Since China is going to be the sole superpower in the world by 2050, and Asia will replace the Western world as the rich Eastern world, how are we White western people going to be treated by the Chinese in particular & by Asians in general?
Chinese Superpower - How will the Chinese treat white people?
Behave, comply, assimilate.
I hope they liberate us from the shitskins. They know that it was the US that forced them upon Europe and hopefully they will erase this god forsaken country off the map.
>6000 year head start
>5x as many people
>"2030 though!!!"
keep dreaming Chang
Have you ever considered a nightmare scenario whereby the Chinese themselves embrace Islam in order to try to keep their women in line, but then become radicalized themselves in the process?
I was told that whites wouldn't exist in 2050...
They will treat us like they treat everything... poorly.
Chicoms are all proud of their shitty first tier cities when no one can even afford to live in them.
Their shitty socialism with chinese chartacterstics dies when?
Islam has been in China for centuries bro, if they haven't adopted it then they have no reason to adopt it now, especially considering they are communist.
They will force us to take in opium
Christianity is actually on the rise in China
that's a big meme with no substance to it
>are all proud of their shitty first tier cities when no one can even afford to live in them
Reminds me of the US.
I went to the UK for a month and I met a group of middle-upper class chinese students (Yes there is a middle class in China) I still talk to them, they are by far the nicest people I ever met
In the US it's probably happening even sooner. Europe is ridden with towelheads and niggers but we have less muttants so we'll recover eventually.
>Irl dystopia hellscape incoming
i tell myself that it would be like Red Dawn and we amerilards would form a insurgency and fight the chicoms but man idek anymore. The Chinese are going to kill us all and be the ones to take this failed species off its home planet.
Just like "China superpower by X"
There's literally statistics and census data that proves it, what the fuck you mean with "no substance to it"?
I for one welcome our Chinese overlords.
As long as they don't behave like the US and let us do our own thing then I'm happy.
To be fair, no country remains a superpower forever.
there is a park in china with some inscription "Dogs and chinks not allowed". IT was from the British colony time. They haven't removed it in order to never forget.
kek whites are doomed.
what did you mean by that
Cheap chinese oil. I can't wait.
Turns out having 1 billion people as slave labor is good for business.
>build entire cities no one will ever live in
Name 1 time in history where a Cacasians weren't the superpower.
What is happening right now looks like the end times, but it looked the same, if not worse, during the 1300-1400s.
Yeah, sure. Their economy is going to stagnate hard when they run out of tech to steal from the west.
>we white people
take off that euro lag and show us your chinese one, Zhang Wei.
Quite well I imagine. You treat your paying customers well.
China was the worlds strongest country by all metrics possible until the collapse of Ming and was still at the top until the industrialization age and the decadence of Qing
I'll have to become a lower caste white then. If they keep niggers out of the country then it'll most likely be better than life as it is now.
Meh. USA will exterminate them with nukes and shoot down any Chinese missiles.
Not really. While China will never be even close to a majority christian nation, it may reach a Korean like situation where 10% of the population becomes christian, which means over 100 million more christians.
USA is still more powerful than China. You also have to keep in mind kikes have been just sabotaging western culture since the 60s, but also western industry and manufacturing.
Look at what they did to the rust belt, they completely destroyed the heart of american industry by importing niggers and outsourcing to 3rd world slaves. Because of western industrial technology USA still outproduce China with only a fraction of the workers.
It would be just as easy to remake our industry as it would be to repair our culture with the kikes gone.
Not fucking soon enough. They need to surpass the American mongrels and hopefully those little shits will stop intervening in every country and die a silent death
God's speed 中国。美国必须倒下
>They know that it was the US that forced them upon Europe
You say that because you are to pussy to put the blame on kikes, where it belongs.
There's tons of small towns in the U.S. that's 95% white, or higher. Big cities and the coastal states are the only places where whites are 50/50 or a minority.
On top of that, we don't have the same problem Europe does with it's rapefugees. Many wetbacks are fully capable of integrating, or at least functioning in parallel, to conservative America, as a great deal of them are devote Catholics and still have "backwards" intolerance for gays.
thats not the question tho.
The question was how bad they are going to fuck them without lub. kek
USA you better do something, everyone hate chinks
Most of history, Asia has been much richer than the West purely out of population. Chinese, although imperialist, did not intervene to such a degree as America and only tried to grow by taking over nearby countries. "White" people, being Americans, will probably die out anyway so who cares. Europeans are still looked positively by the Chinese and probably will always as long as we don't turn into arrogant sacks of american shit. Also Europe has always been richer in terms of GDP per capita, but Asia's population dwarfs Europes to such a degree that it's very hard to surpass them, so it's just the world balancing itself out by having China be the superpower, also that term really needs to die out.
