Why does /pol love Russia so much?
Why does /pol love Russia so much?
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What is that, an image for ants?
>Sup Forums is one person
For me is not about liking. Its about picking the Country i like the best for the moment and since western world is complete shit i cant have my loyalty here.
Therefore im a Putin AI for the moment.
makes the right people angry
Putin defeated the western imperialist in syria, and he is a close ally to iran.
There's a lot of Russian influence on here. Same with r/_TheDonald
Basically this. Lesser nations like Denmark and Sweden needs a Great Power to seek protection from and Russia does seem to give their satellites more freedom than the USA and certainly more than the EU/Germany.
Alternatively the answer is self hating americans.
Mossad hates Russia. Sup Forums hates Mossad.
Useful idiots
Because they have the facade of bad goys.
Russia helped Trump get elected.
1) This is POL\ pol is shitesst part of 4ch.
2) 4ch loves homoniggers, copro, dismembering, futa raping.
3) POL\ more stupid and crazy than po\ of 2ch
4) Many pol crawlers has mental or psychiic disorder, belief in god, creation, flat earth.
In summary i can say you, love to Russia like coprophilia , and other funny shiiiiit from AIB.
A balanced view of Russia only seems unusual to people who have an unreasonably negative view of it.
Much of the media talks about them as though they're the Great Satan or something.
Those of us who have been there, or have a more objective view see it differently.
Nations have their good points and their flaws. Russia is no exception.
Fuck the elves here. Well, pohui, come all to us. We are good. And do not listen to Russian pigs unsubscribed above.
Because just like international Communist/Socialist movements used to be infiltrated and financed by Soviet, modern Nationalist movements are influenced and financed by Russia, which is why they are all against actually nationalist movements like Catalonia or the IRA (where culturally distinct people want the freedom to practice their own culture in their own nation, free from imperialist rule) since "Russia" includes a number of non-Russian ethnicities along their borders to act as buffer zones, which Putin don't want getting any ideas.
Thats your opinion. Be verry specific about that newfag. Youre not Sup Forums.
Those are not my opinions, those are facts, shillshit. Nice VPN by the way, too bad it didn't come with decent English.
Selfhating liberashkas.
someone cut off the eastern 2/3rds and give to mongolia?
I'd be happy with Russia then.
So now Putin is friends with the European right - the so-called Eurosceptics. An example is the support of Le Pen, the congress of the right in St. Petersburg.
He is not friendly with the European socdem.
Sorry for my English
Becuase Vladmir Putin personally paid me 6 million dollars to get bronald grumpf elected.
When did "not vehemently and irrationally hating" something become the same as "loving" it?
I'm indifferent towards Russia, the same way I'm indifferent about basically every country that isn't my homeland. The rest of the world can do what it fucking likes.
RussIan on holiday here.
I really don't get why you think that Russia is somehow a white man's paradise.
We basically have open borders policies with central Asia countries . Navalny wants to put a stop to this but he is a "western puppet" according to Putin's fanboys so that's a bad idea :^)
We are filled with turbo sluts and single mothers. Our divorce rate is like 50% same goes for abortion which is greater than any western country.
Alcoholism, drug addiction, STD's and suicide are rampant. They actually make look gay people like civilized individuals
The list goes on...
Sup Forums is flooded with Russian shills
Pretty much this. Why should I hate Russia?
Я пpocтo нe люблю ёбaнoe быдлo -_-
Hello, I work for the New York Times. Can I quote you on this, and do you have time for an interview?
I don't hate or love Russia because I don't know that much about it. Also, I've never even met a Russian person in real life.
What i like about russia is that they dont care about PC shit. I love it.
Shills do.
>Decent English
Undercover Brittmutt detected.
Everything you say is your opinion. Stuff like Catalonia, IRA is not racial/ethnic nationalism, it is more like left-wing identity politics.
I love russia because it is Finnish clay
They pay pretty well per post
You dont see as much degeneracy in Russia as you do the west
nice try ivan
The amount of people on Sup Forums who have even an inkling of international relations, and what is happening in the world is very low. Of course these idiots love Russia; they get all of their news from RT, and infowars
Fucking kek at this delusional statement. See how Russia treats nations that it has actual control over (cutting off energy in the middle of winter in Eastern Europe for example)
that disgusting LGBTQ like flag again
>Hey niggs, wanna know how to get Sup Forums to hate a country?
>Praise it
Divide et impera
Becuase /pol consists mostly of russians shills
Wew. Someone on Sup Forums who doesn't have their head in the sand
Because they're working to undermine and fragment the West, which is where you live
Slavic countries are less cucked then israel controlled ones.
why do faggots ask such boring thoughtless questions?
Tы и ecть ёбaнoe быдлo
I wouldnt say that its just the russians didnt flood their countries with 3rd world fiith
Because Sup Forums isn't the place for intelligent discussion
Sup Forums loves strongmen
Sup Forums hates gays
Sup Forums is full of Very Intelligent Posters from the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg
pretty simple really
I don't love Russia I just don't see it as a massive threat the way the Euroshits do
>implying money out of state budget gets spend on an vietnamese ricing forum
Enjoy, and there is a lot more analysis on this style of warfare that you can find
>when a turkish rug-weaving usenet group is the least policed and most influential entry point into the american/western political conversation
hi Vladimir
Well cited publication.
pic related
They’re on the periphery of Europe like us so they team up with us a lot. They were shithouses in the Cold War though.
