Alright Sup Forums I need some insight on something that drives me insane. So many people literally act like NPCs from video games. They are very gullible and also very short-term minded. A commercial for fast food? They buy that garbage. Constantly posting on (((Facebook))) about politics and believing every word from mainstream media. Where can I get more literature (Free plz) to understand how these sheep think? Maybe I just critically think and look at the longterm consequences, or maybe some people were just put on this planet to serve the interests of the intelligent and wealthy and powerful. Thank you all in advance.
Why are so many bottom tier people basically NPCs?
Other urls found in this thread:
They cant be saved, can they?
Most of pol= npc
Certainly not. Any suggestion to deviate from their miserable existence results in anger and childish behavior. They are close minded and cannot adapt to change.
I have an IQ of 131 and I know what you mean. I hate that I notice it and dislike people who associate intelligence with virtue. Still, I'm not sure what I can do about it apart from treating people kindly and arguing for my beliefs honestly.
They are pretty easy to spot, the normie NPC lacks that "spark" in the eyes and has a bovine stare, like there isn't much going on behind them. The normie NPC's is programmed for material accumulation, constant sex and social approval.
Agree. I just want to know if their are any studies/books out there on this topic. Very difficult for me to understand why people act in such bizarre ways.
Someone had a really interesting theory in a thread a few months ago, something about genetic overload
Wow I'm not the only one who thinks about this.
ALSO have you ever noticed the same faces recycled again and again when you're out in public. You swear you've seen a person before many times. I always say in my head "the NPC pool is running out again". I swear to God this is some simulation aspect to it all.
Well said. Material accumulation is something I notice as well. Constant, impulse purchases which do not add to one's life and are used to showcase a gilded lifestyle. Constant sex is probably correlated to the pea-brained nature of the individual, who does not think about consequences of degeneracy. Social approval is another paramount area of the NPC fool (social media addiction in many cases).
>faces recycled
That’s just silly, you have to remember that race is an extension of the family in a way. We all have similar DNA to one another to varying degrees, some more than others
I too was once 14. You'll soon grow out of this phase.
I would have to agree. There are almost certain cohorts of NPCs that you see over and over again. It's like they are a breed of their own.
I'm 27 with a doctorate degree. There is a stark contrast between the intelligent and the foolish.
You want to hear a bit of a blackpill?
This isn’t a new phenomenon.
History has always been moved forward in one direction or the other by one determined man, or a group of determined men. The vast majority of people just sit there, side with the victor.
Look at the American Revolution for instance, it was a very small percentage of the population that actually fought against the British, the rest just went on about their lives.
It’s exac what would happen today too
Because all logic and probability points toward humanity being a simulation.
Well following the crowd feels like easy mode when it actually isn't. It's a life full of suffering and mistakes that will never be learned from.
True easy mode is when you grind so hard that you level cap and completely curbstomp any challenge thrown at you. Hopefully you stopped along the way for the sidequests because that's where the interesting stuff is.
>uses an xkcd comic
Jesus Christ
>I'm 27 with a doctorate degree
a degree in cocksucking obviously
Thank you for the direction.
This is very interesting. Thanks.
Try pic related, The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch from 1979. He fucking nailed the problem almost 40 years ago. I expect you can find a pdf for free if you look.
That text, christ.. it is frightening but kinda true
Yeah. I'm no MENSAn, but dumb people seem less alive, less like people to me. NPC is a good way to put it.
Fuck, I am going to literally use this as an insult now. Fucking great
Your medal is in the post. Just because people aren't intelligent doesn't mean they're not human or not people. I've spent a lot of time in academia as well and most of the decent people walk away from it because the environment created by concentrating so many smart people together is almost always horribly toxic, petty and competitive. Actually as time goes on I find I enjoy the company of simple folk more and more. They don't scheme. They don't feel the need to posture to justify their insecurities. They don't stab you in the back or lie to your face.
They're called normies
I'll offer an idea as to part of the problem.
Rx medication. Tons of people are taking this stuff and I'm convinced it turns people into zombies.
I was put on anti-depressants in high school for a few months and it was not a good experience. It's a foggy bubble world and I can't believe how many people live life like that.
. Psychologists use the term “socialization” to designate the process by which children are trained to think and act as society demands. A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society. It may seem senseless to say that many leftists are oversocialized, since the leftist is perceived as a rebel. Nevertheless, the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such rebels as they seem.
The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a non-moral origin. We use the term “oversocialized” to describe such people.
Oversocialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc. One of the most important means by which our society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of behavior or speech that is contrary to society’s expectations. If this is overdone, or if a particular child is especially susceptible to such feelings, he ends by feeling ashamed of HIMSELF. Moreover the thought and the behavior of the oversocialized person are more restricted by society’s expectations than are those of the lightly socialized person. The majority of people engage in a significant amount of naughty behavior. They lie, they commit petty thefts, they break traffic laws, they goof off at work, they hate someone, they say spiteful things or they use some underhanded trick to get ahead of the other guy.