There you go
Now that we are replacing humans with robots we no longer need china slave labor
Companys will start bringing their robot factorys back too Usa they are already doing it sorry china is for loser cant even breath the air its so dirty
> Europeans are still looked positively by the Chinese
No, you are fucked too:
Well, he obviously scared to blame his own puppet government. He better blame puppet masters across the ocean.
Intolerance for homosexuality isn't something historical, it's mostly found in Abrahamic religion and you follow a jewish man who follows a jewish god and a jewish old testament and a nu-jewish new testament and believe that the jews are the chosen people. Your religion is a sham
wrong, most cultures across the world always considered homosexuality as a deviance and depending on the country would lead to your exile, death or to jail.
Doubtful that China will take on a superpower role desu, they'd have to care about other countries welfare to do that.
Don't they estimate the value of their economy different tho? I recall hearing that they calculate their economy on new construction, thats why they keep building ghost cities. Can someone correct me if that is wrong?
Considering that i've visited China and Macau, they're very friendly towards Europeans and respect us, just as we should to them. As far as i'm concerned the Chinese are good people with an unnatural obsession with money, which is understandable because of the Century of Humiliation that was caused by Britain
When the Republicans brought in Cubans, it lead to two front-runners for the Republican nomination being of Cuban descent. If Republicans embrace Mexicans/South Americans, then they will have no problem getting Mexican/South American voters. Mexicans are inclined towards conservativism to begin with.
This is the correct answer. It's almost like he thinks we are in control of our respective governments.
well, maybe they see you as north african so is ok.
Such as Africa? One of the most Christian and Muslim continents? Nearly every organised religion outside of Abrahamic religions do either one of two things. Not mention it, and just say that it isn't ideal. Only religion that comes to mind that condemns homosexuality and isn't abrahamic is Zoroastrianism and the original texts of Zarathustra do not talk about homosexuality and it's the added scripts 1000 years AFTER his death that talk about homosexuality and that is completely counter intuitive to the zoroastrian religion and isn't followed as drastically
They see anyone outside of Asia as western. Also that's shitty bait, I don't even consider Europeans as white, that's an amerimutt meme. Iberians have more history with North Africa than Northern Europe, yeah I know, I don't particularly care
not just population, more specifically the growth of cities and fairly stable dynasties. Only Rome really matched the scale of Chinese cities that predated Rome by 500 years and after the Roman collapse the first city to come close was London in the early modern period.
>the world is 2000 years old and started with rabbi jesus
It will be like the Muslim golden age: white women will become sex slaves and peasant white men will shiver in their squalored and inept fear
Have you ever met a chink? My Chinese teacher in Universidad Católica was lovely
And ironically it's at the same time that abrahamic religions really started flourishing
>Intolerance for homosexuality isn't something historical
This is not the only point of view. I mean (((media))) of course explaining us that Spartans and other tough guys fuck each other in the ass throughout history in good old days, but I personally wonder why (((media))) do this. I suppose it's just because (((media))) has this unstoppable desire of telling historical truth.
> pic related imams forced to dance for China
All under glorious China
A nation of a billion communist dog eaters won't do shit
i thought china already had the largest economy in the world. am i retarded?
China wasn't always china though, it's mostly been constant dynasties that have fallen and risen. There have been tons of European cities that surpass China but population growth will also equal high city growth, but their dynasties have been everything but stable. But who knows, I respect the Chinese just as much as I respect Europeans, great people in my opinion with great history.
China is a meme country which will disappear with the next industrial revolution (robotization + IA).
>Paper tiger
>Empty skyscrapers
>Literal shithole
>Collapse imminent
What is the Ottoman empire?
Ottoman could have btfo of the Ming.
Is not about the people itself but about the morality of their culture. Many things we consider unacceptable are totally normal for chinese, and yes I met some, they will try to screw you if you give the opportunity.
Pretty sure it has to do with the constant push of social justice and nitpicking at every little thing that has to do with their agenda.
They have been always been ahead in the tech field.
They just were fucked by colonization but they are returning to their natural place .
>Since China is going to be the sole superpower in the world by 2050
Maybe, if they haven't all died due to lung cancer and pollution.
Not really, and you're talking in purely military power here, Ming China was far more advanced economically and culturally.
The Ottoman Empire literally couldn't conquer Austria and Pooland and got BTFO in the Balkans of all places.
Im not scared. Sweden had good trades with them and we payed fairly unlike the brittmutts who gunned down their towns and forced them to buy opium.
I bet i will be threated fairly.
Brittmutts should tremble in fear.
>Iberians have more history with North Africa than Northern Europe, yeah I know, I don't particularly care
Whatever you say, Pablo.
