Well pol, why don't we start basing our values of off Star Trek? We could accomplish so much more and achieve a true utopia like in the show but you just want to squabble over stupid arbitrary differences between humans.
Well pol, why don't we start basing our values of off Star Trek...
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Well, at least she looks like a fucking alien.
>Star Trek values
Why are Millennials only able to understand the world through pop culture references?
Because they know other millennials will get their references.
Faggot Boomers started this shit and Gen Z is a bunch of faggot tranny kids
How early did you wake n bake to come up with this shit?
Globalists and liberals are already using Star Trek values in their positions of power, except it's not the Federation they're trying to create, it's the fucking Borg.
star trek is post scarcity, it's real easy to be the good guy and help everyone when there is zero fear of it effecting you and yours
science? LOL get money out of politics and then maybe we'll talk
Basing it on Star Trek is different from employing scientific minds. Star Trek was home to many political philosophies.
That being said, it's not a bad idea to get more science minded people in office. It doesn't directly translate to governance, but the business world picks up physics students left and right for their critical thinking skills. PoliSci majors have zero real world skills, and the only thing they can do is put on a suit and hustle about congress as an aide from 9-5 then get shitfaced with other skill less fools, pretending that they'll be a senator someday. I'm so fucking glad that the tax bill is going to make the moneylenders admit that not all education is equal
Have a eufenics war and then stop aid to inferior cultures like the the prime directive says?
Im all for it. LaForge was totally black, Riker was totally white. If we can keep that AND the uptopian star trek life style, then im in!
Star Trek is communist propaganda
Star Trek had fucking Eugenics Wars
Unironically >our girl
>claims to be the party of science
>claims there are more than 2 genders
Can only pick one.
because star trek values mean tolerating different societies and therefore it would mean abolishing the un as we know it and allowing patriarchy around the world
Is that the red haired chick from interstellar?
Star Trek society is based on the premise of futuristic nuclear power sources producing an immense amount of energy, and how that overabundance made away with economic conflict.
There were no gays and almost no blacks on Trek. Jewish values were mocked. Works for me.
Scientists are for doing science, not bullshit politics
They treat science like a religion, science is just study of nature FFS its not meant to be a philosophical doctrine
At what fucking time was this not the case?
She is not a biologist
>basing real life on fucking tv shows
if the goal of your political ideology ever includes the phrase "achieve a true utopia" then you're guaranteed to be selling bullshit.
and if your ideology includes phrases "like in the show" then you're probably not smart enough to watch Richard & Mortimer
Historical parallels and comparisions are so hateful (those fucking white men in history were soooo racist and misogynist) and imagining abstract situations is probably man-
or whitesplaining.
So I assume she has a degree in the sciences then? Or is this yet another liberal doing the, "Do as I say not as I am" bullshit?
You know if we had better scientific literacy among the general population that would be even better
The only way to have a Star Trek society is to get rid of poverty and solve all of the world's problems. Only then will people work for self-improvement. I don't think "certain" people would want to work after that though.
Maybe not, but this is a thing with all leftists:
>climate change is real! We have hard data that proves it
>biology is a social construct, there are no chromosomes that control whether you’re a boy or a girl, it’s all about how you feel!
So, rothschild is trying to "Meme" his red haired agents into positions of political authority based on the induced public perception that has been engineered over the past several years by movies such as interstellar and "The Arrival"...
Star Trek universe is still in a state of constant war, where entire planets are genocided on the whim of some pissed off alien (or human) in practically every episode/movie.
Fuck Star Trek.
Star Trek is a false utopia without even a basic market economy. Its society is fascist too. It's the phoniest scifi franchise in the world.
Star Wars is more realistic if you ignore the light sabers.
Ok, let's start with the eugenics war.
You mean like the federation that answers to no one and travels around the universe fucking with everyone in sight? I’m up for some glorious universal jihad!
> remove the only thing that allows the state to exist.
> obliviously makes the case for anarchism.
Statists are funny.
>muh tee vee show
Fuck that, somehow the blockchain will give us light sabers.
Aren't these the same scientists that have bamboozled everyone and still lie about the truth of human history and hide the ancient technology? They are in bed with the establishment corporate and government. I don't trust any of them.
Why stop there? How about Event Horizon values?
