>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>CIA Dir Pompeo interview @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>CIA Dir Pompeo/Fmr Dir Pineta Panel @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>Natl Sec Adv McMaster on NoKo @Reagan Def Forum 12/2/17
>Pres Trump Speech in Wall Street Fundraiser (gets cut off) 12/2/17
>Pres Trump comments on Tax Vote/Gen Flynn 12/2/17
>Pres Trump departs for NYC 12/2/17
>VP Pence announces passage of Tax Reform Bill 12/2/17
>GOP Leaders on passage of Tax Reform Bill 12/2/17
>AG Sessions on Tucker 12/1/17
>KAC on F&F 12/1/17
>SoS T-Rex meets w/Lybian PM 12/1/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #19 (Lara) 12/1/17
>Nuke Alarm Test in Hawaii 12/1/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania light up Natl Christmas Tree 11/30/17
>WH Video: 2017 Natl Christmas Tree Lighting 11/30/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump in Missouri 11/30/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Crown Prince Bahrain 11/30/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis w/Lybian FS @DoD 11/30/17
>SoS T-Rex meets german FM 11/30/17
OP pastebin:
God Bless the United States of America
>tfw it was all for nothing
>so many whites on the Allied powers fought for their own deaths without even knowing it
Thank you Lord for sending Donald J Trump!!
What will Trump do to honor Jesus's birth?
>White genocide don't real, racemixing will save Texas and hispanics aren't causing solid blue western states
Latest rundown on recent developments with regards to Mueller investigation and related thing(s). Picture related for Trump's reaction.
Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter Strzok
FBI officials were concerned solely about the leaking of details of the tarmac meeting & tried to hide these records - Judicial Watch
Nunes pushing for Contempt of Congress against Rosenstein and Wray due to stonewalling with regards to Strozk.
Grassley pushing Rosenstein about why he hasn't done shit to McCabe.
/Who is Mr. Strozk/
> Hillary had to give an FBI interview because of the emails. It was not under oath (the very thing that got Papadopoulos and Flynn, lying under oath) nor recorded and three days later Comey say he recommended no indictment.
> the FBI agent present, Strozk, was just outed as a Hilllary supporter / Trump detractor and fired from the Mueler investigation. He was also likely the FBI agent that brought the Fusion GPS dossier over the investigation
> the DOJ official present, Laufman, head of the “independent email probe” is a Hillary donor and ****still at the DOJ**** and head the department responsible for atomic energy and FARA compliance (the very stuff that got Manafort and likely, dangled over Flynn’s head)
>Both measures would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent
>Senate version would set lower rate in 2019, year later than House.
>Senate, unlike the House, would provide only temporary tax relief to individuals, ending tax cuts for them in 2026.
>Before accounting for any economic growth, both bills are expected to add more than $1.4 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years.
>House would eliminate all, Senate would leave a deduction for property taxes, which would be capped at $10,000.
>House would restrict that break to loans of $500,000 or less with regard to new purchases of homes.
>The Senate legislation would leave the current $1 million cap in place.
>House would tax those profits at 14 percent for earnings held as cash and 7 percent for less-liquid assets
>Senate contains a lengthy section that has no direct mention of the rates, but a person familiar with the Senate plan said they'd be 14.5 percent for cash and 7.5 percent for less-liquid assets.
>Senators Ron Johnson and Steve Daines announced their support for the tax bill after securing agreement on a bigger tax break for the owners of pass-through enterprises, including small businesses, S-corporations, partnerships and sole-proprietorships. An original 17.4 percent deduction would rise to 23 percent.
>Senator Jeff Flake, who was a holdout over deficit concerns, agreed to vote "yes" after Republican leaders agreed to change a provision allowing the full expensing of business capital investments to sunset after five years. Flake worried that Congress would be unable to eliminate the benefit cold turkey, allowing it to bleed red ink for years to come. But the Arizona Republican says the change would instead phase out full expensing over three years beginning in year six.
>Senator Susan Collins said she persuaded Republican leaders to retain catch-up contributions to retirement accounts for church, charity, school and public employees.