> Paper Tiger - Already know you're either a libertarian or an ancap and that you watch e-celebs, and yes I know which one
> You do realise they get filled right after, not all of them ofc, and they have a huge housing bubble because of it, but that isn't a good argument.
> I'm sorry, but isn't Detroit a city in America?
> Probably, but that'll probably propel them hopefully
That religion remark really struck a nerve I guess, because you picked that one example I made out of an entire post and ignored everything else. Intolerance for homosexuality might be a "recent" (last several thousand years) trend, but even in places where it was openly practiced, men were still expected to get married and raise children to continue their family line.
I work in construction, basically the foreman for large projects in Southern California/Nevada, usually Casinos. The vast majority of the men I work with, and who work under me, are Mexicans, for obvious reasons. Let me tell you, most of them were with Trump right from the start, and none of them take shit from leftist propaganda and group think.
>White women are concubines of our Chinese overlords
>White men are Eunuch servants and advisors to our new Chinese overlords
Not genetic history you idiot, as in actual history. Moors, Romans, Byzantines, Phoenicians. They're all in the mediterranean and had control of North Africa at some point or atleast the levant
they do but youre still a retard
They can’t compete, just look at their leader, he looks like a peasant. What kind of shitty country would follow him?
The current state of China is self-limiting.
To truly advance they need to educate and transition into a higher-level service economy that caters to their large population, while maintaining their large industrial base.
They'll face social collapse before that can happen. The more people they educate, the more people will realize how bad things are.
Asians are fierce conformists, until the moment they're pushed too far. Then they start slaughtering each other.
If there isn't some kind of large-scale conflict in China in the next 100 years, at the rate they're going, it will represent a great achievement of humanity, let alone China itself.
SK is almost 30% Christian nigga.
But desu Chinese Christians are HIGHLY paganized
This. The Chinese will probably enforce population control in Africa and save us from the nigger problem.
The Chinese don't care about white people, they care about China, and I don't mean they're gonna treat us like shit when they're our overlords, I mean they're never gonna try to control the world far beyond China. China does not have the internal stability to look far beyond their own economy and unity, and the times they historically have, they've still remained mostly insular.
>Many wetbacks are fully capable of integrating, or at least functioning in parallel, to conservative America, as a great deal of them are devote Catholics and still have "backwards" intolerance for gays.
I didn't nitpick anything, you were talking about Catholicism and catholicism is a branch of Christianity and Christiniaty is an extension of Judaism and Judaism is a branch of Abrahamism. Also I can find just as many civilisations that would kill homos in the past thousand years. And yeah you're right. Homosexuality wasn't a thing back then I'm guessing, the focus was on reproducing, which it should still be
Do you happen to know anyone who wears the same clothes?
Our "overlords" are going to have a very hard landing.
>and the times they historically have, they've still remained mostly insular.
This is why I welcome the Chinese.
I don't really understand what your argument is then, if you're arguing at all. I just gave an example of why they're capable of integrating into American society, and why rapefugees aren't: A massive cultural difference in religion.
>Most of history, Asia has been much richer than the West
China only surpassed the west during the dark ages. During the classical period, and before, the west was economically more developed than China.
Our genetic history shows our historical relationships with the rest of the world. We're more related with the rest of European than with North African. In your case probably not, but that's the result of your mother being mudshark, nothing to do with your Spanish heritage.
No? That's very wrong?
Obviously not perfectly accurate, but i'm pretty sure Asia has been richer than the west for most of History
Military is what matters if you want to dominate others. Without a dominating military then your economy will fall apart when you're invaded. See Britain invading them and forcing them to trade rights that Britain wanted. As for the Ottoman falling to capture Austria, that was due to the bad weather they encountered everytime they tried and forced to abandon their canons. Without Canons they couldn't take the fortresses/castles in front them.
In addition, currently speaking, China is a paper dragon militarily.
Japan has a much better shot at being the dominate dog in Asia.
I'm wearing them right now.
China historically speaking usually refers to the cultures that sprang up on the Yangtze flood plains starting with the Shang and Zhou. Cities like Chengzhou were almost 10 times the size of Athens, their contemporary European equivalent. China grew through vassalhood to dominate the entirety of the east asian continent later but we still refer to those plain cultures as Chinese since they are proto-han.
Who's gonna invade China?
Lol. They treated their own like shit, you really think they will treat you good?
Why does it affect you so much to accept it? Most of spanish history, we've been conquered by Mediterranean and North African empires, and the Mediterranean empires had control of North Africa. And genetic history doesn't equate to history all of the time. Romans didn't mix with Iberians to such a high degree, neither did Moors, Phoenicians and Byzantines probably did and so did Visigoths although for the shortest period probably
>Trying to calculate GDP before 1950
You're a such thing of genius, right?
I bet you vote for Podemos too.