>Star Wars is more realistic if you ignore the light sabers
You wanna bet they haven't already developed quartz crystal sabers
I was just watching some TNG
Episode 6 or 7
>no crime at all
>everyone is fit and beautiful
>the entire planet has only white people
They knew.
yeah such science. I fucking hate these people so god damn much they make science look extremely bad and they dont even follow the scientific principles in the first place. Christians are a fucking retards but these idiots are on the same fucking level. I also bet this stupid cunt was just some fucking assistant. ME SCIENTIST ME ME ME SCIENTIST I PUT SHIT IN TUBE
So you're probably thinking that she's a biologist or an engineer, or that this article is "muh climate change" and she's at least a climatologist.
Nope. She studies fucking volcanoes. Yeah, no fucking shit people ignore your research, you retarded cunt, everyone does, it's a goddamn waste of time money. And it's especially sad given all of the actually useful applications of geology.
I enjoy a nice science fiction now and then, but fiction has no place in politics.
Why not Warhammer 40k values?
>it's a goddamn waste of time money.
Say that to all the people who live near volcanoes.
Space-communism didn't even work in goddamn fiction, either.
>the warp
>Say that to all the people who live near volcanoes.
They know what they are living near so they deserve what they get
It would actually be nice if our rulers understood science. They'd realize that genes are real, IQ is real and races are real. Most importantly, they'd realize that you can't replace your own people with Africans and expect anything good to come out of it.
The Federation is a post-scarcity society. That's why they get to play space commie (it still wouldn't work irl though). do milk pls
We already know how to measure volcanic activity and proper protocols for evacuation and what not. She's not a volcano safety expert, she's a volcano SCIENTIST. Studying and publishing on minutia that matters to no one
Millennials were a mistake
I think she's cute. Should shut the fuck up though.
No. They call us anti-science, but they're the ones that truly are. They've pozzed it with their Marxist/progressive/anti-white male agenda and now actual science and truth is taboo. Everything is so fucked.
Not even close to the same.
Originally, Star Trek was based on 1930's style technocracy, which was a scientific fascism.
In the 1970's there was a revival and redefining of technocracy ,which turned into a type of communistic form of science based government.
Most people don't understand that start trek is still based off of the 1930's version of a technocracy, and not the 1970's version.
Spoiler Alert: the Federation are the bad guys, always have been
>Pic related
She has horses, cats, dogs, a beaner husband, but oddly no children. Poor girl needs white sharia before her eggs dry up.
is she an israeli?
Because it was a shitty TV show that has at the best a dozen good episodes over all the series.
Grow the fuck up.
How about we base society on Thomas the Tank Engine or Thundercats?
No clue, the 56% meme is just the first thing that came to mind when I had seen her disgusting face.
What a lot of these people don't understand, even the writers and creator of star trek said it was just a TV show, and that shit would never work in the real world
>How about we base society on Thomas the Tank Engine or Thundercats?
I wouldn't mind one based on Wordgirl. Would be hilarious as fuck.
Normies wouldn't want to delve too deep into what Roddenberry really thought about things, considering Star Trek is crawling with Jews behaving badly.
>I decided to conclude our wide-ranging interview with an issue that had intrigued me since I began covering Jewish and Israeli affairs. I suggested that there seemed to be something almost uniquely Jewish about the flavor of the Star Trek universe. Roddenberry perked up. “How so?”
>“Consider,” I said, drawing upon long practiced Vulcan equanimity. “Earth has chosen a Federation as its greatest organizing entity. The Federation believes in outreach and mutual acceptance and respect as organizing principles. The peripatetic protagonists are tasked with the ongoing mission of wandering the galaxy. The second banana, hired because his unconventional Jewish face suggested alien qualities, used rabbinic gestures to convey salutations, and parsed the wild and wooly universe with the logic-bound aplomb of a Talmudic scholar.”
>I left unsaid that performers Bill Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and Walter Koenig, as well as producers Robert Justman, Herb Solow and Fred Freiberger and too many writers to name were all fellow tribesmen. Roddenberry, I concluded, must have been a philo-Semite of the first order to surround himself with so many Red Sea pedestrians.
>The congenial Roddenberry concluded what I later realized was a slow burn. “You Jews,” he snarled, “have a lamentable habit of identifying those characteristics in a society that you deem positive and then taking credit for inventing them”
The walking dead series has a good thing going.
We need strong leadership.
but tng is more than a dozen episodes, your logic is flawed
>you just want to squabble over stupid arbitrary differences between humans.
Because that is what humans do.