>Collins also said she was able to include language to reduce the threshold for deducting unreimbursed medical expenses for two years to 7.5 percent of household income from 10 percent.
>Collins has proposed an amendment that would retain a federal deduction for up to $10,000 in state and local property taxes.
>Rescinding a proposed repeal of the AMT and instead increase exemption levels and phase-out thresholds is also on the table.
>rescinding a proposed repeal of the corporate AMT.
>Another change could be to increase tax rates on U.S. corporate profits held overseas to 14 percent for liquid assets and 7 percent for illiquid holdings, up from 10 percent and 5 percent, respectively
>Russians defending Trump
His ass.
"We deeply regret and apologize for the serious error we made yesterday. The reporting conveyed by Brian Ross during the special report had not been fully vetted through our editorial standards process," ABC News said in a statement.
Ross will be suspended for four weeks without pay.
>memeflag shilling and it isn't even 12:00 yet
I at least hope you shills went to church this morning
>House Republicans Prepare Contempt Action Against FBI, DOJ
french christmas sounds terrible if thats all you get each other, how bout some bread and wine too?
You don't understand, Texas hispanics will start voting 70%+ republican once they become the majority. They just need to impregnate more white women.
Feinstein/Schumer sponsored gun legislation that amends the “Brady bill” will be added to Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill (HR 38) in the House this week (pic related).
(1) The first sentence after the title of the bill reads “Section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (34 U.S.C. 40901) is amended…”
(2) Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer are cosponsors in the Senate.
>(3) It’s being rammed through, without a hearing, in a very nontransparent process, and it will be passed by attaching it to the popular concealed carry reciprocity bill which already has enough votes to pass on its own.
(4) It spends over half a billion dollars to collect more names to include in a list of people who will never be allowed to own a firearm.
>(5) It compels administrative agencies, not just courts, to adjudicate your second amendment rights.
In my opinion, #5 is the biggest problem.
>The bill encourages administrative agencies, not the courts, to submit more names to a national database that will determine whether you can or can’t obtain a firearm.
>When President Obama couldn’t get Congress to pass gun control, he implemented a strategy of compelling, through administrative rules, the Veterans Administration and the Social Security Administration to submit lists of veterans and seniors, many of whom never had a day in court, to be included in the NICS database of people prohibited from owning a firearm.
>Only a state court, a federal (article III) court, or a military court, should ever be able to suspend your rights for any significant period of time.
So many people talking about the Flynn stuff like it leads to Kushner. I wouldn't be surprised if we get word this week that the Mueller investigation is winding down and will end soon. The coordinated leak on Strzok calls into question the credibility of the whole thing, but that was eventually gonna get out anyway, and Mueller/FBI had been blocking it while they were investigating. That they'd let it come out now, and that the FBI/DOJ are just now starting to cooperate with Congressional oversight tells me that Mueller's investigation couldn't find anything so stop fighting Congress and let them know what they wanna know.
Flynn's plea alone was enough to tell us that there's a good chance it's over. Had Flynn confessed to a scheme where as a member of the Trump campaign they colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, he wouldn't have been pleading guilty to lying to the govt, he'd have been pleading guilty to espionage conspiracy.
So ya, I think it'll wrap up really soon and then Congressional oversight will uncover just how corrupt the circumstances that got us to this investigation were.
>make stock-owners to lose millions
>suspended for four weeks without pay.
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt:
Because he sanctioned them and funded rebels fighting against them and Bashar? You niggers need to find anything real to push instead.
not a single state above 90%
Think that is what WH believes too.
anyone who sold their stocks in that 6 hour period deserve to lose that money, they are fucking idiots
and smelly cheese, christmass beer
B-But muh based Tejanos!
So he gets to be home for the holidays.
>this thread
I'm not gonna read giant blocks on text on here
Of all the things that cannot be defended, this can be defended the least!
now i can get along with that kind of french christmas, sounds great
Sessions will save them.
ME, VT and WV could be without race-mixing.