I've found people with doctorates to be incredibly educated and insightful about a very narrow range of subjects pertaining to their specialization and incredibly incurious, aloof and ignorant about pretty much everything else.
Obviously this is a generalization but in my experience it's generally accurate.
this, i worked in a law firm with very intelligent people by most standards. except they were soulless drones, npc is a good term for what little free time they had
i fucking hate the IQ meme
i score like 140 yet still a degenerate on all levels
now how do we fix this?
It's a popular post around here but not well substantiated enough to show up on redpill threads.
Make of it what you will.
Thanks. Anymore books to recommend?
I was thinking about similar thing OP. But rather them being NPCs they're just kind of ''soulless'' husks with no distinct personality and just following all the trends as a herd of lemmings. I was thinking that maybe there's a finite amount of ''souls'' in the universe and because of the worldwide population boom there's just not enough for them to go around so people below some IQ threshold are just hollows, basically
>Namefag who thinks he's on reddit is also a leftist who cut his own dick off
I rely much less on books and more on experience to be quite honest. Living it and coming to witness for yourself sears in beliefs and value systems far better than studying a text ever will.
>good luck on your search, gotta get to work now.
Online IQ tests always give 120-160 regardless to make you feel good and give them your email. Charles Darwin was a degenerate that traveled the world cooking and eating all the rare and exotic animals he could find. Issac newton was /r9k/. Leonardo DaVinci was homosexual. IQ doesn't mean no degeneracy, that takes a strong moral code.
With virtue, Dude.
Or maybe people dont trust you enough to open and talk such topics?
this is a 18+ forum user
>Tfw living in mmo irl
There is a compartmentalization of information for most people of higher intelligence. A family member specializes in high-end cancer research and thats all he knows; no common sense. For me, I would consider myself a pseudo-Renaissance man with interests all over the place. Engineering, medicine, law (specialty), history, music (gregorian chants -> modern rap), construction, and even fitness. If you saw me, you would think I'm a redneck. I like to keep people guessing.
>I would consider myself a pseudo-Renaissance man
>There is a compartmentalization of information for most people of higher intelligence. A family member specializes in high-end cancer research and thats all he knows; no common sense. For me, I would consider myself a pseudo-Renaissance man with interests all over the place. Engineering, medicine, law (specialty), history, music (gregorian chants -> modern rap), construction, and even fitness. If you saw me, you would think I'm a redneck. I like to keep people guessing.
why the hell would you need literature for something that can be understood from observation and quick analysis. you don't seem very intelligent at all
>t. friendzone intensifies
Wait until you notice how many bodegas have the same cat.
I want corroboration. My observations are through my senses and without challenge from others. This is simply not enough for me to understand the motivations of others.
read about neuroscience user.
although the advanced mind control techniques are kept behind closed doors, from the studies that have been released you can easily see that mind programming is possible.
You only actually need minimum 4 dedicated people working as one to completely change the direction of a society. 4 is enough.
I don't think trust is an issue because I listen and acknowledge alternative viewpoints, even if they do not align with my own. I live in a larger, consumer-based city so the chance of meeting someone for high-end intellectual conversations is rare.
It's almost like people outsource their higher cognitive functions to faceless unaccountable entities which millions of others defer their judgment to in order to feel like they are part of a social in-group, as such actions are both comforting and easy to manage for the intellectually lazy.
Why read books, goy, when you can just utter the mating call of the modern morlock:
>"THEY said on TV that..."
Cant help you with literature or advice but I can tell you I 100% relate. Its unreal how many people feel robotic. Its almost like being levels ahead of them in something I cant define. You can look people in the eyes and tell nothing goes on in their head.
this explains the grind
exactly. you're a pseud. it also explains why you have a doctorate. people who stay long enough to get a degree in the soul-sucking environment of academic institutions are the same npc-type people that you're ridiculing
kek. this logic could easily turn into insanity real quick. Imagine someone believing this to the point they start taking pictures of everyone they see in public to find a hole in the matrix.
>Maintain some lie that he works for NASA
>Then backpedal and say he works for a company that makes equipment for NASA
>Actually, a financial firm that has that company as a client
>Actually, delivers the paper to it
>Actually, he's the night janitor for the logistics office that directs the trucks
>Still, that's like 1 promotion away from being a fucking astronaut
The simulation is stressing the processor(s). Too many different programs running simultaneously to have real people anymore, like in the early 2000 games when you'd pile a bunch of chairs into a corner, then throw a ragdoll corpse at it, everything slows down. To save on space, they copypaste personalities.
