
>be black
>love white women
>go to Sup Forums
>hey guys I love white women
>ask the smartest user why he thinks that
>everyone decides the qustion is a proof
>now you're a cuck and nigger on Sup Forums because you had the audacity to love white women
Fuck off white boy and stop crying
A lot of people on Sup Forums really like Jordan Peterson and that's fine, I don't want to diminish anything positive that people have found through him.
However, it's strictly normie bluepilled psychology (Freudian/Jungian).
Behaviorism is redpilled psychology and it explains why you spend hours on Sup Forums and can't help yourself.
The reason is due to an intermittent schedule of reinforcement (INT), the most powerful form of reinforcement of behavior.
You need to learn an effective extinction technique to gain control of your Sup Forums behavior.
Relational Frame Theory is a further modern extension of behaviorism and many have found usefulness from its applied therapeutic method known as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
You can learn it from the book "Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life"..
You should give it a look (it's on libgen).
Peterson is definitely right though on the "sort your life out" part; personally I don't think he has the right tools to make that a reality for a large number of people.
But it's the opposite. Your mind isn't adjusted to be here. Do us all a favour and go away.
Most of those threads are courtesy of David Brock who is the antithesis of Sup Forums
echo chamber full of the most vile social rejects from their respective home towns
its like living in a prison full of retards
but i like to prod the retards until they cry
>Posts a reddit meme and le 56% picture he probably made
Fuck off underage muslim
What are we believing in today?
Oh /leftypol/, your vain attempts at trolling never do improve, do they? At least you got a (you) :^)
We'll all be Kings of our hometowns soon. You faggots don't even know what's coming.
They are flooding the place with algorithmically geberated trash in order to make the board a stupid place for stupid people
It might be time to move on. Until the next major terrorist attack anyway...
yeah same.
It's pretty crazy, you could start talking about how the CIA has molested children for psychological experimentation and people will look at you like you're insane.
In reality the CIA not only did it, they even apologized for it, had the PRESIDENT apologize for it and its all supposed to be public knowledge.
Normieville is the biggest delusion of them all and I get uncomfortable from being around PEOPLE. only on the internet does the world feel normal because at least people acknowledge such things have happened.
Most of Sup Forums are ardent dumpster divers. Make our world a trashbin and we'll start diving into yours.
nice larp faggot
Because Sup Forums is always right. What kind of person would I be, what kind of person would anyone be, if I sacrificed the truth just to be happy?
We were good boys.