Should we be getting redpills from women?

I’d say the only women who have original thoughts to offer on politics are:

-Karen Straughan
-Janice Fiamengo
(Above are anti feminists who really have studied feminism and history and offer unique insights)
-Ann Coulter has done a lot of original research.
-Syria Girl (I don’t know if she has original thoughts or not, but I don’t know what Syrians)

I think Lauren Southern has talent in being funny, but she doesn’t say anything original.

Some of the other women have skill in conducting interviews, but I don’t think it’s that difficult of a skill to have. I would put Tara McCarthy in this category.

I can’t decide where Lana from Red Ice fits.

It seems like the others only steal other people’s ideas. Maybe they have some purpose as a gateway.

Cutest award goes to Janice Fiamengo (she’s hot for an older women) and Syria Girl.

Other urls found in this thread:

(((RED ICE)))

>redpills from women
if you have to ask

"I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man"

I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

every religion says women should shut the fuck up and listen to men

> who really have studied feminism


that dirty shitskin needs to stfu. he is right, but it's outright retarded to say stuff like that openly. I'm starting to believe he's controlled opposition

you forgot /ourdindu/ Brittany Venti

>I'm starting to believe he's controlled opposition

that's retarded.

Red Ice is a joke. 155k subs and they struggle to hit 5k views when they post a vid. Sad really.

To answer the OP question, yes, taking any form of redpill from a woman seriously is retarded.

Why the fuck is that a limited state video?

Roosh is a promoter of white genocide and degenerated promiscuity

All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.

Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.

If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.

You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)

ya.... your religion promotes homosexuality through its worship of a male god and denies tantra which is yoni worship.

the answer is that most men and most women are retarded. you should only listen to people who have proven themselves worthy of trust and who never cuck. if they cuck, you shouldnt respect their position anymore.

hope that clears it up, sincerely, the theocratic dictator of earth (a female)

so get ready to experience persecution cuckian faggots. because im just getting started with your degenerate pagan slaughtering, jew worshipping asses.

the truth hurts them. so they don't want others to see it

oh, god
who the fuck wants those

shut the fuck up you fucking faggot

This is what I did during the Trayvon Martin case. I was not “red pilled” or whatever you want to call it back then. I didn’t even know people talked about politics on YouTube.

I remembered the OJ Simpson case from childhood, and how people didn’t observe and were wrong. So, I said to myself I’m going to look at Trayvon as objectively as possible. I learned how corrupt the media was.

Later, I did the same with trump. I wasn’t supporting anyone. It started when the media said trump said all Mexicans were rapists and drug users. I decided to observe and go to the actual videos where he allegedly said this. Again, and again, I saw the media lying about him, and I also learned what his ideas were (at least what he wanted to present to the world).

>your religion
It's not just that religion, or quote, it's ALL religions if you look them up and look what they have to say about the roles of women.

man are the head of women its that simple

Christina Hoff Sommers

She’s such a sweetheart, only woman who truly believes what she says, albeit a bit entry tier.

I like her for her research on boys in school. I think she fucked up when she claimed trumps security abused some anti trump person. Ben Shapiro did the same thing. It was actuslly pathetic they considered a gentle tap to be assault.

Kek, he's right for once...

Just look at types such as Lauren Southern. A fucking year ago she was a card carrying Ayn Rand "Libertarian Objectivist", she mocked SJW's because because of their collectivism and supposed disdain for individualism.... fast forward one year later she comes out as fully "red-pilled" on (((Libertarianism))) and starts dog whistling to white nationalists, even unironically embracing collectivism.

So what came first? Did she really naturally
degressed from a libertarian to a nationalist. Or did she capitalized on the fact that 90% of her fan-base is composed of angry, virgin, beta orbiters who are increasingly sperging into full 14/88 lately?

my ancestry never was enslaved

Funny how you faggots then scream like victims when people says you are sexist.


right... maybe your degenerate kike / cock worshipping abrahamic bullshit, but as it turns out that's regressive sand monkey horse shit.

The absolute state of Lauren.


I seriously hope none of you guys are putting these women up on a pedestal like this poor sap right here.

>Lauren Southern
good for you shlomo, but the rest of the board doesn't give a shit because she dated an indian and a nigger a few years ago and has since mentioned that she doesn't care what race her future husband/bf will be. not to mention that her grandfather is a kike. kys.

oy vey!


>listen to a woman's opinion about anything, ever.
lmao, stay cucked beta orbiters

>last remaining vestiges of healthy womanhood
>whore themselves out on instagram
>in their mid-20s with no kids
>don't understand that traditionally women aren't supposed to speak in the first place

Remember actions always speak louder than words. Actual traditional women have no need for Patreonbux, they can find a good provider.

Who will win?

All the Alt-Right tradthots.
1 masculine Iranian.

What exactly is this cosplay?

Its a about a show of a white girl that fucked brown guys relentlessly. Then the guys found out how "easy" she was, burned her and she goes full alt-right.