Drumpf BTFO

>"Saturday Night Live" this week opened with a parody of "A Christmas Carol" that featured actor Alec Baldwin as President Trump visited by "the ghost of witness flipped" — his former national security adviser Michael Flynn.


These skits are not gonna age well at all

>#1 trending
>405k views in 2 hours, 10 million+ guaranteed in a week
>that like/dislike ratio
>Alec Baldwin's career has been completely revitalised through his mockery of Trump

We really are the bad guys aren't we lads?

Why most people are banned from promoting their own media channels, but then it comes some interim from SNL and his marketing goes unnoticed by mods?

This is not politics at all, just spam-

Take your shit taste in television to .

>Alec Baldwin reprises his role as Donald Trump for the 411th time this year in stunning hilarious fashion.
>Actor had this to say. "Its so nice people are finally giving me work and I certainly hope this keeps me from being blackmailed about my 1997 sexual assault of a underage girl.

Because Sup Forums mods have always been massive faggots who don't care about this board and you can tell that just by looking at the catalog on any single day. If you want actual politics and news then all us oldfags went to infinity where you can actually talk about shit and not have to deal with faggot redditors and underaged leftypol homos

I fucking hate Jews
SNL has always been a public display of Jewish inside jokes
They clearly have contempt for our very existence
Enough is enough the hour soon approaches for the Holocaust to continue

>Trump material has gives SNL a new lease of life after years of relative mediocrity
>SNL keeps shilling for Trump's impeachment
>Trump is impeached
>95% of material dries up
>NBC financially crippled due to ratings drop on one of their biggest shows

No, Muhammad. Those on welfare are the bad guys. If anyone in America had any balls, they'd reinstate the restrictions on voting. Letting poor people vote is so fucking dumb. Letting niggers vote is the most disgusting thing imaginable, short of letting women vote.

Have faith brother, when the history books are written we will be vindicated

Only libshits watch or care about SNL.

>implying that trump voters wont be forced to watch snl as part of the re-education in the fema camps once the coup is over
how naive

Sage. Stop letting them shill their boomer tv shows. Fuck I cant wait till they finally die off.

the history of WW1, WW2, communisim in eastern europe, the birth of the soviet union and bolshevism, the holocaust, nazi germany, white's involvement in africa, white's involvement in the slave trade, the colonization of north america and what happened to the native americans has all been completely rewritten to portray whites as devils.

history will always be rewritten to serve the jew.

Absolute obsession with Trump. I think a lot of leftists envy the empowerment and freedom to speak your mind that the right has. All leftists are scared of a nigger walking behind them om the street at night but are too weak to own a gun or admit theyre scared of a nigger because niggers are orone to criminal activity

What is infinity?

Shut this shit down or I'll comp niggers 100%

Not for newfags. And if you don't know what it is, you're probably a newfag that joined during the election

accurate depiction of Hillary tho

He's desperately trying to divert a "MeToo" avalanche through rampant and transparent virtue signalling.

That said, check out The Edge co-starring Anthony Hopkins, it's a pretty awesome movie. Doesn't play out like you think. Baldwin plays something closer to his sanitized uptown NYC leftist persona than his old Boston (real) personality.