VT and WV are 2 out of 3 states where the white mother population exceeds the white women of fertile age population.
For a few hours it seemd like a basis for an impeachment
>b-but hispanics are white
>editorial standards
>abc news
Time to make ?
>Report: “ANTI-TRUMP FBI AGENT LED CLINTON EMAIL PROBE” Now it all starts to make sense!
So what's he going to do about it?
trump and russia gave abc news the wrong info to discredit them and make them look stupid, so its part of the list of many things trump with be hung for
Timelines are merged again and the young Donald Trump from 70s is transported to this universe.
Who wins? Old man rambling POTUS Trump or young, concise, dashing and smart young Trump?
Ill say it, 2 big macs, 2 fillet o fish and a chocolate shake isn't that much to eat in a sitting from McDonald's, I could probably eat that for lunch and still eat dinner at 5pm
t.6'2 200 lbs
Another possible outcome with the Mueller investigation is for him to now turn the tables on Fusion. Mueller has of course known for a long time how Hillary/Fusion played everyone to trigger this investigation. If he feels all of that will come out after the investigation is over, he would be able to save face by investigating it himself first and exposing their plot.
Do you think Portugal's autism allowed him to read the entire tax bill yet?
It's a lot.
t. 6'4 230lbs.
>i-it's not real!!
In case you didn't realize, Flynn just pled guilty. The Trump Administration just crashed and burned, it's a matter of time now until Trump himself is impeached.
Mueller is not on "justice's" side. He is performing a witch hunt. Started by a dossier, rumors and weak FISA warrant.
That NY and GA proportion of whites to nonwhite births is pretty impressive.
I don't know, but I'm looking forward to it.
Read the thread, my dude.
Your head will be the first one we put on a pike, you disgisting kike ass normie!
He is pleading guilty to asking the Russians not to escalate a sanctions war. Issues in charges are very minor. 2nd dealt with Obama's UN shiv at Israel. Flynn says he was told to contact Russians. According the FBI statement, Flynn communicated with Kislyak after being asked by a senior Trump transition official to find out how foreign governments stood on the coming UN Security Council resolution about Israel. This is post-election vote.
>After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of "treason' and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.
Ty Cobb:
>"Today, Michael Flynn, a former National Security Advisor at the White House for 25 days during the Trump Administration, and a former Obama administration official, entered a guilty plea to a single count of making a false statement to the FBI.
>"The false statements involved mirror the false statements to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn. The conclusion of this phase of the Special Counsel's work demonstrates again that the Special Counsel is moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion."
I don't like two big mac's. I like a big mac, fries, and a 4-6 piece nuggies.
t. 5'5 105 pounds.
Don't b mean
Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to one count of making false statements in the Russia probe, a felony. He faces up to five years in prison.
1. Flynn admitted lying about contacts with the Russian ambassador in December and also lying in foreign agent registration materials filed in March.
2. Flynn has agreed to cooperate with the government as part of plea deal. No sentencing date was set - the special counsel office will file a status update in three months.
3. Special counsel prosecutor said Michael Flynn told an unnamed senior Trump transition team official at Mar-a-Lago about his contacts with the Russian ambassador
Flynn, flanked by two of his lawyers at the lectern, appeared calm. He exited the courtroom and got in an elevator, we're now waiting for him to exit. He did not say anything to the mass of reporters who waited outside the courtroom right after.
4. Court docs say that on 12/29, after Obama announced sanctions against Russia, Flynn called a "senior official" w/ the Trump transition team at Mar-a-Lago, who was with other transition officials, to discuss "what, if anything, to communicate to the Russian Ambassador"
5. Retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn has promised “full cooperation” in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and, according to a confidant, is prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians, initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria.
6. Judge says Michael Flynn agreed to provide 'substantial assistance for prosecution of another person. Judge said during the plea hearing at the federal courthouse here that Flynn had agreed to provide "substantial assistance for prosecution of another person."
id eat it but take most of the bread off 6'2 250lbs. and dr peper instead of shake
Is there one for white men fathering mixed kids?