>tfw no Russian gf from a small, poor town
why live?
Because when the media doesn't want us hanging out with the cooler older boy smoking a cigarette. We can think for ourselves, I know unbelievable right.
No one here has ever been there.
Sure. I mean what's there to say? I needed the money to feed my wife's son. He's a teenager so he eats a lot.
you shills go crazy literally every single time it gets mentioned
>politica think-tank
how trustworthy...
You're near China level media censorship, don't cry about sources. The only reason you can access Sup Forums is so Putin bots can shill to autists to spam stuff on twitter
Why faggots hate Russia.
-Supports Assad/Iran -Opposes ZOG
-Supports Nationalist parties who oppose mass migration in Europe(#1 issue)
-Think's it's the US's business what Russia does in E Europe(It's not). They've been in Crimea since the 18th century.
-Wants to lecture about Imperialism while raping middle east for kikes.
-Wants to promote degeneracy and faggotry because they are faggots.
-Opposes programs to increase white birth rates because they hate white Europeans.
-Wants to blame the wests ill's on Russia which has literally nothing to do with them.
your meme flag hides your aquafresh, Ivan
Faggot EU kike shill detected.
can you provide evidence other than intel-services-think-tank articles for that?
> near China level media censorship
still not as bad as EU
because we hate our governments and our governments hate russia.
Пoтoмy чтo cлaвянe oхyeннaя тeмa
Just search "russian hybrid warfare" and you will find enough information to keep you busy for months. Russia is actually much worse than the EU in terms of media censorship. You're almost as bad as China
Nothing I've stated is false
Well put Bong.
The same reason Sup Forums liked Shadow The Hedgehog
You forgot about muslims from south regions, my brother :)
>"russian hybrid warfare"
More like CIA amerikikes projecting how they conduct misinformation operations. It's funny how the media only talks about the russians doing it while the drug cartel, islamic terrorist funding CIA would never do such things apparently. :^) Take your fake news elsewhere, UN-kike.
because amerikikes want to suck up to russia to defeat china
>go to wikipedia page
>click on it
>freedom of expression in sweden "good situation"
>germany also
>media silent about most of the crimes comitted by immigrants
>absolutly marxist countries, gettin jailed for criticism about governement
>freedom of speech
made me chuckle
'free' is code for 'well behaved lemmings' in nuspeak.
Are you confusing "all of Sup Forums" with the useful Vatnik shills?
Only shills love Russia
We don't care if Russia is a dictatorship faggo. It always has been and we share similar goals with them right now.
All we care about is.
#1. Migrants out
#2. End to kike wars in ME.
#3. Degeneracy crushed.
If you homos want war with Russia so bad you should just go to Ukraine and get BTFO. You could have an amphibious landing of trannies in Crimea. That'll show old Vlady!!!
Bы oбa -eбaннoe быдлo
good word, thanks user, will use this
>Why does /pol
Because we are Russians and Russian spies mostly
Boomers and their kids still view Russia as the enemy because of the Cold War. Russia isn’t commie anymore so who gives a shit about them is my position. I literally care nothing about Ukraine/Belarus whatever. It’s all Russian in my eyes anyway.
>opposing Russian interests is begging for war
How's the weather in St. Pete?
>cutting off energy in the middle of winter in Eastern Europe for example
Could you provide any samples of it please?
this, orwellian speak in every NGO
their obsession for us might be a valid explanation for them stalking us and calling us vladimir in every rus-bread, so yeah, its love
I dont *love* russia but russia tends to care more about itself than trying to rule over everything like the EU does. Plus its anti SJW and diversity. So, yeah, imo its more or less on *my* side.
I don't. I just dislike western countries more.
>everything i dont like is fake news.
You can choose to be misinformed if you like. I guess it is an evolutionary trait for Russian's at this point
Sure, the USA does it to Russia also, but I'm not Russian, and I don't like the idea of allowing them to do it in Western nations because that is where I am from.
Fucking kek that you think you and Russia share the same goals. Russia loves the migrant crisis in the West because that's what is allowing them to so heavily subvert Europe currently.
Ending kike wars in the ME? We're fine with Russian wars in Eastern Europe though, right?
Degeneracy crushed... Lol? You should see how rampant corruption is in Russia. The reason they all have dash cams is because how corrupt their system is
Sup Forums is a board of love. Why shouldn't we love Russia? Why should we hate anyone? Love trumps hate, after all.
Why do you hate Russia, user? Why do you hate?
You can find it in the RAND publication. It happened twice with Ukraine iirc:
>Insults someones flag
>Is too scared to show his flag
30 years ago many people in west supported USSR too. We were really nice to them and called them enlightened and intelligent, but realistically we knew they're just a bunch of useful retards.