why do you choose a "political party" to represent you?
you do know group-think is a spook right?
why do you choose a "political party" to represent you?
you do know group-think is a spook right?
nice flag dummy
Forgot to change your memeflag from your last LARP, new friend?
when you're so independent that you use the nazi flag while larping as loli stirner
It serves my interests, so why not?
Show us your flag cuckie
Quintessentially /leftypol/.
This, actually. I'm pretty sure voluntary association is egoist.
More like mutual exploitation, but sure.
voluntary association is a fucking spook, idiot
I don't. Anyone who does is either a retard, on the payroll, brainwashed, or founded the party to begin with.
A USEFUL spook.
Those who can use spooks become masters.
Literally everything but killing yourself is a spook, in doing so you deny your being to others so they cannot exploit you.
So, you're saying non-mainstream views are better?
The label of 'master' is a spook too.
Labels in general are spooks too, I just do what pleases me.
>Implying you are using your party
>Implying your party isn't using your votes using vague promises that they rarely carry out as incentive for you
Basing your actions upon what you believe is the most free from the influences of spooks is a spook.
>leftypol larping as nazis
This is totally a new tactic that has never ever been tried before.
Eh, I never said it was ideal, I said it advanced my interests, as minimal as it was.
>why do you choose a "political party" to represent you
I don't, but not because of some retarded pseudointellectualist scare of "group-think"
I don't trust politicians of any type to represent my interests; that doesn't mean other people can't have their interests decently represented.
Try thinking about it for a moment rather than being an ironic 'tard with a nazi-memeflag
Daily reminder that individualism is for fags.
you do know stirner was a fucking retard right?
Is Stirner the new Nietzsche? Do teenage social outcasts read his wiki page and for some reason expand their already sizeable autism?
>when a stirner thread can be a spiderman thread too
>everything I don't like is a spook
>t. Stirner