We are a selfish, stupid, anger/hate filled, shit species.
Face it our shit species will not be around 1000 years from now.
>Well pol, why don't we start basing our values of off Star Trek? We could accomplish so much more and achieve a true utopia like in the show but you just want to squabble over stupid arbitrary differences between humans.
Star Trek values only work due to the technology they have available. If we had the power generation of matter-antimatter reactions and matter synthesizers, then sure
The arrival, was one of charlie sheen's best movies.
>If we had the power generation of matter-antimatter reactions and matter synthesizers, then sure
Then we would use it to explore new worlds???
pic related.
Humans would use it fucking kill each other.
I hate most sci fi films and shows now
star trek is a military dictatorship that came about after eugenics, eugenic wars, dilithium technology, replicator and warp technology, and having learned not to give shit to inferiors
they're pretty much nazis with niggers.
yes you're right. Even Star Trek has a war involving those technologies where conveniently all the bad people die, AI-singularity is stoppered and genetic engineering of humans, cloning, etc. is outlawed.
it's only after they invent faster-than-light travel and come into contact with their first alien species do they explore space
Star Trek is a beautiful fantasy. I’d love to live in that world.
>we need for academist for basic science
>Same people who conveniently not look at diversity community studies, race studies, IQ studies, economics, private property rights, promiscuity studies, welfare/dysgenic studies, single mom outcome studies.
Yea but but but if we had a botanist who could identify 10000 kinds of plants we could be just like SWEDEN(pre-2012)
I wouldn't mind this actually, or really anyone from different career fields besides law or media getting into politics. Political office was never meant to be a career path and encouragaging professionals in different fields to enter office for a term would be beneficial. There should also only be a single long term for each office. Maybe 4-6 years and then you're done.
>star trek
wew lad, there's nothing scientific about star trek. They just used a fantastical futuristic setting as a way to make allegories of political issues and other stories. Any mentions of "science" are mostly just technobabble to explain plot devices, like being able to travel anywhere with warp drives and dilithium crystals.
i fucking hate this 'science' worship.
they never even specify which science, or what they mean by 'scientists'. it's always just general 'science'. who wants to be governed by overspecialised retards who know nothing about human affairs?
Is it odd that the best politicians Ron and Rand Paul are doctors?
Isn’t the federation in star trek facist?
Star Trek - They use brain washing, brain reprogramming, and cybernetic enhancements to force their citizenry to COMPLY with their laws, rules, and code of behavior. These are all required to live on the CORE WORLDS in Star Trek.
The further one lives from the core, the fewer such requirements are required until you are on the frontier, where no such things are required.
That Star Trek?
The one where they try to tell you there is no such thing as money, but they have it--- its just energy credits instead?
The one where they chip men into being properly "nice" and sucking dick if someone asks them to suck their dick?
Star Trek revealed that when core citizens join star fleet, Star Fleet turns down all their citizenry enforcement programming and neural implants so they can be effective Military personel. A benefit of an honorable discharge from Star Fleet is that they don't turn it all back on. So just to earn the right to FREE THINK, you got to spend a career in Star Fleet. Otherwise--- it's the high and forced narrow thinking for you!
Is this idiot prepared to be the first person to chip her brain and hand it over to the government? That's how its done, from birth, in Star Trek. And why they are so nice and law abiding.
>captain! Blacks I mean Klingons are committing murder at a significantly higher rate per capita than any other species
If they actually wanted a Star Trek government they'd be pro genocide of aggressive races
>Bring science back to Congress
By which she means gender studies, sociology, (((psychology))) and the othrt soft SJW (((sciences)))
>star trek gommunist fantasy
women were a mistake
Then we just be running around calling each other heretics and blaming everything
Gender is actually not determined by genetics. It’s a phenotypical trait, not a genotypical one.
Star Trek is still a scarcity based economy. It's that their citizens are chipped and neural programmed--- and have to have the occasional reinforcement neural programming as they age.
nice try Slaanesh
Star Trek values? As in The Eugenics Wars? This could get good.
Any source for this? Also I haven’t heard of 70’s technocracy. Can you give me a source of further information?
Is there a term to describe this? How there's science which is just a methodology of using empiric data to test hypotheses, and then there's the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE(TM)" crowd. You know, the types from reddit who farm for le upboats and watch Rick and Morty and Big Bang Theory. Teehee someone mentioned schrodinger's cat, I understood that reference!