I'm too cool for church
why need proof, it shows how democrats refuse to hold their own to any standard. Republicans actually care about upholding the law.
and soon would be over by the end of the year. flynn plea was a desperate attemptt to save face.
I absolutely agree, but now that Congress is pressuring them hard to get to the bottom of Strzok and his involvement with Fusion, and everything Fusion related, Mueller has to understand that the truth about what led to this investigation will come out in time. He would now have an opportunity to save his reputation by investigating it himself first. I don't know if he will...but the opportunity to distance himself and his team from the upcoming mess is there.
Does Sup Forums have gfs or wives too like their Chad cousins at R/T_D? If so, do you get along politically?
fuck off, gavin
I checked the data several times. Unless black babies moved away from GA/NY en masse with their families, the numbers hold true.
Eat it all, cause America! Land of the free! home of the brave!
goddamn all this bullshit that people investigating this have to swim through, if there are even people who exist that are willing to do it in the government.
Trump should have Stephen Hatfill to the white house. All the same characters(FBI, Mueller, Brian ross) and he sued after and won.
It blows my mind that some men fail at making their women adopt their political views.
those faggots are probably married, but its chads baby they are taking care of, not their own
Big macs are red meat and legit bad for health. The fish sandwich is good though.
There's one for black mothers+coalburning non-Hispanic white women.
Sessions will do absolutely nothing.
Is a genuine question. Statistics have shown that white men race mix more than white women.
I would honestly go to McDonalds and get it for lunch today, but im pretty sure it would be close to $25
McDonalds won't let me not overeat. Their 6 piece is like fucking $4.69 but if you get their 10 piece off of the 2 for $5 it's $2.50 for 10 nuggets. So you have to get the 10 because what retard pays tendy prices for a small nugget of mostly bread?
I'd feel like a real fucking fatass if I ate anywhere near that amount of McDick's food but I've had the flu for the past week and basically haven't eaten a thing for 6 days. I now need to bulk back up so for lunch every day I'm getting the most disgusting greasy biggest fast food shit I can find. Should be pretty neat desu
>(1) The first sentence after the title of the bill reads “Section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (34 U.S.C. 40901) is amended…”
Because it’s amended.
(2) Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer are cosponsors in the Senate.
Ad hominem.
>(3) It’s being rammed through, without a hearing, in a very nontransparent process, and it will be passed by attaching it to the popular concealed carry reciprocity bill which already has enough votes to pass on its own.
It takes literally ten minutes to read. It was approved in bipartisan committee by bipartisan vote. All part of the regular process.
(4) It spends over half a billion dollars to collect more names to include in a list of people who will never be allowed to own a firearm.
Historical data which was required in 1998, but sidelined due to lack of personnel/money.
>(5) It compels administrative agencies, not just courts, to adjudicate your second amendment rights
No it doesn’t. It requires administrators to comply with a decade old law. Reminder: it was lack of Federal Agncy compliance which lead to the Texas church shooting.
Full text of the bill:
>updates ten year old computer systems
>requires agencies to comply with the law
>provides funding to do it
Prove me wrong niggers.
It's hard to get reliable data on that subject.
Please take us back and ignore Trump, bongs
old Trump absorbs the powers of young Trump and BECOMES ETERNAL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP
The fish is pretty garbage though. Sometimes a fillet-o-fish are edible.
>CBS Sunday Morning segment features Warren Buffet eating fast food.
>They were happy and smiling the whole time.
>"Have you ever heard of a billionaire eating fast food? Now you have!"
>Meanwhile Trump gets chastised for eating fast food.
That's it. I'm done. I won't be satisfied in life until big media is dismantled. That is my calling, let it be so.
I have brought many great shame to my mcdonalds for not eating all bread, i beg you for forgiveness
Trump isn't a billionaire
All media are liars and should be removed
this is the most jewish brand of degeneracy and vileness.
>Idaho is so low
What goes on there?
Ah. Sucks.
Like clockwork these kikes throw each other under the bus kek