What are you talking about?
About the dude that made this comic, Randall Munroe.
Not familiar with the source
Maybe if you'd ever talk with people instead of just observe them you'd understand that most people are actually more interesting than they seem.
Yes, some people are more dumb than others and just basically follow orders instead of think themselves, but it doesn't mean they don't think at all.
It's like asking aliens from the sky to describe what humans are based solely on satellite images. Their predictions will be way off.
>Because all logic and probability points toward humanity being a simulation.
>Because all simulated logic and simulated probability points towards humanity being a simulation
But what if our simulated reality is wrong?
It's because they're dead inside, or grew up on social media and get all of their opinions and views from it.
Why 4? any sauce on this?
>Why read books, goy
Still not worth it if all the books you read are Harry Potter and Paul Coulho's The Alchemist.
Spice things up a bit and read some David Irving
I do converse with all types of people and I'm not saying people don't think. I want to know the motivations behind the herd behavior. Maybe its the path of least resistance, rather than living a lifestyle of adversity and challenges, which often has the great reward of self actualization.
This is part of the reason why homeschooling is met with such visceral attacks by commies/leftists.
>Maybe if you'd ever talk with people instead of just observe them you'd understand that most people are actually more interesting than they seem.
They are interesting in aspects that they care about. But most normies are completely uninteresting when it comes to politics. The highly educated women are the worst desu because they really buy into the whole Green Party memes and get a wet pussy just thinking of Jesse Klaver, Justin Trudeau or any other Green Party nu-male.
I like to fuck with them by saying that they are literally Hitler because like Hitler, they too are vegetarians, love animals and the environment.
This ALWAYS triggers them
>Constant sex is probably correlated to the pea-brained nature of the individual
Just because you fail to connect to people doesn't mean they're mindless drones. If your own internal world is so rich, there's no reason to assume others don't have that either. Remember that these days we have a SILENCED majority
Pretty sure most serial killers start off by thinking people are robots.
Yes I have noticed too user. It’s even weirder when you see people that look like incredibly similar at different ages
Is that such a bad thing, Hans?
I get sex regularly and he's right. Constant sex dulls the mind and the spirit. There's a reason that people like Tesla were lifelong virgins and why Henry David Thoreau voluntarily eschewed society, and thus sex, for years at a time simply to better concentrate on his work.
Relatively accurate, but they are not necessarily programmed for material gain, although that is very common today.
All of them have programmed responses to input just like NPC's, after looking for a while you will start to notice this programming.
When you challenge this programming they either shut down, try to make you go away or start yelling as if their programming just failed.
I was early teen when I started to notice this, something is definitely wrong and I have no idea how to break the code.
Because they've been psychologically and physiologically conditioned to be that way from birth. Only those who weren't conditioned or "broken" people like literal spergs/autists/schizos/etc minds are normally able to see the patterns.
>Constant sex dulls the mind and the spirit.
I disagree. If anything sex boosts my energy levels and confidence. Like now I can be completely relaxed around women and even if they aren't interested they still end up liking me. Don't forget they have hot friends too. In general a man should be flirty around all women I think, they have a lot of power these days and they're easily charmed, so it's only in your advantage.
I wonder if you'll get a c+ on your assignment.
No you don't.
what did he mean by this?
Stupid people are much better. Closer to god, like a bird or a cat.
Also, I suggest reading Prometheus Rising and Stalking the Wild Pendulum. Should be able to find both via certain book search sites that I'm not going to name here because (((spooks))).
>animals are closer to god
Saw this concept in a couple movies (Ghost in the shell among others). Anyone know of the origins?
Animals can't tell the difference between right and wrong. Animals are literally a part of god, like plants and planets. Humans are separate from god.
They also live in the moment and aren't burdened with thinking about the past or future. I'm always jealous of my cat when I see her completely relaxed.
Why are you people buying into this?
You can assume that whats true for you can be true for others as well, there is no indication that the people around me have no soul just because they don't share my powerlevel or have similar ideas. Besides, if you flip it around they may think more or less the same thing about me.
Makes me think of Fight Club actually. "We are all a part of the same compost heap".
Stop projecting this stuff onto other people just necause you can't connect.
Empty jars of clay
Stupid humans are closer in that sense.
This entire thread is cringe and was perfectly summed up here: . They don't realize the irony in calling everyone sheep, when in fact everyone thinks that. And the Dunning-Kruger effect ensures that everybody assumes that they are the special ones.
>no roads, only rails
Did everyone do this in old sim city?
Fuck road maintenance
You only commented this to assure yourself you are special and different.
So you acknowledge I'm correct.
>cites Dunning-Kruger effect
>displays complete ignorance on what it describes
Sweet Jesus, it's not even difficult to comprehend!
Yeah but dont think ur above it cunt